

桑德拉·戴·奥康纳法学院(Sandra Day O ‘Connor College of Law)通过在凤凰城市中心建造的一个全新的现代化设施——Beus法律与社会中心(Beus Center for Law and Society),重新塑造了传统的法学院学习体验。法学院迁往亚利桑那州立大学中心校区,为凤凰城法律和刑事司法社区提供了有益的方案,并成为推进学院教学使命的独特机会。Beus法律与社会中心希望设计成为一个制度革新的机构,致力于教育学生和公民,让他们了解法律在塑造公民社会中的重要性。这栋占地26万平方英尺的六层建筑代表着最为先进的设施,由来自Ennead Architects事务所的Tomas Rossant和Jones Studio合作完成。学院提供公共利益法律诊所和全国第一个非营利性教学律师事务所,旨在于将法学院打造成连接先进的法律学术和社区的责任的渠道。
The Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law reinvents the traditional law school experience through the construction of a new, modern facility, the Beus Center for Law and Society, in the heart of downtown Phoenix. The relocation of the law school to this area of Arizona State University’s downtown campus provides beneficial programmatic adjacencies to the Phoenix legal and criminal justice community and unique opportunities to advance the College’s pedagogical mission. The Beus Center for Law and Society is designed to act as an institutional change agent, dedicated to educating students and citizens on the importance of the law in shaping civil society. The six-story, 260,000-square-foot state-of-the-art facility, designed by Tomas Rossant of Ennead Architects in collaboration with Jones Studio, repositions the law school as a conduit for connecting the school’s progressive legal scholarship with its commitment to the community by providing services like a public interest law clinic and the nation’s first not-for-profit teaching law firm.
▼外观一览,overview ©Bill Timmerman
▼临主街立面,elevation along the main street
▼临景观花园立面,elevation along the garden
The building design was conceived and developed with openness to the public in mind and creates a unique urban environment that encourages vibrant connections between ASU, the College of Law and the local downtown Phoenix community. A north-south “slice” through the courtyard massing creates an inviting and active public space with a pedestrian pathway that brings individuals directly into the central core of the law school, exposing them to the main lobby and three double-height spaces located at the heart of the building. These three spaces are stacked vertically and serve as the core of the College, with the Great Hall on level one, the main library floor on level three and an outdoor courtyard on level five. Library stacks and study spaces extend up to the upper levels and serve as the primary circulation paths, which promote intellectual and social interchange between students, faculty and visitors. The “slice” through the building is stitched together by open-air walkways that bridge east and west and provide access to a suspended double-height reading room at the north and two stories of think tank space at the south.
▼“切片”塑造出首层公共空间,the “slice” makes a public space for the first level
▼首层内部巨大的公共空间,the large public space on the first floor
▼巨大的媒体显示器在公共空间迎接学生,the large media display welcomes students at the public space
▼大厅前宽敞的双折叠式大门模糊室内室外的空间界线,the expansive bi-folding glass door at the front of the Great Hall blurs the line between indoor and outdoor space
▼连接东西方向的露天人行道,the walkways that connects the east and west buildings
▼悬挂式双层楼高的阅读空间,the suspended double-floor high reading room
在整个过程中,可持续性是一个关键的驱动设计的因素。主建筑立面的自遮阳锯齿形结构由亚利桑那州砂岩和铝制窗组成,根据太阳的方向、窗口大小和功能需求进行变化。立面由单元化构件组成,在工厂组合好,以达到热学表现的更高标准。经过高度隔热处理的墙和屋顶也有助于提高建筑外壳的效率。在机电方面,该建筑采用了节能技术,包括冷却梁和地板下的置换冷却。因此,相比于在ASHRAE 90.1-2007标准下的基本楼型,该建筑将预计减少37%的能源消耗。适应沙漠生长的植被和水景使得整体景观生动起来,有利于减少场地上的灌溉需求。
Sustainability was a key design driver throughout the process. The self-shading, saw-toothed configuration of the main building façade, comprised of Arizona sandstone with aluminum and glass windows, changes in response to solar orientation, window size and programmatic requirements. The façade is unitized and factory assembled, both to assure quality and to achieve a higher standard of thermal performance. Heavily insulated walls and roof also contribute to the efficiency of the shell. Mechanically, the building incorporates energy- efficient technologies, including chilled beams and under-floor displacement cooling. Consequently, the building is expected to reduce energy consumption by 37% compared to a baseline building, per ASHRAE 90.1-2007. Desert-adaptive planting and water features activate the landscape, helping to minimize on-site irrigation demands.
▼立面的设计为了达到更好的热学表现,the facade is designed for better thermal performance
Other design features include an innovative retractable seating system in the Great Hall that allows the space to be converted from an everyday tiered arrangement to a more formal auditorium configuration. Unlike traditional retractable seating where the chairs and tiered platform are attached and both retract together, the design team developed a motorized tray-like system that allows for each row of auditorium chairs to be deployed independently and concealed within the individual tiers. When the chairs are in their retracted position, the tiered array of wood steps serves as a unique social space and interior landscape that encourages interaction. The expansive bi-folding glass door at the front of the Great Hall blurs the line between indoor and outdoor space, providing flexibility while offering a unique civic space to the downtown Phoenix community. Its welcoming gesture of openness clearly communicates and embodies the overarching mission of the College of Law’s new home as a place where the study and practice of law and society converge. In an area of downtown newly invigorated with the addition of retail spaces, a bookstore and an independently owned and operated café, a large interior media display projects out towards Taylor Street and 1st Street and activates the street, featuring upcoming events, current legal topics and other programmable content that informs and reminds the public of the many ways law shapes society.
▼大厅中的伸缩座椅,在日常情况下成阶梯式;the retractable seating in the Great Hall remains as tiered seating for daily uses
▼两层高的图书馆,提供极佳阅读体验;the double-ceiling high library provides a better reading experience
▼藏书空间与团体学习室;the archive space and group study room
▼会议室,the conference room
总设计团队:Ennead Architects设计合作伙伴:Tomas Rossant AIA管理合伙人:Timothy Hartung FAIA项目经理:Felicia Berger AIA,LEED AP项目设计师:Brian Masuda AIA项目建筑师:M. Gregory Clawson友邦保险,LEED BD + C项目组:Michael Caton,Alfonso Gorini,Wanlika Kaewkamchand,Eliza Montgomery,Adam Sheridan,Natasha Skogerboe,Brent Stringfellow,Margaret Tyrpa,Joanna Williams
当地建筑师:琼斯工作室首席设计师:Brian Farling AIA负责人:Neal Jones AIA,LEED AP项目组:Jacob Benyi,Dan Childers,Eddie Curiel,Melissa Farling,亚伦福布斯,罗伯赫夫,艾迪琼斯,乔安娜努南,比尔奥斯本,玛丽亚Salenger,埃里克沃森
顾问团队结构:Buro Happold EngineeringMEP / FP:Buro Happold Engineering照明设计:Buro Happold Engineering可持续性:Buro Happold Engineering景观:科尔韦尔谢尔风景园林民用:Dibble工程土工技术:Ninyo&MooreAV /电信/声学:McKay Conant Hoover Inc.,JBA Consulting Engineers,Inc.图形:Poulin + Morris,Inc.代码:Hughes Associates成本估算:工程造价管理顾问(CCMC)停车:沃克停车顾问规格:建筑规格公司渲染器:Atchain施工经理:DPR施工
Design Architect and Architect of Record: Ennead ArchitectsDesign Partner: Tomas Rossant AIAManagement Partner: Timothy Hartung FAIAProject Manager: Felicia Berger AIA, LEED APProject Designer: Brian Masuda AIAProject Architect: M. Gregory Clawson AIA, LEED BD+CProject Team: Michael Caton, Alfonso Gorini, Wanlika Kaewkamchand, Eliza Montgomery, Adam Sheridan, Natasha Skogerboe, Brent Stringfellow, Margaret Tyrpa, Joanna Williams
Local Architect: Jones Studio
Lead Designer: Brian Farling AIA
Principal-in-Charge: Neal Jones AIA, LEED AP
Project Team: Jacob Benyi, Dan Childers, Eddie Curiel, Melissa Farling,
Aaron Forbes, Rob Huff, Eddie Jones, Joanna Noonan, Bill Osborne, Maria Salenger, Eric Watson
Consultant Team
Structural: Buro Happold Engineering
MEP/FP: Buro Happold Engineering
Lighting Design: Buro Happold Engineering
Sustainability: Buro Happold Engineering
Landscape: Colwell Shelor Landscape Architecture
Civil: Dibble Engineering
Geotechnical: Ninyo & Moore
AV/Telecom/Acoustics: McKay Conant Hoover Inc., JBA Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Graphics: Poulin + Morris, Inc.
Code: Hughes Associates
Cost Estimating: Construction Cost Management Consultancy (CCMC)
Parking: Walker Parking Consultants
Specifications: Construction Specifications Inc.
Renderer: Atchain
Construction Manager: DPR Construction