WAY ARCHITECTS 哲迳建筑师事务所,由一群勇于突破常规的建筑师组成,将建筑视作有机生命体,通过“脉浩博,美型艺”设计法,激活项目内在创变基因,使建筑扎根于每个特定环境中,持续服务城市,守护使用者。 事务所坐落在岭南广州历史文化著名片区——东山新河浦,这里保留着民国时期的侨墅,有别于城市中大尺度的综合体,在这里能感受温暖的红砖以及南方湿润气候带来的绿意。我们植根岭南,深耕于粤港澳大湾区。 WAY Architects, consisting of a group of architects who have the courage to break through the conventions. They regard architecture as an organic living body, activate the inherent mutation genes of the project through their unique design method, make the building take root in each specific environ