

The building sits on a dune system that is separated from the beach by a sand base that reaches thirty metres in height. This is an isolated and unique building, half buried with respect to the highest points of the site, in this way seeking its own place in the landscape. A geometrically complex floor, intercepted by a homogeneous section, creates the interior spaces needed to house a small museum dedicated to the marine world.
▼建筑外观,exterior view
▼复杂多变的平面与倾斜的屋顶通过片段式的轮廓衔接起来,为建筑的一侧赋予了独特且不规则的形态,the expressiveness of the floor, at the intersection with the inclined plane, is manifested on the roof by means of a broken edge that draws the volume of the building
▼建筑体量半埋于地下,the half-buried volume
The entrance hall is accessed by means of a portico at the start of the long hall to which are connected several adjacent rooms dedicated to specific issues related to the sea. From this said hall -lit from below by light reflecting off the water the visitor accesses the other complementary spaces. The return route runs through the large room by means of a somewhat elevated walkway, which allows for a better view of the exhibits. It will only be at the end of the tour when the visitor discovers the linear pool of water in which the light is reflected.
▼入口门厅,entrance hall
▼展览空间,exhibition hall
▼室内水池,indoor pool
▼室内细部,interior view
▼户外平台,outdoor space view
▼参观终点处的水池,linear pool of water at the end of tour
▼水池近景,general view of the pool
▼水池细部,detailed view
The formal and functional diversity of the different areas that make up the Centre are unified by a roof that, with its distinct slopes, establishes relationships with the surrounding dune landscape. The expressiveness of the floor, at the intersection with the inclined plane, is manifested on the roof by means of a broken edge that draws the volume of the building.
▼屋顶与周围的沙丘景观形成联系,the roof establishes relationships with the surrounding dune landscape with its distinct slopes
▼场地平面图,site plan
▼首层平面图,ground floor plan
▼结构剖面图,structural detail
Client: State-owned enterprise EGMASA
Address: Carretera A-494 Km 51, Doñana National Park. 21760 Almonte. Huelva, España
Typology: Landscape, Museums & Galleries, Research
Status: Built
Collaborators: Belén Rivera, María Arboledas Cique
Lightning design: GADIAN
Landscape:Lado Verde, Ricardo Librero
Model:Queipo Maquetas
Fotografía: Duccio Malagamba, Fernando Alda, Fotowork (model)
Ingeniería de estructuras: Tedeco Ingenieros
Ingeniería de clima: GADIAN
Survey: Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos
Control de Obra: Análisis de Edificación y Construcción
Constructoras: EGMASA