Ora Ito
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Ora-ïto est le la­bel et le nom du de­sign­er français qui a créé à l’âge de 19 ans la toute pre­mière marque virtuelle. Né en 1977, cet artiste icon­o­claste s’est fait con­naître dans le monde en­ti­er à la fin des an­nées 90 en dé­tour­nant en 3D les pro­duits de gran­des mar­ques in­ter­na­tio­nales comme Vuit­ton, Ap­ple, Nike ou encore Bic. Suite à de nom­breus­es paru­tions dans la presse mag­azine, la fic­tion de­vient réal­ité lorsque des clients cherchent à acheter sur le marché ces pro­duits in­ex­is­tants. Les in­ter­nautes ne cessent de commander sur le ­site in­ter­net d’Ora-ïto, qui de­vient alors se­conde oeu­vre numérique ja­mais ac­quise par le Fonds Na­tio­n­al d’Art Con­tem­po­rain (FNAC).
Orma architettura
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L’empreinte architecture is not only the action of building, it is a clue. The L’empreinte marks, leaves a trace which crosses the passage of time. A witness to an era, a way of thinking, a way of living and looking at the world.
Office S&M
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Established by Catrina Stewart and Hugh McEwen, Office S&M is an award-winning architecture practice working with a 50/50 split of public and private clients on individual homes, new-build housing, workspace retrofit and public realm projects.
Omer Arbel
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Based between Vancouver and Berlin, Omer Arbel cultivates a fluid position between the fields of architecture, sculpture, invention and design. Focal themes of his work include investigation of intrinsic mechanical, physical, and chemical qualities of materials and exploration of light as a medium.
Open AD
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Open AD is an architecture and design studio with a rebellious streak. Our key belief is that the best results lie outside the box, beyond definitions, standards and expectations. We’re happiest when challenged with projects, which demand advanced skill and experience, and allow us to flex our creative muscles. Anything that keeps us experimenting and evolving. If your planned project is purely functional, others will do better. With a portfolio spanning Riga, Berlin, Barcelona, Moscow and beyond, we’ve worked with private and commercial clients from a multitude of backgrounds, developing our cultural awareness and sensitivity. We have also established preferred methods, approaches and philosophies such as a deep respect for craftsmanship, and applying longterm thinking over trend-led decision making.
Oscar Niemeyer
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New direction of design
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