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闹中取静的光之间隙 | 乐纯三里屯店设计解读

2018/12/14 17:42:02
闹中取静的光之间隙 | 乐纯三里屯店设计解读-0
Anyone who has been to Beijing would know that Sanlitun is an active area popular for its commercial activities. Waves of retail spaces come and go, and a flow of consumers constantly searching for the next talking points. In response to the hustle and bustle, Lukstudio has created a minimal cafe for the yogurt brand LePur, aiming to provide an alternative spot for the hyper-stimulated crowd to take a break.
闹中取静的光之间隙 | 乐纯三里屯店设计解读-3
The site is on the ground level at the corner of a white mid-rise building known as the Nali Patio. Its signature façade consists of a series of round protrusions. Working with the challenge of unchangeable openings along the street, Lukstudio has envisioned a site-specific concept based on the existing pattern of light and shadow.
店铺位于一幢名为 “那里花园” 的中层建筑地面层的东南转角。该建筑外立面由一系列白色外凸半圆形体块造型构成。由于原有外立面门洞无法移位,芝作室将这一限制转化为契机,将场地现有的光影模式转译成为空间概念。
闹中取静的光之间隙 | 乐纯三里屯店设计解读-6
concept diagram 概念图
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While the original site is conveyed as a rectangular grey box differentiating from its curvy context, the openings are treated as interstices within the box letting natural light in.
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闹中取静的光之间隙 | 乐纯三里屯店设计解读-13
The paths of light are further heightened by the use of white surfaces, stratifying the irregular plan into orderly zones. Each interstice serves a different purpose: a window seater, a shop entrance, a grab ’n’ go station and two public entrances to the overall building, while the grey zones embody the cafe functions such as a bar, waiting and seating areas.
空间设计运用白色材质强调光的路径,将原本不规则的平面划分成井然有序的区域。每一道“间隙“ 各承担不同的功能:一组沿街座位,一个店铺主入口,一个外卖站以及一个通入建筑内部的入口;而灰色体块则承载了吧台,等位,用餐体验等店铺基础功能区。
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闹中取静的光之间隙 | 乐纯三里屯店设计解读-17
闹中取静的光之间隙 | 乐纯三里屯店设计解读-18
To convey the idea of purity related to the meaning of the brand name, the shop is manifested in a restrained palette of colors and materials. The boxes are cladded in grey terrazzo from the exterior façade to the interior surfaces, while the interstices are expressed in white terrazzo flooring and painted gypsum ceiling. In cases where the “paths of light” run through a table or hit a wall, the demarcation continues through the objects or extends onto the vertical surface.
为了传达与品牌内核相呼应的“纯粹”理念,整个店铺以内敛的色彩和材料来呈现。“灰色体块”运用灰色水磨石对外立面及室内表面进行包覆的方式体现,而 “光的路径和间隙”则为白色水磨石地铺和白色石膏板天花。为了体现 “光线”会穿过物体以及“投射”在墙面上,空间中的家具和垂直面也同样运用了灰白材质分界的效果。
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闹中取静的光之间隙 | 乐纯三里屯店设计解读-22
闹中取静的光之间隙 | 乐纯三里屯店设计解读-23
The cafe is divided into two main sitting areas catering to different visitors. The waiting area and the group seaters at the front provide a relaxed environment for casual meeting; the orderly booth setting at the back room exudes a more solemn atmosphere and is ideal for self-reflection.
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Mirrors in pairs are used strategically in both areas, adding a visual dimension to the tight spaces. At the back room where light is deprived, Lukstudio introduces an array of light on the wall to echo the overall spatial concept. With mirror lining the ends of the room, these thin interstices appear to progress into infinity. Together with the wooden pews and matching tables, a sense of worship fills the small room. A screen is incorporated at the mirrored wall where videos or messages could contribute to the ambience.
镜面材质被巧妙分布在两个休息区的不同位置,在视觉上增大了狭小空间的尺度。在体验式用餐区,芝作室将镜面材质运用在空间的前后,反射效果使白色“间隙“在空间中无限延伸。此外,在前方的镜显玻璃后还设置了屏幕,能播放视频或传递信息,使这空间得以更灵活地配合不同的活动。由于缺乏自然光照条件,芝作室在墙面 ‘引入’ 了 一系列光束,在增加照度的同时也回应了空间设计概念。定制木桌椅以朝圣空间中的家具为灵感而设计,为这小房间增添了独有的仪式感。
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闹中取静的光之间隙 | 乐纯三里屯店设计解读-35
Lukstudio believes that every site has its potential to be special, even one with a rigid structure, low ceiling and minimal light exposure. By being mindful to the site characteristics and reverting to the fundamental architectural relationship between mass and light, Lukstudio has revealed the integrity of this location and created a memorable spatial identity for the café.
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闹中取静的光之间隙 | 乐纯三里屯店设计解读-39
floor plan 平面图
the interstices
Lepur Yogurt Cafe
location: L1 Nali Patio, 81 North Sanlitun Rd., Chaoyang District, Beijing
net area:
- 110㎡- architect and interior designer: LUKSTUDIO- director: Christina Luk- design team: Yiye Lin, Ryan Wu, Yiren Ding, Kevin Yang, Leo Wang, Melody Shen, Wendy Zhang- scope: façade design, interior design, millwork design & lighting design- material list: grey and white terrazzo, grey stucco paint, wood veneer panel, stainless steel, mirror screen, white coated metal, aluminum composite panels- lighting fixtures: Great Lighting- design period: 2018.02 -2018.05- construction period: 2018.05 - 2018.07- construction: Shanghai Maichang Construction Project Co., Ltd.- photography: CreatAR Images
地点: 北京三里屯北路81号那里花园一层
室内面积: 110平方米
建筑与室内设计团队: LUKSTUDIO芝作室
项目团队: 林溢晔、吴正豪、丁怡人、王峰、杨轶超、沈思韵、张雯雯
设计期: 2018 年2月到5月
施工期: 2018 年5月到7月
摄影: CreatAR Images 清筑影像
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