OFIS Arhitekti
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Based in Ljubljana formed by Rok Oman and Spela Videcnik (1998)
OOIIO Architecture
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OOIIO is an international team of architects, designers and engineers engaged in finding this special “I don´t know what it is” that makes a work unique, exciting and able for transmit sensations on a way that a vulgar work will never get. In OOIIO we know that not every construction is architecture. We do architecture. OOIIO creative process is completely open and random. When we start a project we never know how it will end, what will come out, that’s why we introduced throughout the design process countless stimulus and references from any kind that may improve the final design. These are usually unexpected and we find them everywhere, like in the geometry of a mineral that seems attractive, a traditional dish of the place where the project is built, the shape and colors of a vase, a tree or a graffiti that we found painted on a wall.
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We are a young architectural studio based in Znojmo. We are interested in the space we inhabit. The main theme is for us a small town and its context.
Ora Ito
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Ora-ïto est le la­bel et le nom du de­sign­er français qui a créé à l’âge de 19 ans la toute pre­mière marque virtuelle. Né en 1977, cet artiste icon­o­claste s’est fait con­naître dans le monde en­ti­er à la fin des an­nées 90 en dé­tour­nant en 3D les pro­duits de gran­des mar­ques in­ter­na­tio­nales comme Vuit­ton, Ap­ple, Nike ou encore Bic. Suite à de nom­breus­es paru­tions dans la presse mag­azine, la fic­tion de­vient réal­ité lorsque des clients cherchent à acheter sur le marché ces pro­duits in­ex­is­tants. Les in­ter­nautes ne cessent de commander sur le ­site in­ter­net d’Ora-ïto, qui de­vient alors se­conde oeu­vre numérique ja­mais ac­quise par le Fonds Na­tio­n­al d’Art Con­tem­po­rain (FNAC).
Orma architettura
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L’empreinte architecture is not only the action of building, it is a clue. The L’empreinte marks, leaves a trace which crosses the passage of time. A witness to an era, a way of thinking, a way of living and looking at the world.
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