

手艺之家–“电厂配置器(Power Station Configurator)”是一个由脚手架构成的建筑装置,它将上海当代艺术博物馆的三层临江平台转化成为了一个灵活多变的场域。人们在临江平台的狭窄入口处首先看到的是一个脚手架模块,而在它背后的平台上则是更多的模块,他们向黄浦江边依次排开构成了一个关注中国当代手工艺的创作现场。
House of Craft –‘Power Station Configurator’, a scaffolding architectural installation, transforms the three-story riverfront platform of Power Station of Art Shanghai into a flexible and changing field. The first thing one sees at the narrow end of the platform is a scaffolding module, while on the larger area behind it, there are more modules, which are lined up towards the Huangpu River, forming a creative exhibition site for contemporary craftsmanship of China.
▼装置概览,overall view of the installation
▼俯瞰整个装置,aerial view of the installation
▼由脚手架构成的建筑装置,a scaffolding architectural installation
▼脚手架模块围合出内部空间,space inside the scaffold modules
▼单个脚手架模块概览,overview of single scaffold module
▼平面概念,concept plan
First, this triangle space is divided. The entire space is divided into smaller modules, so that the newly placed structure can adapt to the various sizes of a variety of exhibiting items. The independent modules built by scaffolding can be moved and combined. Each module has four sides of curtains which can be adjusted to open up or enclose the display space of a module. The wooden display system designed for each module provides a hidden and unique small space for different sizes of craft works, and restores the work site of contemporary craftsmen through the display of text, images, videos, etc.
▼临江观景平台,a lifted platform allows people to climb up to the open view
▼登临楼梯入口空间,entrance space of climbing stair
▼登临楼梯概览,overview of the staircase
▼脚手架结构细部,detail of the scaffold
▼楼梯细部,detail of the staircase
▼观景平台提供交流空间,observation platform serves as communication space
House of Craft composed of steel modules is like a configurator of our concrete world under the orderly operation of the former ‘power plant’, breaking and reshaping the spatial order with its own allocation logic. It creates flexible layouts for the exhibition according to its specific topics, season change. It provides more spatial possibilities for the riverfront platform. This installation brings together craftsmen throughout the country and transforms the public void into a shared exhibition site. Next to the glass façade facing the riverside, a lifted platform allows people to climb up to the open view and have a relatively quiet and isolated space to continue thinking and looking back at the exhibition site.
▼木制展架系统为不同尺寸的手艺作品提供了一个隐蔽而独立的小空间,the wooden display system designed for each module provides a hidden and unique small space for different sizes of craft works
▼装置细部,detail of the installation
▼夜晚的装置总体概览,overall of the installation at night
▼模块单体立面图,elevations of single scaffold module
▼观景平台模块立面图,elevations of platform module
项目名称: 手艺之家——“电厂配置器”
设计方: 佚建筑工作室
项目设计 & 完成年份: 2022
主创及设计团队: 包海云、李希彤、朱逸伦、瞿扬、贾皓辰
项目地址: 上海当代艺术博物馆
建筑面积: 140平方米
摄影版权: Studio Fang
客户 上海当代艺术博物馆
Project name: House of Craft-‘Power Station Configurator’
Design: atelier anonymous
Design year & Completion Year: 2022
Leader designer & Team: Haiyun Bao,Xitong Li,Yilun Zhu,Yang Qu,Haochen Jia
Gross Built Area: 140M2
Photo credits: Studio Fang
Clients: Power Station of Art