

Project Overview and Concept
项目位于宁波市鄞州区核心地段,是一处被时尚商业综合体环绕的城市公园,地处轨道交通的黄金焦点,并设有地铁站点。设计方案以“TOD 导向下的活力绿核”为理念定位,旨在营造一处集视觉享受和生态休闲为一体的记忆性景观地标。提供多样化的场所选择,无论是静谧休憩,还是探寻文化,都能在这里找到属于自己的空间。漫步其中,悠然自得,潺潺的流水,绿色的植物,清新的空气带走生活的琐碎和疲劳。
The project is located in the core area of Yinzhou district, Ningbo city. It is an urban park surrounded by a modern commercial complex, as a prime location of transportation hub and has metro stations.
The design is planned with the concept of “green core of vitality”, aiming to create a memorable landscape landmark involving visual enjoyment and ecological leisure. With diversified space choices and beautiful landscape curves, visitors can find space to meet their own needs whether it is longing for tranquility or exploring culture. One can feel a sense of leisure and satisfaction walking in the park where the gurgling water, green plants, and fresh air will take away the trivialities and fatigue of daily life.
▼区域鸟瞰,bird eye view of the area
现状问题与开发策略 Problems and Development Strategies
The original site has problems of chaotic traffic flow organization, low crossing efficiency, lack of vitality in space, and lack of features in the interface, which did not bring out the true value of the plot. Our design organizes three-dimensional circulation by integrating the upper and lower transportation hubs to construct an ecological drainage system, and incorporate public services and entertainment facilities. Finally, through the creation of an independent design language and theme color system, the park stands out from the complex business circle and acts as a “processor” of the transportation hub, which also becomes the vitality core and spiritual landmark of the area.
▼设计策略,design strategy
▼小空间轴测图,axonometric drawings of different spaces
The concept of flow runs through the design as a whole. The space design method utilizes more relaxing curves instead of straight lines. At the same time, many different types of ornamental grasses are used in the plant configuration to delineate the boundary and also play the role of softening the space borderline which is full of rustic charm. Moreover, through the design of different walking paths, the flow of people in the park can produce diversified interaction in different spaces.
▼鸟瞰河滨空间,bird eye view of the waterfront area
建成效果 Effect after completion 永泰公园作为协调城市形态和场所功能的媒介,以自然、绿色的人文生态系统为主导,创造丰富的都市公共空间体验,既体现了场地所赋予的独特界面,也获得了经济发展与市民生活的平衡,使景观成为解决城市基建与发展扩容问题的实践先驱。
Yongtai Park focuses on natural and green oriented ecological system, creating a rich urban public space experience, which not only reflects the unique interface of the site, but also achieves a balance between economic development and enjoyment of citizens. The landscape becomes a medium organizing the form and function of the city.
▼公园内的运动空间,sports spaces in the park
Design achievement
High interconnection: REC (Regional Exchange Center) promotes efficient interconnection of urban public transportation, and three-dimensional traffic flow planning optimizes walking experience (improvement of slow traffic accessibility, active design of walking priority, and all-weather experience upgrade).
▼公园主入口,main entrance of the park
▼地铁出口,exit of the subway
Added value: The only open green space in the area makes up for the shortcomings of the area, strengthens the agglomeration effect of the business district with a unique image design, and increases the value of the surrounding areas.
▼公园绿地,green spaces in the park
Enhanced interaction: Arrange diversified functions and perfect service systems in the park to meet the differentiated needs of various groups of people, and realize the upgrade of community interaction.
▼公园游乐设施,play-spaces in the park
塑精神:运用高辨识度的形态与色彩构筑城市地标,重塑区域 IP。
Strengthened spirit: Use highly recognizable forms and colours to build urban landmarks and reshape regional IP.
▼公园内的休闲装置,recreational spacesin the park
▼休闲空间夜景,night view of the recreational space
▼入口空间夜景,night view of the entrance
▼夜景鸟瞰图,night view of the whole park
▼地下一层平面,underground floor plan
▼建筑一层平面,first floorplan of the building
设计单位:宁波城建设计研究院有限公司 · 丰盛景观
设计时间:2018 年
建成时间:2021 年
摄影版权:Holi 河狸景观摄影、蒋闻捷
所获奖项:2022 世界景观建筑奖(WLA Awards)荣誉奖、2022 美国 MUSE 设计奖(MUSE Design Awards)金奖