

"The Unknown City: China Modern Architecture Installation Media Exhibition" will open on the 30th or March, this coming Saturday. Implementing multiple forms of mediums such as installation, videos et cetera, the exhibition will examine the uncertainty of urban ontology while exploring future possibilies of the urban condition, providing a unique opportunity to contemplate on the urban, architecture and space.
Our exhibit revolves around an on-going developer project that began in 2012. By placing the project within a larger space-time framework than its own life cycle, we attempt to reveal the historic disruption caused by technological, economic and political forces onto the architectural project itself. The pace and intensity of the disruptions have forced the project to leap between multiple typologies and targeted markets.
The many different incarnations of the project demonstrate a constant presence of uncertainty. Like the state of quantum of superposition, the project possessed multiple valid solutions until the last moment.
Similar kind of complexity and uncertainty manifested much stronger during the transformation of Datong, where the project is located. The city of Datong is an exemplary case of Chinese urban developments. It had to simultaneously deal with its historic legacy from the imperial era, its industrial past since the People’s Republic, and the uncertain future while going through a de-industrialization process in an internet age. Hence the philosophy behind the solution provided became a fusion of Confucian literati architectural historiography, Soviet planning and Disneyland.
Both the developer and the city of Datong had to face the rapidly changing contexts locally, nationally and globally. The quantum state of the project eventually “collapsed” into a straightforward residential development, when all other possibilities were eliminated over time. Yet that eventuality is based on the simple model of return on investment. The physical reality, however, is a constant process of poiesis that is the combined result of everyone’s projection of their own imaginations of multiple ideal worlds. Unlike the certainty provided by quantum collapse, poiesis never stops.
The commencement of the Datong project in 2012, was in the context of a continued construction hype that lasted for years thanks largely to the 2008-09 stimulus package in the wake of the global financial crisis. Urban complexes (a high-end and high-density mixed –use architectural type) and high-end hotels have already slowed down in first and second tier cities by now. However, Datong as a fourth tier city, was still anticipating such developments of its own. Our client was confident of their resources and had lavishly planned a system of programs that assumed the best hotel, restaurant, retail, office and apartments in the city of Datong. The project positioned itself as the city landmark in a mid-sized city. Under such plan, residential spaces are of the least importance, both in terms of quantity and ROI calculation.
In 2013, drastic societal and policy-level shifts had created headwind for the original planning. Towards the end of 2012, the Eight-point Regulation stipulated by the central government came into effect. Also, E-Commerce led by Taobao and JD showed their strong impact towards traditional retailers. Accordingly, our client had to adjust their expectations and programmatic planning. The large high-end restaurant was canceled; the large retail space shrunk and more retail manifested as flagship stores and street-level shops; J.W. Marriott was downscaled as normal hotel; office spaces were reconfingured as apartment offices and LOFT offices; the monumental skyscraper was dropped. Residential still was not a major part of the ROI plan.
The Chinese real estate market experienced a strong contraction in 2014. Offices and retails faced rather strong pressure in sales. Our client had already converted a large amount of apartments into traditional residential units. Offices and retail spaces not only were reduced significantly, they also were manifested into a cluster of smaller stand-alone buildings to achieve maximal flexibility and spatial-exclusivity for a larger market-reach. Nevertheless, the client still could not give up on owning a large-scale retail space along the major axial-avenue of Datong city. This version of the project did not last long and was dropped before we had to develop it further.
2015 was a good year for real estate. Experience-based shopping malls proved to be resilient in the shadow of astronomical ecommerce expansion. The return of our client’s confidence called for an huge arcade space for internalized mall. At the meanwhile, the price of residential products started to climb up and it became sensible that the residential products to be designed more traditionally. Just before we all thought this version would be a good solution, we discovered a new condition during the application process for a construction permit: a 130-meter-long piece of ancient city wall within the site limit was listed as the subject for historic preservation in 2016. The project came to a pause, once again.
After two years of research and negotiating, the project resumed in the latter half of 2018. Time had proved the inelastic quality of the residential market and consumers would pay premium for favorable school districts. In addition, other large-scale retail spaces had opened in and around the same neighbourhood of the site, rendering the demand for such program no longer urgent. The client had once again repositioned the project as mainly a residential one, providing large amount of school-district homes.
参展人:汤桦 汤孟禅
项目组:戴琼 郑晨曦 杨原 高靖奎(实习
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