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Camp Mare港口城市更新

2018/09/26 16:29:31
该项目位于韩国的统营市新区Camp Mare。该场地原为造船厂遗址,设计团队通过对这几个工业遗产的再次利用,同时加入一系列新的建筑和设施,打造出全新的集工艺、旅游、研发和生活于一体的城市中心。
Camp Mare is a new district in the city of Tongyeong (South Korea). Located on the site of a former shipyard, it celebrates its heritage by reusing several of the industrial structures at the same time as introducing a range of new programmes and buildings to create a hub for craftsmanship, tourism, research and development, and living.
▼Camp Mare旧船厂地区城市更新平面图,the masterplan of Camp Mare former shipyard area urban renew
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该获奖提案由HENN主导设计,并与Posco A&C,Metaa,Inwooplan Landscape Architects,Siteplanning Architects,SLA Engineering&Architecture,Deloitte Anjin和Yooshin Engineering Corporation设计公司合作完成。整个竞赛一部分由韩国LH公司支持推动,同时该竞赛也属于韩国振兴沿海城市发展战略的一部分。其他的竞争对手还包括Foster + Partners,Samoo Architects&Engineers,Junglim Architecture,KCAP International B.V.和AECOM。
The winning proposal was developed by HENN, acting as the design lead in a consortium with Posco A&C, Metaa, Inwooplan Landscape Architects, Siteplanning Architects, SLA Engineering & Architecture, Deloitte Anjin, and Yooshin Engineering Corporation. It was part of an international competition promoted by the Korean LH Cor- poration as part of South Korea‘s national e ort to develop key coastal cities by means of tailored revitalisation strategies. Other competitors included Foster + Partners, Samoo Architects & Engineers, Junglim Architecture, KCAP International B.V. and AECOM.
▼场地周边示意图,schematic plan
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Camp Mare场地北边邻水,而南边毗邻风景如画的Mireuk山。设计团队构想了两个直线型的海滨扩建地带,并涵盖曾经的造船厂地区,将南部的山地景观通过两个公园与海滨区域相连。整个项目分为5个不同的区域,每个区域都有自己独特的特点,由不同的设施和建筑构成,它们将整个热闹的公共海滨地带连接起来。
▼规划中5个不同的区域组成,5 different areas in the plan
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Camp Mare‘s site is bordered to the north by the water and to the south by the picturesque Mireuk Mountains. The waterfront is extended by the addition of two rectilinear bays that carve into the dockyard. The mountainous landscape in the south gets connected by two parks to the waterfront. The project is divided into 5 distinct dis- tricts. Each neighbourhood has its own unique character, resulting from a mixture of programmes and buildings. They are all connected by a lively public waterfront.
▼更新后的港口鸟瞰,the aerial view of the port after regeneration
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▼昔日造船厂改造为全新城市广场,the former shipyard was transformed into a new city square
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▼南部的山地景观通过两个公园与海滨区域相连,the waterfront is extended by the addition of two rectilinear bays that carve into the dockyard
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统营市一直作为制造型城市存在,这也成为了Camp Mare项目设计的出发点。该项目融入了城市的传统工艺、烹饪文化和造船传统,并通过引进新技术、研究设施、文化活动、旅游景点等,重新激活这一片的海滨生活。该规划还包括 “12所学校”项目,这些学校将成为推动创新的标识,为整个城市和地区创造一个全新的工业生态系统。每个区域内都包含多所学校,每所学校的教育都将关注工业循环的各个阶段:研发、设计、生产、测试、营销和销售。Camp Mare最终将成为统营市一块五彩缤纷、充满活力的新区,将为城市的再生与未来发展奠定基础。
▼规划中包括 “12所学校”的项目,the overall program consists of the so called “12 Schools”
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Tongyeong’s identity as a maker city is the DNA of Camp Mare. It borrows from the city’s traditional arts and crafts, its culinary culture and its tradition in shipbuilding. This rich heritage is complemented by the introduction of new technologies, research facilities, cultural activities, touristic attractions and waterfront living.The overall program consists of the so called “12 Schools”. Their goal is to drive innovation and to generate a new industrial ecosystem for the city and region. Each neighbourhood houses multiple Schools. Each of them revolves around the stages of an industrial cycle: research and development, design, production, testing, marketing and sales.Camp Mare is a dynamic, colourful, and lively new district in Tongyeong. It sets the basis for the regeneration and future development of the city.
▼港口新区夜晚,the new urban port at night
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Competition:1st prize 2018
Client:Korea Land and Housing Corporation
Architect:HENN + POSCO A&C Co., Ltd.
Project partner:METAA Co., Ltd. Siteplanning Architects Co., Ltd. SLA Engineering &Architecture Co., Ltd. Deloitte Anjin LLC. YOOSHIN ENGINEERING CORPORATION
Location:Tongyeong, CN
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