


There are some spaces that just hit you right at the bottom of your ribcage. It’s that punch you feel as you suck in air. This space does that. Leaves you sucker punched. And for an entirely empty apartment, that’s some feat.
Located in Valencia in Spain, this striking, sexy, seductive and incredible space is the work of Antonio Salinas. The interior designer calls it an apartment, neigh a flat. But it’s far more than that. This beautifully executed masterpiece is an ode to Venus. To call it a mere flat makes it mortal. And this is certainly not.
Two colours. Navy and white. And, oh my, what Salinas has managed to do with them. This ‘empty space’ emits longing, beauty, depth, character, loss, love, gains, romance, and complete and utter submersion.
“A place bare of objects but full of life. There are times that require the exercise of stripping spaces to achieve its essence,” said the designer.
Make no mistake; the apartment overlooking the Gran Via Valenciana has been stripped bare. But even in it’s bareness it is layered and our senses are heightened. The simple dignity of the white architraves and doors against the navy blue walls. The sophistication of the pressed ceiling painted to almost midnight black. The floors… oh my… the floors.
This apartment has the most incredible floors. Designed to feel as though you are walking on water, the shimmering blue-black depths call to you, mesmerise you and finally seduce you. “The character of the space is really marked by the play of reflections and contrasts in continuous movement,” says Salinas.
But it is the light that is the protagonist of this piece. It is the fundamental element that gives life to the different rooms, modifying each space, creating a different atmosphere as the day progresses. The intense blue, almost black at times, becomes an iridescent landscape as the different quality of light throughout the day modifies the colours of the space.
[Images courtesy of Antonio Salinas. Photography by Mayte Piera.]