Felipe Hess
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巴西建筑师费利佩·赫斯(Felipe Hess ) 在他位于圣保罗青翠的 Jardim Paulistano 社区的家中休息,捕捉到了对世纪中叶现代设计的长期热情。打造了令人印象深刻的作品集——其规模、美学和意图的广度。
FC Studio
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FCstudio was founded by the architect Flavio Castro after he spent a 3 year period in Spain studying at the Catalunha Polytechnic University. Before that, he worked in several different national and international architectural firms such as MAB Arquitectura, Arteks Arquitectura and Hidalgo&Hartmann in Spain and N¨²cleo de Arquitetura, AR.CO., Funda??o MASP and MMBB Arquitetos in Brazil. He has also taken part in many architectural competitions in collaboration with the above-mentioned firms and also on his own. At the moment a multidisciplinary team that is put together according to the characteristics and complexity of the projects and the collaboration of associated architects staffs the studio. The architectural projects designed by FCstudios reflect our vision of architecture and the new trends of contemporary lifestyles that reflect the constant human changes
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FCstudio鐢卞缓绛戝笀寮楁媺缁村ゥ路鍗℃柉鐗圭綏锛團lavio Castro锛夊垱绔嬶紝FCstudios璁捐鐨勫缓绛戦」鐩弽鏄犱簡鎴戜滑瀵瑰缓绛戠殑鐪嬫硶浠ュ強鍙嶆槧浜虹被涓嶆柇鍙樺寲鐨勭幇浠g敓娲绘柟寮忕殑鏂拌秼鍔裤€
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New direction of design
Matizar e República
Apartamento VB
Felipe Pacheco Arquitetos
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Felipe Pacheco Arquitetos é uma empresa focada em projeto arquitetônico e gerenciamento de execução de obra para espaços comerciais e corporativos, com trabalhos em diversos estados do Brasil (RS, PR, SP, RJ, MG e PE). Desde o ano 2000 integramos planejamento e construção para atender às necessidades de cada projeto, das necessidades técnicas e operacionais ao detalhamento sob medida. Quando requerido por nossos clientes, desenvolvemos estudos de viabilidade antes da locação ou compra de imóveis, para orientá-los às escolhas adequadas. Desenvolvemos layouts e projetos arquitetônicos executivos para obtenção de orçamentos detalhados junto a todos os fornecedores, sejam de materiais e/ou serviços. Coordenação de projetos complementares (cabeamento de dados e elétrica, prevenção contra incêndio, ar condicionado, etc.) também está no escopo de nosso trabalho. Adotando o sistema "turn-key", concebemos espaços de excelência, que traduzem imagem, missão e filosofia de nossos clientes, sempre de acordo com cronograma e orçamentos predefinidos. (...) Felipe Pacheco Arquitetos is focused on architecture planning and build-out of commercial and corporate spaces, working in multiple Brazilian states (RS, PR, SP, RJ, MG and PE). Since year 2000 we bring together planning and build-out management to meet each project's requirements, from identification of technical/operational needs to final custom-made detailing. We develop feasibility studies to guide our clients on either leasing or buying spaces. After that, we design preliminary layouts and executive architectural plans, in order to obtain detailed budgets by suppliers, either of materials and/or services. Coordination of all suppliers' services and complementary plans (data/force cabling, fire extinguishing, air conditioning, etc.) is also in our scope of work. Adopting a turn-key system, we conceive excellence to spaces that translate our clients' mission, philosophy and image, always accordingly to predefined timeline and budget.
Flavio Castro
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New direction of design
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New direction of design
Flávia Franco
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Knowing how to deal with different points of view and propose creative solutions, bringing all personalities back to the projects, has always been a strength of the office. The office was born with the purpose of emphasizing details to the eyes and developing authentic projects, which convey the personality of each client through textures, colors, light and materials. Working in an extroverted way, motivated and willing to go beyond architecture to seek a design that best fits the lifestyle of our customers, will always be our goal.
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