

Xan Padrón
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Xan Padr¨®n (Galicia, Spain 1969) is a Galician photographer, musician and composer

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X ARCHITEKTEN ist eine Gruppe engagierter ArchitektInnen, die in projektbezogener Arbeit konzeptionelle Positionen zur Gegenwartsarchitektur entwickelt. Als mathematische Variable steht das X f¨¹r Offenheit.

Xavier Font
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Xavier Font, MEng Civil Engineering and CEng MICE, founder and owner of Alfa Polaris, is a thirty year experienced engineer, skilled in regional planning, site development and structural and bridge design. For the last twenty-five years he has been involved in the design and construction process of more than thirty bridges, half of which have been built under his supervision. Some of his works have been given prizes by international engineering, architectural and restoration awards, and have been published in several books, magazines and web sites worldwide. He regularly give lectures on engineering at international conferences. From 2007 on he has encouraged the teaching of design in engineering education. He was founder and co-director of the postgraduate course and the undergraduate courses on Creative Engineering Design taught between 2008 and 2012; and from 2012 to 2015 he has been involved in the teaching of capstone design courses at the School of Civil Engineering of Barcelona (UPC). In 2015 he has established a strategic alliance, Ntropia, with Mario Guisasola, director and owner of the the Basque firm Anta Ingeniería Civil, to raise their competitiveness in the international market.