
2022/07/16 20:50:38
▲ACMI 入口
在一个被 COVID-19 大流行病改变的世界里,ACMI 的目的比以往任何时候都更有意义,因为屏幕在连接我们的社会和社区方面发挥了卓越的作用。
Unique in the museum landscape in Australia, we celebrate the past, present, and future of the moving image and its profound impact as it transports, challenges and entertains people of all ages and backgrounds, right across the globe. In a world transformed by the COVID-19 pandemic, ACMI’s purpose becomes more relevant than ever as screens take the pre-eminent role in connecting our society and communities.
▲ACMI 夜景
由 LAB 设计的 ACMI,全称澳大利亚活动影像中心,是澳大利亚所有美术馆或博物馆中参观人数第二高的博物馆,也是世界上参观人数最多的运动图像博物馆。位于墨尔本联邦广场的中心,ACMI(前身为澳大利亚移动影像中心)庆祝世界上最民主的艺术形式的奇迹和力量--培养下一代的制作者、参与者和观看者。ACMI 充满活力的展览、放映、委托、节庆以及行业和教育项目,探索创造我们共同的屏幕文化的故事、技术和艺术家。
Designed by LAB, ACMI, known as the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, is the second most visited museum of any gallery or museum in Australia and the most visited museum of the moving image in the world. Located in the heart of Melbourne’s Federation Square, ACMI (formerly the Australian Centre for the Moving Image) celebrates the wonder and power of the world’s most democratic art form - nurturing the next generation of makers, participants, and viewers. ACMI’s vibrant exhibitions, screenings, commissions, festivals, and industry and education programs explore the stories, technologies, and artists that create our shared screen culture.
ACMI 是一个创新的、充满活力的、以表演为导向的文化企业。虽然它属于维多利亚州的公共部门,但它却是自主经营的。在诸多创新理念与发展的结合下,ACMI 的收藏不止有丰富的展览品,还有许多助教娱乐的活动。其中就不乏有面向社会各个年龄段的学生、年轻人、亲子可以共同体验的项目活动。
At the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, anyone who comes to see the show can leave an exclusive mark. ACMI is an innovative, dynamic, performance-oriented cultural enterprise. Although it is part of the Victorian public sector, it is self-owned and operated. With the combination of many innovative ideas and developments, ACMI’s collection is not only rich in exhibits, but also in many activities that help teach and entertain. Among these are programs for students, young people, parents, and children of all ages to experience together.
学校假期研讨会 School Holiday Workshops
ACMI 广受欢迎的学校假期研讨会在这个冬天又回来了!
通过 ACMI 丰富的有趣和有吸引力的工作坊项目,让孩子们的手和脑都忙起来,同时也教授重要的 STEAM 技能。
这些假期,孩子们可以学习创建一个成功的 YouTube 视频背后的技能,学习惊人的 TikTok 视频的特效秘诀,或者探索如何制作一部电影杰作。
年龄较小的孩子可以加入我们,学习如何使用 iPad 制作大片。
ACMI’s ever-popular school holiday workshops are back this winter! Keep young hands and minds busy with AMCI’s rich program of fun and engaging workshops that also teach important STEAM skills. During these holidays, children can learn the skills behind creating a successful YouTube video, learn the secrets of special effects for amazing TikTok videos or explore how to make a film masterpiece. Younger kids can join us to learn how to create blockbuster movies using iPads.
青少年制片体验 Junior Make a Movie
Does your child love movies? Now they can learn to make their own and star in them! Your kids can take the first steps on their filmmaking journey with this hands-on creative workshop designed for lower-middle primary ages. Our experienced staff will guide your kids to plan and create a short film using only a tablet. From planning a story to shooting and editing, kids will participate in all aspects of movie creation while making new friends along the way. They will also learn skills to continue their exploration of movie-making at home with their own devices.
艺术+电影 奥斯卡的遗产|受菲辛格影响的电影人 ART+FILM: Oskar’s Legacy | Filmmakers Influenced by Fischinger
Who are some of the outstanding works of VCE-accredited students this year? See how the artistic and creative energy of young people can collide to produce outstanding work, and how they use art and design to explore and understand the world around them.
▲光艺术 Highlights
由英国泰特美术馆策划并从其著名的收藏品中提取的《光》。来自泰特收藏的作品庆祝了 200 多年来艺术史上的突破性时刻,以及通过绘画、摄影、雕塑、绘画、装置和移动影像来利用这一元素力量的艺术家。
Curated by Tate in the UK and drawn from their prestigious collection, Light: Works from Tate’s Collection celebrates groundbreaking moments from over 200 years of art history, and the artists who harnessed this elemental force through painting, photography, sculpture, drawing, installation and the moving image.
在 ACMI 使用属于你的镜头 Using your Lens at ACMI
▲Using your Lens at ACMI,体验你的博物馆屏幕文化
镜头是一个自由的手持设备,可以让你收集 ACMI 新的中心展览《移动影像的故事》。展览中可以发现全新的艺术作品和物品。你所收集的东西将被策划成一个在线收藏。你可以深入了解你最喜欢的博物馆部分背后的故事和想法,并发现新的电影、电视节目、电子游戏和艺术,以观看、播放和体验。
This exhibition of feature photographs presents Ashley Gilbertson’s requiem for pre-pandemic New York, as well as a love letter to those who have persevered. These visually striking portraits of New York tell the story of a person, a city, and a nation with a diary-like quality.
王家卫影院爱与霓虹Thecinemaof Wong Kar Wai
"电影之所以如此有吸引力,如此迷人,是因为它不仅仅是一个一加一的过程,它是声音、文字、思想和图像之间的化学反应。" - 王家卫
What makes cinema so attractive, so fascinating is that it’s not just a one plus one process, it’s chemistry between sound, words, ideas, and image. – Wong Kar Wai
澳⼤利亚移动影像中⼼(ACMI)Gross floor area:7,000㎡
▲AMCI 入口
澳大利亚墨尔本(1998 年至 2002 年)
总面积:7,000 平方米
预算金额:7 千 8 百万澳元
▲AMCI 内部空间
ACMI 负责澳洲境内以及全球环境下在展览、事件、教育等各方面活动影像的促进活动。其设施包括办公室、网络投放工作室、制作工作室、电子教室、互动媒体研究图书馆、零售店铺、咖啡馆和展示区域。中心还拥有 200 座与 400 座的大小型电影院各一。
ACMI 中的各类机构与服务划分在两个建筑内,封闭的建筑拥有电影院,开放的建筑拥有办公室以及 ACMI 和 SBS 的工作室。SBS 设施包括电视电台广播设施、办公室和多媒体编程工作室。
ACMI 的另一构件是 1700 平方米的动态展示画廊。此设施集成了最新屏幕媒体与展示方式。
The various institutions and services provided within the Australian centre for the moving image building have been classified into two filament buildings; one enclosed, windowless building holding the two-state film cinemas, and the other a more open building containing the office and studio functions for ACMI and SBS. ACMI is charged with the preservation of film, television, and video of cultural and historic significance and with preparing the citizens of victoria with screen and visual literacy. Facilities at federation square include administrative offices and a unique range of publicly accessible programs, services, and activities. These will include a webcasting studio, a production lab (for digital filming, sound work, animation, and editing, an electronic classroom, an interactive media research library, and exhibition and technology showcases.
▲AMCI 设计图纸
These spaces are located on the ground floor of the ACMI building and are available to the public and will be particularly used by schools. In addition to these facilities, the centre will also contain a 400-seat, large-format cinema (wide 70mm format down to 16mm) and a smaller 200-seat education cinema (35mm down to super-8 format).
The cinemas, being the state film theatres, have been acoustically engineered for silent films, as well as state-of-the-art cinema formats. The designs also provide a unique drama as the lights dim and a magical spatial effect created through the uniquely manufactured walls and lighting system occurs.
The final component of the facilities for ACMI is the screen gallery. Encompassing more than 1700m2, this large, open, flexible exhibition space, located below street level on two former railway platforms, will be the site for curated and commissioned works, incorporating new screen media and display modes.
▲AMCI 室内空间
作为世界上最大的此类设施之一,银幕画廊将成为银幕媒体的专用环境,也是在这些不断扩展的领域中进行实验和创造新的联系和经验的场所。对于 SBS 来说,联邦广场的设施提供了广播和电视演播室、行政办公室和新的多媒体节目演播室。
One of the largest facilities of its kind anywhere, the screen gallery will be a dedicated environment for screen media and a site of experimentation and the creation of new links and experiences within these expanding fields. For SBS, the facilities at federation square provide radio and television studios, administrative offices, and new studios for multimedia programming.
Two distinct arcades have been used to express both buildings’ internal circulation and their site connection. The central arcade links the two main elements, providing the primary street and plaza entry and forming the main foyer and circulation spaces, which vertically connect all the functional components.
At the ground level, both buildings are joined by the arcade foyer and its linkage of the ticketing, educational and retail areas. The east arcade serves as a connection to the plaza as well as providing an animation of the building through the temporal ebb and flow of people leaving the cinemas after each session.
墨尔本的澳大利亚活动影像中心(简称为 ACMI,全称:Australian Center for Moving Image),属于墨尔本官方文化产业的重要部分。ACMI 是集科技、文化、艺术等的活动中心,希望人们进入馆内时就能感受到交互式的感官体验。ACMI 于 19 年开始闭馆重建,由于疫情原因,重建被推迟。
ACMI 邀请知名设计公司 North Design 为其品牌视觉进行升级。这次品牌升级的设计核心在于全新的定制字体。字体用方块形边缘和圆形的内部进行设计,外方内圆成为具有极简的几何字体视觉效果。字体 logo 不仅能直接传递品牌名称,同时这款定制字体让品牌视觉达到了非常好的一致性。(据说整体的升级花了 4000 个 W 美元)
The Australian Center for Moving Image (ACMI) in Melbourne is a major part of Melbourne’s official cultural industry, and is a center for technology, culture, art and other activities, with the hope that people will experience an interactive sensory experience as soon as they enter the building. The reconstruction was postponed due to the epidemic.
ACMI invited renowned design firm North Design to upgrade its brand vision. The core of the design for this branding upgrade is a new custom typeface. The font was designed with square edges and rounded interiors, with the outer square and inner circle becoming a visual effect with a minimal geometric typeface. The font logo not only directly conveys the brand name, but the custom font also gives the brand a very good visual consistency. (It is said that the overall upgrade cost 4000 W dollars)
澳大利亚移动影像中心(ACMI)其历史可追溯到 1946 年,其前身是维多利亚州国家电影中心,2002 年 LAB 设计的 ACMI 重新开放。
ACMI 收藏了 200,000 多幅运动图像作品,包括电影、磁带和光盘材料。展品也包含澳大利亚国家电影、视频游戏、数字文化和传统艺术。
The Australian Center for the Moving Image (ACMI) has a history dating back to 1946 when its former body was the Victorian.
The ACMI, which dates back to 1946, was formerly the National Film Centre of Victoria and reopened in 2002 as the LAB-designed ACMI.
The ACMI has a collection of over 200,000 moving image works, including film, tape, and CD-ROM materials. It is the home of the Australian.
The ACMI is the Australian National Museum of Film, Video Games, Digital Media, and Art.
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