伦敦 Bandol 餐厅

2015/12/15 05:26:33
England Bandol restaurant
设计团队:Kinnersley Kent Design
伦敦 Bandol 餐厅-6
伦敦Kinnersley Kent Design室内设计团队,最近在Chelsea的好莱坞大道打造了一个70座的Bandol餐厅。这个餐厅的特色之处,包括用黄铜和仿旧的橡木制成的家具摆设,钢铁、混凝土、砖块和烟熏玻璃搭建的结构,还有人造灯光,以及餐厅中间那棵大大的橄榄树。站在餐厅的入口处,人们就能对里面的一切陈设一目了然。
挂壁式的铜质餐桌上方,是定制的铜管吊灯。餐厅酒吧区里的一切厨具和家具产品,都来自于著名的家居品牌Normann Copenhagen。照亮酒吧区的,是24盏款式不同、大小各异的玻璃吊灯。酒吧的区域很明显,因为设计师在古橡木做成的地板上,铺了一圈六边形的瓷砖以示分区。主要就餐区里悬挂着的铜质大吊灯,更是让整个餐厅显得无比温暖。
London design studio Kinnersley Kent Design, have recently completed Bandol, a new 70-seat restaurant on Chelsea’s Hollywood Road, featuring copper, distressed oak, steel, concrete, brick, smoked glass and artful lighting, as well as a large central olive tree.When you first enter the restaurant, you have a clear sightline through to the back of the space.
The cantilevered copper tables are lit by custom copper pipe pendant lights.The bar area within the restaurant is home to seating from Normann Copenhagen.The bar area is lit by a display of 24 glass pendants of varying sizes, types and lengths.The flooring is aged oak, with hexagonal concrete tiles that surrounds the bar.Copper pendant lighting in the main restaurant space continues the feeling of warmth throughout.
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