

位于福冈市中心的天神商务中心是推动天神地区开发计划(Tenjin Big Bang)的主导建筑,标志着该地区将逐渐成为亚洲商业中心以及新型创业城市的开始。在纽约OMA团队Shigematsu先生的指导下,为其打造了以像素为特色的建筑立面,并将外墙分解成人性化的尺度。Curiosity团队被邀请负责该项目的室内设计,包括主中庭、入口大厅以及建筑内的公共空间。
Tenjin Business Center in the center of Fukuoka is the building leading “Tenjin Big Bang”, initiative marking the start of the district’s formation into an Asian business hub and start-up city. The pixelated façade created by OMA New York under the direction of Mr. Shigematsu breaks down the facade to a human scale.Curiosity was invited to design the interior: the main atrium, entrance lobby, and public spaces within the building.
The building unique function that will host start-up and world-leading companies from finance and high tech, inspired the interior theme. The blue pixel in the center of the atrium is a large glass cube that symbolizes the technology and digital future of the Tenjin companies. The Tenjin Business Center is a preview of future offices that infuse a strong sense of creativity and optimism that will reflect on the people working within.Visible from the outside through the façade, it becomes a strong focus point and icon of the building connecting to the pixelated facade theme. The warm glow of the atrium visible in transparency through the pixel facade by OMA. The digital and futuristic feel is harmonized by a subtle play of floating vertical lightings that cast around the main atrium and the different areas of the building.
View from the inside to the blue glass cube
View from the below to the blue glass cube
The vibrant and warm interior is created by the wall covered with bronze color metallic mesh that creates a soft and surprising feel to the public spaces. The vibration created by the metallic mesh wrapped the entire atrium, covering walls and windows in a play of transparent and solid composition. The dialogue between the industrial touch of the metal and the digital sensation of the blue glass honor past and future industries.
▼电梯厅,The elevator hall
二层大厅,在有序排列的垂直照明之下,一系列精心挑选的艺术作品完善了整个室内设计的主题。丹尼尔·布伦(Daniel Buren)的代表作被放置在这里欢迎访客的到来。悬挂在半空中的雕塑感艺术品,凸显了主要大厅区域。蓝色玻璃立方体内的二层大厅也被丹尼尔·布伦的艺术作品点缀的更为出色亮眼。
Arrival to the upper lobby floor, in a sequence generated by continuous vertical lightings. A carefully curated selection of art pieces completes the interior theme. Daniel Buren graphical signature piece welcomes the visitor on the upper floor. Suspended in mid-air, a sculpture highlights the main lobby area in a graphical and sculptural composition. Upper lobby within the blue glass cube highlighted by the Daniel Buren art piece.
Buren graphical signature piece welcomes the visitor on the upper floor
▼艺术品近景,Detailed view of the artwork
A unique collection of furniture was developed for the Tenjin business center, produced in collaboration with Cassina. Ixc. A challenge in the present time is to create intimacy and privacy within public spaces with a sense of refuge. The iconic shape of the vertical elements provides independence and privacy and becomes part of the interior composition.The tilted-shaped sofa creates an intimate setting and interaction between the people. An unusual salon typology is created by surprising angled shape sitting, inviting the visitor to relax and enjoy the place, suggesting communication between the visitors.
▼特别定制的家具为人与人之间的互动创造了机会,The featured furniture creates an intimate setting and interaction between the people
The iconic vertical sofa scattered in various places
▼家具近景,Detailed view of the featured furniture
▼项目夜景,Night view of the project
▼地下二层中庭平面图,B2F plan-atrium
▼地下一层中庭平面图,B1F plan-atrium
▼一层入口中庭平面图,1F plan entrance-atrium
▼二层前台区域平面图,2F plan-reception area
▼二层电梯厅&走廊区域平面图,2F plan-EV Hall&corridor
▼标准层电梯厅&走廊区域平面图,Standard floor plan-EV Hall&corridor
▼19层走廊区域平面图,19F plan-EV Hall&corridor
LOCATION:1-10-20, Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka city, Fukuoka pref., Japan
DATE OF COMPLETION:September 30, 2021
DATE OF OPEN:October 4, 2021
TOTAL:59480.00 m2
ARCHITECTURE:Nihon Sekkei / Maeda Corporation
CONSTRUCTION:Maeda Corporation
LIGHTING:Lighting Planners Asociates Inc.
ART:Daniel Buren
FURNITURE:Cassina Ixc.