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LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect

2022/02/25 10:47:29
We were set to design a house for a three-generations family with different lifestyles between the family members. While the grandparents are used to the traditional Vietnamese lifestyle, the married couple and their children are familiar with the modern way of living in foreign countries. The elders in this family have been living in this area for a long time and have a strong connection with the neighbors and interact with their acquaintances daily while their children and grandchildren only travel to Vietnam a few times per year so big spaces to accommodate a large family gathering as well as multiple social events is a must.
▼项目概览,brief view of the project ©Nguyen Tuan Nghia – Nam Nguyen
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Because of the difference between the family members’ lifestyles, ages and personal needs, we need to create various spaces that meet these requirements. It is important to form large communication spaces that can open up and close down flexibly and also can connect effectively with the nature surrounding the house and the courtyard which was brought under a wide veranda.
▼与自然连接的建筑空间,architectural space connected with the nature ©Nguyen Tuan Nghia – Nam Nguyen
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The whole residence provides its residents all their basic needs and being divided into three living blocks, two sleeping blocks on the side of the structure, guest rooms at the back of the house while in the heart of the house is the big kitchen and dining blocks, which serve as the main communication space and connect all other areas.
▼厨房和餐厅,kitchen and dining space ©Nguyen Tuan Nghia – Nam Nguyen
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LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-12
▼起居空间,living space ©Nguyen Tuan Nghia – Nam Nguyen
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LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-15
▼楼梯连接起居室和上层卧室 staircase connecting the living room and the bedrooms above ©Nguyen Tuan Nghia – Nam Nguyen
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▼楼梯细部,detail of the staircase ©Nguyen Tuan Nghia – Nam Nguyen
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LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-20
In terms of architecture design, we, the architects, keep asking ourselves about how to design a massive structure but somehow it still blends in well with its surroundings. From afar, the large structure can only be distinguished by the outline of the roofs on the two levels. The building blocks hide under the roofs and create voids that connect the internal spaces with its inhabitants and the nature surrounding them. The main materials being used in this work are concrete and natural wood. The bare concrete surface and the wood pattern aims to create a rustic and natural feeling but still ensure the elegant and comfortable of the modern lifestyle. This construction is also special because of its sophisticated roof structure that goes beyond the structural system which gives the building a gravity redefining look. The thin and light canopy running along the length of the building creates a wide, open porch filled with green nature, and under the 30 meters long canopy there is no sign of any structural column. In front of the kitchen blocks is a wide, open porch, the residents can sit on the porch or in the kitchen and admire the blue sky under the trees or feel the rain falling outside on a rainy day.
▼厨房体块前的门厅,porch in front of the kitchen ©Nguyen Tuan Nghia – Nam Nguyen
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LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-25
▼屋顶下的体块,volumed unde the roof ©Nguyen Tuan Nghia – Nam Nguyen
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▼客厅外的门廊,porch outside the living block ©Nguyen Tuan Nghia – Nam Nguyen
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▼悬浮的顶棚,canopy goes beyond the structure ©Nguyen Tuan Nghia – Nam Nguyen
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▼门廊中的活动空间 activity spaces in the porch ©Nguyen Tuan Nghia – Nam Nguyen
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LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-34
▼室外旋转楼梯 outdoor spiral staircase ©Nguyen Tuan Nghia – Nam Nguyen
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▼可以完全打开的折叠门,模糊室内外界限 fully opened folded doors blurring the boundary between the interior and the garden ©Nguyen Tuan Nghia – Nam Nguyen
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▼木制立面与混凝土顶棚 wooden facade and the concrete canopy ©Nguyen Tuan Nghia – Nam Nguyen
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▼洒满阳光的走道,corridor filled with sunlight ©Nguyen Tuan Nghia – Nam Nguyen
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LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-43
During the construction of this house, most of the pre-existed pine tree forest remained untouched. While the building was designed in a way that its structure spread out in different directions horizontally, it still left room for the pine trees to thrive and underneath the existing pine forest, this house is surrounded by its own gardens.
▼建筑体块 与保留的松树,building volumes and restored pine trees ©Nguyen Tuan Nghia – Nam Nguyen
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LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-48
▼住宅被花园环绕,house surrounded by the garden ©Nguyen Tuan Nghia – Nam Nguyen
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▼夜景,night view ©Nguyen Tuan Nghia – Nam Nguyen
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▼区位图,location ©Nghia-Architect
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▼总平面图,site plan ©Nghia-Architect
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▼一层平面图,first floor plan ©Nghia-Architect
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▼二层平面图,second floor plan ©Nghia-Architect
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▼立面图,elevation ©Nghia-Architect
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▼横剖面图,cross section ©Nghia-Architect
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▼剖面图,sections ©Nghia-Architect
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LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-67
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-69
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-70
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-71
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-72
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-73
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-74
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-75
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-76
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-77
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-78
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-79
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-80
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-81
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-82
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-83
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-84
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-85
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-86
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-87
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-88
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-89
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-90
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-91
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-92
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-93
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-94
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-95
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-96
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-97
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-98
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-99
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-100
LP 别墅 · 与自然融为一体的三代同堂住宅丨越南丨NghiaArchitect-101
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