

桔子酒店 3.0 Orange Hotel 3.0 SHANGHAI|2021. APR.
「LOHAS 乐活」-健康、可持续的生活 —保罗·雷
"LOHAS"-Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability-Paul H. Ray
桔子酒店品牌启发来自美国加州的橘郡(Orange County)。在桔子酒店 2.0 版本中,“Sunny”“Energetic”和“Lively”是来自橘郡生活方式的态度,其健康轻松的氛围旨在缓解商务旅行带来的疲劳,享受旅程。
而在桔子酒店 3.0 的版本里面,以「LOHAS 乐活」(Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability)将健康及可持续发展的生活态度在旅途中展现,提供更有活力、更阳光正向的鲜活住宿体验。在这个座落于城市中心位置的桔子酒店,“运动”与“跑步”是“桔子”的活力与朝气。
In the new Orange Hotel 3.0 version, we redefined the brand as a “LOHAS” hotel. LOHAS means “Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability”, which can be related to the journey, offering an active and positive sense during the stay. With sporty elements, the new Orange Hotel 3.0 aims to activate and keep a healthy life.
自由 Liberty,开放且多功能的大堂,打破了界线,自由的解放身体能量。
Liberty, an open and multifunctional lobby, breaks the boundaries and liberates body energy freely.
“自然 Orange”,色彩来自自然橙色,温和且新鲜。
Orange, the color, comes from nature, represents orange, gentle, and freshness.
“健康 Healthy”,节奏的线条与律动的信息,传递健康动能。
Healthy, rhythmic lines and images, deliver healthy energy sense.
活力 Activity,积极与活力从爆发力到舒缓伸展,为身心打气。
“Activity”, activeness goes from explosive power to soothing stretch, cheering you up to the whole body.
“可持续 Sustainability”,循环与回归,可持续的赋能。
“Sustainability”, circulation and return, sustainable supply.
桔子酒店 3.0,以 LOHAS 乐享生活的住宿体验,洗去旅途中的疲惫,以阳光迎接每天。
We hope the living experience in Orange Hotel can help guests cleanse the fatigue of the journey and greet each day with a healthy and positive attitude.Client │ Huazhu Group LtdAddress │ 上海静安区中山北路 311 号龙金大厦
Longjin Building, No.311 Zhongshan North Road, Jing’an District, Shanghai
Design Team │
Creative Director|Kuang Ming(Ray) Chou
Concept Design|Ting Ho
Interior Design|Garvin Hung, XingWang, ZihanLuo, Chen Shen, Changsong Li
Lighting Design|Vera Chu, Chia Huang Liao
FF&E Design|Sundi
Graphic Design|Sam Shi
Photographer|Yunpu Cai
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