项目客户 Client | Rond de Admirant CV
竣工时间 Completion time | 2010
面积 GFA | 3,000 sqm
总承包商 Contractor | Heijmans Bouw
结构设计 Structure | Knippers-Helbig Beratende Ingenieure
灯光秀设计 Light Show Design | Dirk van Poppel, Jan Fabel
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2017年埃因霍温灯光秀 2017 GLOW Eindhoven
阿德米兰特购物中心入口 Admirant Entrance Building
由福克萨斯事务所设计的阿德米兰特购物中心入口建筑是由荷兰的优秀地产建筑开发商-海杰曼斯房产投资建设的购物区的一部分。建建筑位于新城区和同样由我们设计的9 -18广场之间的交界处,是通往新购物中心的主要通道。
设计草图 Sketch
阿德米兰特购物中心入口内部 Admirant Entrance Building Interior
阿德米兰特购物中心入口内部 Admirant Entrance Building Interior
首层平面 Ground Floor Plan
剖面 Section
9 -18广场 18 Septemberplein
而阿德米兰特购物中心入口建筑旁的9 – 18广场作为中央车站与市中心购物区域的重要连接,提供多达2000个自行车停车位及广场的相关配套设施。这些功能被安置在地下,从而使得广场的户外空间可以被充分利用。
阿德米兰特购物中心入口 Admirant Entrance Building
Designed by Studio Fuksas, the Admirant Entrance Building is part of a shopping area by Heijmans Real Estate, a prominent Dutch building developer.
9 -18广场地下入口
18 Septemberplein Underground Entrance
It is at the border between the new quarter and 18 Septemberplein which we also designed, forming the main gateway to anew shopping axis. This prominent position called for an iconic building. TheAdmirant Entrance Building is like a jewel that attracts the public’s attention and leads pedestrians to the heart of the new district.
二层平面 Second Floor Plan
The Project is based on an intensive form-finding process resulting in an unpredictable design; conventional design rules lose their meaning. Compared with the immediate surroundings, the new architecture seems to be like an amorphous or organic object. Like an undefined celestial body, the new building appears between the building fronts: one might think that an unexpected impact on the existing structure left behind its mark, whereby the object has been stuck or frozen.
阿德米兰特购物中心入口 Admirant Entrance Building
Upon closer inspection, however, the architecture is full of movement. Dynamics go in different directions and with varying intensity. This further flow of speed has its origin in the contrast of the two façadematerials; the maritime blue of the glass contrasts with the white panels. Open and closed surfaces alternate smoothly.
阿德米兰特购物中心入口内部 Admirant Entrance Building Interior
The building consists of two elements: the five-storey concrete structure, and the glass-and-steel envelope. Commercial spaces are on the ground and first level, with office spaces on level three and four (plus a technical level).
建筑立面 Facade
The geometry of the façade varies from vertical surfaces to amorphous shapes, which create a dynamic interior. Except for the staircases, no vertical elements block the visual connections on the inside of the building. Due to the non-orthogonal shape, the Admirant has no front or back: the building envelope is elegant and consistent all around.
9 -18广场地下入口
18 Septemberplein Underground Entrance
The 18 Septemberplein right next to the Admirant building is the major connection between the central station area and the main shopping district of the city, housing 2000 parking places for bicycles together with the important logistical function of the square led to a design of an underground bicycle parking, leaving room for the movement of people on the square.