

The start of 2020 will go down in history. A pandemic that caught the world off guard is a reminder that sometimes things are beyond our control.
As designers, we are quite familiar with this concept as we hone our skills through unexpected obstacles. Sometimes we even come up with better ideas with tough challenges. But when a project is stopped, there is bound to be something that hit us just as hard as a pandemic. We have learnt to cherish the process because we always discover something new. Let us share with you our experiments for an unbuilt project.
文化渊源 HangzhouCulture
左:接天莲叶 Left: Lotus by Vo Danh on Unsplash
右:氤氲朦胧 Right: Hazy Hangzhou by Jea Jhom on unsplash
良渚文化Liangzhu Culture
A corporate pavilion plays an essential role in propagating the company history and culture. Commissioned to design a brand exhibition for China Resources, Lukstudio explored how to express the company essence with space and materiality.
In the middle of a sales center, without any natural light, the exhibition space is 4.5 meters wide, 10 meters deep and 8 meters high. Given a pre-established circulation, the entrance of the showroom is on the side of the 10m-deep room, and the exit directs visitors to the development masterplan model area.
02 Concept
- 灵感来源
Inspired by how droplets of water over time could transform stone into jade – a metaphor for the cultivation of a corporate identity, Lukstudio explored a series of spatial narratives with ’water and stone’.
03 Research
Can water be expressed by lighting?
Wonderglass, designer Tao Namura, Paris Design Week, 2016, ©TaoNamura
How can a space convey fluidity?
Pietra Serena, floors of all Apple stores,
How can timeline and information integrate in an immersive and interactive experience?
A life spent in uncharted waters of boat design, © Kotaro Horiuchi
04 Experiments
A Sinuous Partition of Water Bottles
How can an exhibition space represent the sustainability pursuit of a conglomerate?
We found out that C’estbon mineral water is actually a brand under the CR corporate umbrella, so we composed a sinuous space of flowing partitions made of recycled bottles.
Floor Plan平面图
Although CR Group was intrigued by the sustainable concept of reusing water bottles in an installation, the use of plastic bottles was not in line with the mid-to-high-end corporate image that CR Group was trying to convey, so this planunfortunately was not adopted.
Experiment 实验 2:
Various exhibition areas were carved from an array of walls as voids. Visitors were guided through a series of arches along a continuous stairway. At the highest platform, one could look within a self-illuminated globe for a hidden message. A dreamy path of exploring the unknown in one’s pursuit.
Floor Plan平面图
Although this option diverted from the ’water and jade’ original concept, our team could not resist to give it a try. The client agreed that arches and voids create a soothing exhibition atmosphere and the different levels ensure a discovery full of spatial surprises. However, considering the cost and time of installing all the additional structures, the project team had to abandon this idea.
Experiment 实验 3:
Gems in a Waterfall瀑布宝石
This experiment was trying to create the experience of walking within a waterfall where a few ’milestones’ exhibit the development of the corporation and present its outlook. The sinuous water curtain guides visitors through a chronological promenade at the entrance, while curls into an immersive space at the exit.
Floor Plan平面图
This ‘water and stone’ proposal got us closer to the final approval. After communicating with the client, more display surfaces should be provided, therefore we replaced the individual ‘milestones’ into a curved wall.
The final proposal expresses stone as a travertine topography, extending the “hua” meaning in CR Group’s Chinese name. Travertine, as a crystal of essence in water, is an abstraction of accumulation.The exhibition space took on an undulating stacking form.
Pamukkale Denizli City photography,
Floor Plan 平面图:
Renderings 效果图:
Stepping into the space, the curvy walls on both sides indicated the existence of an organic scenery. The layered ’stone’ partly retracted and partly protruded, creating a spectacular multi-zoned display area. The translucent ’water curtain’ starts right above the entrance as part of the waterwall, then gradually lifted to guide visitors through. Together with dim lighting and water dripping sound, Lukstudio would like to instill the feeling of being inside a natural cave.
With the cambered opening shaped by the ’watercurtain’, the visitors were brought to the ultimate immersive space. The area was enveloped by several layers of ’water curtain’, ascending as they approached the center. A soft ambient light flowed through the layers from top to bottom, producing a hazy atmosphere. A round plinth with a screen was placed in the center like a carved boulder, echoing with the round source of light above.
The selection of materiality was simultaneously ongoing as the proposal developed. Given the temporality of the project and its limited construction budget, efforts have been made to find recyclable and low energy-emboddied materials. The wall was to be stacked of versatile wood boards, finished with white stucco paint to simulate the stone layers. The floor conceptually as part of the travertine should look like stone as well. Taking sustainability into consideration, a new material made by laminated strawboard became the final choice. The surface texture and white finish of the strawboard achieved a similar effect to the ’travertine wall’. Solid acrylic tubes were selected to create the ‘water curtain’, for its stiffness, transparency.
Model 模型:
As you can see, even for a small space of 45 sqm, Lukstudio strives to scrutinize all the possibilities, communicates endlessly with the client to push for the most ideal spatial experience. Although this small project now only exists on paper, we have gained new ideas and insights that will influence our future projects.
Stay Tuned
项目团队: 沈思韵、丁怡人
Project info:location: Exhibition Space, Sales Center, Hangzhou
net area: 45㎡
architect and interior designer: LUKSTUDIO
director: Christina Luk
design team: Melody Shen, Yiren Ding
scope: interior design, lighting design & exhibition graphic design
material list: solid translucent acrylic tubes, laminated strawboard, white stucco paint
design period: 2019.04 - 06