知末案例   /   景观   /   城市规划   /   Mecanoo


2017/09/06 12:15:19
在Mecanoo architecten的设计中,十二座塔楼高耸入云,立体的人行网络遍布其中,配以美丽葱郁的城市公园,赋予了深圳北站商务区独特的魅力。这次开发与深圳北站以及地铁站整合在一起,包括办公,零售,公寓和酒店等功能,总建筑面积高达136万平米,
With a scheme of twelve staggering skyscrapers, an elevated pedestrian network and a beautiful green urban park, Mecanoo architecten gives the Shenzhen North Station business district a distinct character. The 1,36 million square metres development encompasses offices, retail space, apartments and a hotel, integrated with Shenzhen North railway and metro station.
▼区域一览,overall view of the district
▼区域一览 – 站前广场,view from station plaza
Public park
The proposal aims to create a strong identity for the neighbourhood. The main buildings of the business district are set around a central urban park and vary in height between 278 and 428 metres. By situating the transportation nodes on the subterranean levels, the public park appears as an open green space, something the area currently lacks.
▼景观平面,建筑围绕中央公园设置,landscape plan, central park surrounded by towers
▼开阔的绿色空间,open green space
Pedestrian network
The two-level plinth merges with the design of the park through an intricate network of overpasses, ramps and landscaped platforms that seamlessly weave into the urban setting, offering safe and comfortable access routes to the railway and metro station. Commercial areas face the park in order to generate a lively public space. The elevated pedestrian network connects all towers of the Shenzhen North Station business district, creating a comfortable small-scale atmosphere that reinforces the sense of a neighbourhood. Water features give the urban park a special character, offering cool places where people can relax, meet, and engage in leisure activities.
▼立体人行网络,水景穿插其中,elevated pedestrian network with water features
Facade system
Rather than define the exact shape of the towers, the design establishes rules which ensure coherency yet encourage a degree of variation. The smart facade system of glazed, angled elements offers diversity to support the different programmes and respond to the orientation while ensuring the overall appearance.
▼立面图,不同塔楼互有差异,上窄下粗,elevation, the towers vary from each other with setbacks on the upper part
▼立面幕墙变化丰富,various appearance of the buildings
The towers are conceived within a system of equal setbacks so that the top two-thirds have a smaller footprint than the bottom thirds. The result is an ensemble of towers that respond to each other’s shape, allowing open views and daylight optimisation. From a functional perspective, the variation in perimeters provides better accommodation of the mixed-used programmes. The hotel programme is placed in the upper part of the tower, whereas the programmes that require maximum flexibility, like department stores, congress centres and open-plan office spaces, are incorporated into the base. The setbacks also allow for the creation of roof gardens, which – together with interior sky gardens at some of the higher levels – integrate the urban park design into the buildings.
▼退界形成屋顶花园,roof gardens generated by the setbacks
▼夜景,night view
▼总平面图,site plan
Programme: Urban design for 1,36 million m2 development with offices, retail, apartments and hotel, underground parking, connection to public transport hub, design public space, 1st Prize Competition
Design: 2017
Client: Government of Longhua District / Urban Planning, Land & Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality, China
Facade Consultant: VS-A.KR + VS-A.HK, South Korea and Hong Kong
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