

设计为满足新消费主要人群,传承流转,艺术元素。空间整体设计围绕核心居住体验出发,空间更趋于开放和多元,形式被弱化。It is designed to meet the main groups of new consumers, inherit and transfer artistic elements. The overall design of the space starts from the core living experience, the space tends to be more open and diversified, and the form is weakened.
客餐厅 | The restaurant客厅空间的设计,通过块面和线条的塑造使其更具包容性。占据整体居所视觉中要的,是电视背景墙现代的设计手法,体块的切割与拼接,让形式具有层次的变化。The design of living room space makes it more inclusive through the shaping of blocks and lines. What occupies the vision of the overall residence is the modern design method of the TV background wall, and the cutting and splicing of the blocks make the form have hierarchical changes.
厨房 | kitchen开放的厨房,让需要长时间待在餐厅的人,不被空间所割离,让任何活动是能被看到,能被关注到的,同时,随时的互动可能也让交流更畅快,陪伴更轻松。家的关系因空间更为融洽合理。The open kitchen allows people who need to stay in the restaurant for a long time not to be cut off by the space, so that any activity can be seen and noticed. At the same time, the interaction at any time may also make the communication more enjoyable and the company more relaxed. The relationship between home is more harmonious and reasonable because of space.
主卧 | Master bedroom主卧空间秉承着简洁、雅致的特色,有序不紊乱的传达自在随性的细节设计,无论是从色调、材质、比例、功能上,以干净纯粹的视觉感受,给予居住者沉稳又舒适的休憩空间。Adhering to the characteristics of simplicity and elegance, the master bedroom space orderly and disorderly conveys the free and casual detail design, giving residents a calm and comfortable rest space with a clean and pure visual feeling in terms of color, material, proportion and function.
儿童房 | Childrens room童年的梦宛若浩瀚星空,充满无尽的想象力。在儿童房中, 蓝灰色是主调,每个小细节构成别样和谐有趣的生动画面,为空间带来源源不断的生命力。Childhood dreams are like a vast starry sky, full of endless imagination. In the childrens room, blue and gray is the main tone,Each small detail constitutes another harmonious and interesting vivid picture, which brings endless vitality to the space.
卫生间 | Toilet卫生间满足日常洗漱之外,也是释放情绪的地方。如同水流纹路般的瓷砖铺设而成的空间,干净整洁的大理石灰台面,温润质朴的柜门,呈现出轻松静谧的氛围,身处其中,再多的疲惫都能被治愈。In addition to daily washing, the bathroom is also a place to release emotions. The space paved with ceramic tiles like water flow lines, clean and tidy Dali lime countertops and gentle and simple cabinet doors present a relaxed and quiet atmosphere. No matter how tired you are, you can be cured.