

After 2 years from the structure top out, Fuksas Architecture is very excited to announce that the construction of Guosen Securities Tower is almost completed. The 4 facades are entirely installed and currently only the canopy of the podium and the helipad cladding need to be finalized. The construction of the interior spaces and the landscape will start right away.
最新的现场施工照片 | Latest Site Construction Photos
项目信息 | Project Overview
设计时间 | Year:2010 - 2019
地点 | Location:深圳福田中心区购物公园 | Shenzhen Futian CBD
状态 | Status:在建 | Under construction
功能 | Program : 办公,商业等 | office, commercial
建筑面积 | GFA:80,000平方米 | 80,000 sqm
业主 | Client: 国信证券股份有限公司 | Guosen Security Holdings Co, ltd
建筑设计 | Architectural Design:意大利福克萨斯建筑设计有限公司 | Fuksas Architecture S.r.l.
工程 | Engineering:深圳市建筑设计研究总院 | SADI