丰茂烤串(FengMao Barbecue)

2020/11/20 21:18:34
FengMao Barbecue
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Since humans learned to heat food with fire, the process of human civilization has developed at a high speed. Nowadays, barbecue is still a popular way of cooking in many ethnic groups and regions, driven by human instinct. FengMao BBQ, the brand story coming from cold northern China, the Chinese Korean national minority,is dominating the barbecue market in China with it’s fresh and unique ingredients assurance. Sharing with joy, are the synonym of barbecue, with our new interior design, our purpose is to create a new experience of dining.
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In the first, the vision and smell stimulate the sense, we create the space by “Scenes”, separate the open and sem
i-open dining area directly. The semi-open area provides privacy needs. However, a satisfying barbecue cannot live without the smell of street food. Back to space, the description of street culture has become the ‘mass-tone attune’ of space redecoration. Not only the neon light element but also the dark tones of the space, all bring guests back to the memories of the starry night,crowdy and buzzing under the streetlamp light. We consider the different needs of dining people,  no matter it is to restore the taste from the roadside stalls or fill the joy from the midnight snack, even to improve the relatio
nship between each other, these wishes can all be realized in FengMao BBQ.
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The full utilization of the internal space of the device is also the key to the design. In order to increase service efficiency. The design of the table integrates a variety of functions so that guests can get all the basic utensils they need within the scope of their eyes, ensuring that they don’t have to move frequently around due to such trifles. The design of the all-in-one dining table considered by the comfort of the users also can be adjusted by the number of guests.  The mobile phone charging sockets can be found in all the key positions on the table, which will help people to remove their worry about the run out of battery.  The "BBQ Party" will bring you back to the actual connection of social life. 
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“撸串不喝酒,人生路白走”,水吧台在空间中必须得有。同样是集成化的设计使得吧台高度一体化、简洁干练、功能明了,减少了用户误触的机会。充满秩序感的啤酒墙也可在撸串状态渐入佳境时华丽变身live band舞台,虽然场景搬到室内但点唱的环节不能少。不锈钢啤酒墙按酒类品牌摆满了常温啤酒以供直接取拿,酒到浓时已无需服务员的帮助,要的只是“砰”地一声开启酒瓶的快感。
It is said that ‘BBQ without beer, life is wasted’, we let the "Beer bar" become the highlight in the space. The integrated design makes the bar simple and capable, with clear functions, to reduce the possibility of mistouching. The stainless-steel beer wall is filled with beers for easy access and it also can be turned into a live band stage, then the actual party starts.
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The street food culture was gradually banished by the modern city, because of the process of urban development. In FengMao BBQ, we try to back the scenes and reconnect the people with this night market culture. Do people really miss street food?Not quite, maybe they just miss the laughter from the roadside.
 Client │ 
FengMao Barbecue
 Address │ 
4th Floor, Ganglv Building, 6A Huguang Middle Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing
 Design Team │ 
Creative Director|Kuang Ming(Ray) Chou
Interior Design|Garvin Hung, Xudong Wang
Lighting Design|Vera Chu, Chia Huang Liao
FF&E Design|
Yang Chen Lu, Xiao Ling Li 
Felix Zhang
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