

在单一的色彩条件下加入跳跃性色彩,其带来的视觉冲击力蕴含着饱满的能量。在本次项目中,MOC 运用相同的手法,将空间整体以黑白灰的主调呈现,通过空间结构、材质、光影的变化,使空间呈现一种黑白电影独有的质感,并在空间中凸显唯一的色彩——亮橙色,为空间注入活力,也是对经典电影作品的致敬。
The visual impact of adding jumping colours to a single colour condition contains full energy. In this project, MOC uses the same technique to present the space in the main tone of black, white and grey, giving it a unique texture of a black and white film through changes in spatial structure, materials, light and shadow, and highlighting the only colour in the space, bright orange, to energise the space and pay tribute to classic film works.
▲从商场公区看向影院 View of the Cinema from the Public Area of the Mall
The film Schindler’s List is shot in black and white, with the only colour in the film being the little girl in the red dress, whose conviction is reinforced with every glance Schindler gives her. She is a symbol of innocent and fragile life, but also of courage and strength to overcome evil, representing the only hope left. This approach to the scene is a classic in the history of cinema.
▲《辛德勒的名单》电影画面 Image in Schindler’s List
▲入口 Entrance
▲大厅区域,橙色的加入为空间注入了活力 In the lobby area, the addition of orange brings the space to life.
▲售票台细节 Ticket Counter
The light grey floor, the medium grey walls, the dark grey mattetextured ceiling, the multi-layered shades of grey combine with the silver grey metal mesh interspersed in the space. The circular light fixtures are placed above the mesh, showing a halo of light through the mesh. Different shades of grey, different textures of materials, light and shadow, building a rich black and white film-like texture for the space.
▲虚实结合的体块关系 Blocks in a Fictitious and Realistic Comparison
The ring-shaped luminaires inside the metal mesh on the ceiling are kept at a certain distance from the mesh. With the thickness of the mesh itself, the physical light source and the halo of light mapped onto the mesh are actually constantly changing as customers move around, which corresponds to the properties of film as an art of light and shadow.
The relationship between the light source and the metal mesh of the ceiling: the halo produced by the light passing through the mesh can be seen from different angles.
As a transition space for customers to enter the cinema from the lobby, the cinema aisle is an important space to reinforce the impression of customers. The bright orange ceiling extends from the lobby to the aisle.
▲大厅的橙色天花体块向通道延伸 Extended Orange Ceiling in the Lobby
▲影厅通道 Aisle
影院跨越两层,上方一层不设大堂,MOC 沿用了设计元素,将亮橙色运用于立面,天花则保留了一层大厅的环形灯与隔栅的做法,使整个空间在统一的调性中又富有变化。
The cinema spans two floors, with no lobby on the upper floor. MOC follows the design elements, using bright orange on the walls, while the ceiling retains the ring lights and grilles of the lobby, giving the whole space a unified tone with variation.
▲四层观影通道 Aisle on the Fourth Floor
▲四层影厅出入口 Entrance and Exit to the Cinema on the Fourth Floor
The design of the cinema combines structural blocks and colours. On the basis of meeting the needs of audio-visual effects, a small amount of bright orange and structure are overlaid on the dark tones to make the cinema more dynamic and immersive.
▲影厅内部 Inside the Cinema
▲平面图 Plan
项目名称: 百川影城–深圳大族店
项目地址:深圳龙岗区坂田大族云峰商场 3-4 层
Project information——
Project: Baichuan Cinema, Dazu, Shenzhen
Lead Designer: Liang Ningsen, Wu Xiuwei
Design Phase: April – July 2020
Completion: March 2021
Address: 3-4/F, CloudPeakMall, Longgang District, Shenzhen
Area: 2,600 ㎡
Materials: Big Grain Terrazzo, Metal Grill, Imitation Terrazzo Tile, Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panel, Texture Paint
Client: BAICHUANCinema
Copywriter: Yang Zhenyu
Photographer: Nie Xiaocong