

“飞机阵队”(Formation)是由美国艺术家Mark Reigelman专门为圣地亚哥国际机场设计的永久装置作品。
Formation is a permanent site-specific installation located at San Diego International Airport by American artist Mark Reigelman.
▼装置外观,exterior view
Mark Reigelman’s Formation punctuates the façade of San Diego International Airport’s parking structure with vibrant colors and energetic patterns. As travelers exit the main Airport Terminal they are greeted by massive graphic tapestries on the adjacent Parking Structure. Upon closer inspection, travelers find that each of the three screens that make up the work are composed of hundreds of individually-cast resin airplanes meticulously strung onto Stainless Steel aircraft cables. Formation is uniquely site-specific, in that it weaves together the histories of aeronautical innovation in the region through the specific aircraft models represented with the fiber arts and crafts traditions of indigenous peoples of the American Southwest.
▼三幅彩色“挂毯”点缀着机场停车楼的立面,three tapestries punctuate the façade of San Diego International Airport’s parking structure
▼每张“挂毯”由数百个树脂飞机在航空钢索上串连而成,each of the three screens are composed of hundreds of individually-cast resin airplanes meticulously strung onto Stainless Steel aircraft cables
构成三幅挂毯的飞机经过了精心的挑选,它们与圣地亚哥的历史有着密不可分的关联:蓝色的飞机叫做Ryan NYP(通常被称为圣路易斯之魂);粉色的是Convair 880 ,该型号曾被猫王(埃维斯·普里斯利)用作私人飞机;柠檬黄色的是NF 106-B,曾专门用于研究。这三个型号的飞机均是在圣地亚哥设计、制造和试飞,它们象征着圣地亚哥航空史的过去、现在和未来。
Each of the three tapestries was specifically selected because of its strong connection to the San Diego region. The Ryan NYP (blue), more commonly known as The Spirit of St. Louis, the Convair 880 (pink), which is the same model that Elvis Presley used as his private jet and named Lisa Marie, and the NF 106-B (lime), which was used exclusively for research, were all designed, developed, prototyped and first flown in San Diego. Collectively, these three aircrafts symbolize the past, present and future of aeronautical history and achievement in San Diego.
▼蓝色的Ryan NYP飞机,the Ryan NYP
▼粉色的Convair 880飞机,the Convair 880
▼柠檬黄色的NF 106-B飞机,the NF 106-B
▼单独塑形的树脂飞机,individually-cast resin airplanes
Images of Formation can be found online at
Artist(s): Mark Reigelman II
Title: Formation
Date: 2018
Dimensions: Each of 3 screens is approximately 30′(h)x 15′(w) x 6”(d).
Weight: Each of 3 screens weights approximately 1,200 lbs.
Materials: High Impact Urethane Resin, High Performance Acrylic Urethane Paint, Stainless Steel Cable and Hardware, Mixed Media
City/State: San Diego, California
Location: San Diego International Airport
Commissioner(s): San Diego County Regional Airport Authority
Arts Program Manager: Lauren Lockhart
Structural Engineering: Watry Design, Inc.
Fabrication: Demiurge and Stratasys
Installation: Demiurge
Photo Credits: Pablo Mason / Mark Reigelman II