

BWAO’s collection of previous project models was in a nomadic state and had always desired to find a home back into the hutong area. The project initiative started with the idea of bringing them back.
▼模型在胡同中的家,model house in hutong ©鲍威建筑工作室
▼区位图,location ©鲍威建筑工作室
No.28 is an independent courtyard that is sited close to the southern end of Nanbanjie Hutong. The only building in the courtyard is a single house that has five units, each of which is 3m in width and 7m in depth, a dimension rarely seen in courtyard houses. As a result, the clearance under the roof ridge reaches 5m in height, perfect for storage and display. The rest of the units are still occupied with local residents.
▼由庭院望向周围环境,surroundings from patio ©鲍威建筑工作室
▼由入口望向庭院,patio from entrance ©鲍威建筑工作室
▼屋檐细部,details ©鲍威建筑工作室
▼立面图,elevation ©鲍威建筑工作室
▼剖面图,section ©鲍威建筑工作室
The design responds to sectional and elevational challenges to hutong houses. Seven consecutive levels of planes are introduced into the space, forming multiple platforms for models display, bookshelves and working tables, a layout that is exhibition in section and office in plan. The facade is a single window that opens fully to the patio, forming a glass canopy that covers the ground plane, blurring the inside and outside. This final sectional array condition echos the roof curve that is typical of a courtyard house.
▼室内一瞥,a glance to the interior ©鲍威建筑工作室
▼立面窗户整扇开启,the single window is fully open ©鲍威建筑工作室
▼模型空间,model space ©鲍威建筑工作室
▼模型空间背后的办公空间,working space behind model space ©鲍威建筑工作室
▼办公空间细部,details ©鲍威建筑工作室
Several design decisions are made to a budget: the ground is infilled to a height with demolition debris; previous facade to the house is reused as frames for patio gate and fence; patio is paved with historical bricks recycled from a previous hutong project; the office stools are donated from a restaurant in the hutong that went bankrupt due to COVID. However, all these elements are reborn in the new project and add up to the richness of hutong story.
▼新旧元素,new and old elements ©鲍威建筑工作室
The newly renovated space debuted in Beijing Design Week 2021, providing exhibition space for a watercolor painter, fulfilling one of the scenarios that it was designed for. How it will be used otherwise, together with the rest of the courtyard when emptied out, is yet to be discussed in the years to come.
▼北京国际设计周展览,beijing design week exhibition ©鲍威建筑工作室
▼平面图,plan ©鲍威建筑工作室