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宜昌大剧院 | 流动的舞台,不息的表演

2023/04/11 16:14:36
OPEN has won the bid to design Yichang Grand Theater in 2022. The project is located on the tip of the Pinghu Peninsula where the Yangtze River and its tributary Huangbai River meet. The total building area is around 70,000 square meters.
▼宜昌大剧院,Yichang Grand Theater
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Housed within the fluid and partially floating building is a lively performing arts center including a 1600-seat grand theater, a 1200-seat concert hall, a 400-seat black box, and two outdoor theaters — one on the rooftop and one by the water. In addition to the performance spaces, the building also includes educational facilities, event and exhibition spaces, rehearsal rooms, coffee shops, restaurants, and observation decks. The mixed program reflects efforts in making the grand theater an open and vibrant public place at all times.
▼鸟瞰,Birds Eye View
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▼场地平面,Location Plan
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Water in Ever-changing Form
Like water ripples, or mountain ranges, or clouds and mist? Actually, all of those and none of those. OPEN has searched for form beyond shapes, and to them, this building is about movement. Different perspectives reveal different forms, and the architecture resembles an ever-changing body of water.
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▼形态示意,Form Diagram
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While sensing and capturing the energy (CHI) of the site, the fluid form also emerges from the interaction of various elements: internal organizations, environmental conditions, and public spaces weaving in and out, above and below, all together forming a state of balance and inclusiveness.
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▼建筑远观,Distant View
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Building to Protect
The construction of the grand theater requires a particularly sensitive response to the natural conditions surrounding the site, against the backdrop of the Yangtze River Conservation Plan and the global climate crisis.
▼鸟瞰,Bird’s-eye View
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应对场地沿河较高的地下水位,建筑局部漂浮把主要的功能空间从地面抬升起来,既贯通由山至水的场地气脉,也大幅减小建筑足迹和土方的开挖,同时将地面释放给本地的植物和由渗透性铺装形成的公共活动场地。在这里,地景成为重要的介质,以流动而自由的形态,把半岛内部的自然连结 到江岸的绿廊。
To cope with the higher groundwater level near the river, the building partially floats to lift major functional spaces high above the ground, allowing the natural flow from the mountainous inland to the waterfront. The building’s footprint and excavation work is greatly reduced. Much of the ground is freed up to indigenous vegetation and open spaces with permeable paving for public activities.
▼首层广场,Ground Floor Plaza
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▼入口平台,Entrance Platform
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Various passive and active strategies are adopted to make the building a contributing member to the sustainable development of the peninsula. The floating theater also provides artists and stage staff with working spaces that are filled with natural light and ventilation, while creating opportunities for artists to interact with the public.
▼可持续性设计示意,Sustainability Diagram
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Expressive and Performative Facade
Punctured by openings of various shapes, the building’s organic form is rich with expressions. The exterior surface of the building features curved, matte anodized aluminum tubes that capture the subtle interplays of light and shadow throughout the day, creating an impression of liquid metal.
▼建筑正立面,Frontal View
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The part of the building that faces inland has a double-layered facade, with an inner layer of simple stacked geometry responding to complex internal functional needs, and an outer layer of aluminum tubes congruent with the whole building. The distance between the two layers varies to create diverse in-between spaces, including a large semi-outdoor garden and cascading terraced gardens, which help to regulate the building’s microclimate.
Facing the river, natural ventilation is introduced into the lobby and circulation spaces through cavities in the facade.
Taking advantage of the unique site, the building breathes in its environment.
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▼水上剧场,Waterfront Theater
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A Grand Theater for Everyone
A winding public promenade ascends, connecting the ground-level water theater, the rooftop outdoor theater, and the observation deck at the top. The promenade and outdoor public spaces will be open to everyone, bringing a futuristic spectacle and the unique bay scenery to all. The commissioning client said, “The Yichang Grand Theater will welcome everyone and every walk of life.”
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▼屋顶空中剧场,Rooftop Theater
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▼大剧场门厅,Grand Theater Lobby
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▼大剧场室内,Grand Theater Interior
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▼音乐厅门厅,Concert Hall Lobby
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▼音乐厅室内,Concert Hall Interior
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▼黑盒子剧场室内,Black Box Theater Interior
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International Collaboration for Innovation
Led by OPEN, the design process of this complex building in itself is an intricate collaborative effort by a team of like-minded consultants from Europe, US, and Asia, with innovation in different fronts of theater and acoustic design, structure and facade, sustainability and mechanical systems. Each working their own magic, but tightly weaved together to form an organic and dynamic whole.
▼建筑夜景,Night View
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设计时间 :2022 –
功能:大 剧场,音乐厅,小剧场,屋顶剧场,水上剧场,排练室,展览,艺术教育,咖啡厅,餐厅,观景台等
建筑面积:70,000 m²
用地面积:40,000 m²
设计团队:刘晓阳,寿成彬,曹梦醒,周子琳,刘炫育 ,徐嘉悦 ,陈逸超,陶伟杰 ,贾瀚,王祺叡
剧场顾问:dUCKS scéno(巴黎 / 里昂)
结构工程师:Guy Nordenson and Associates(纽约)
外墙设计:RFR(上海 / 巴黎)
Design Year: 2022 –
Status: Schematic Design
Client: Yichang Urban Construction Investment and Development Co., Ltd
Program: Grand Theater, Concert Hall, Black Box Theater, Rooftop Theater, Waterfront Theater, Rehearsal Rooms, Exhibition, Art Education, Café, Restaurant, Observation Deck, etc.
Building Area: 70,000 m²
Site Area: 40,000 m²
Location: Yichang, Hubei Province, China
Architecture, Interior and Landscape Design: OPEN Architecture
Principals in Charge: LI Hu, HUANG Wenjing
Project Team: LIU Xiaoyang, SHOU Chengbin, CAO Mengxing, ZHOU Zilin, LIU Xuanyu, XU Jiayue, CHEN Yichao, TAO Weijie, JIA Han, WANG Qirui
Theater Consultant: dUCKS scéno
Structure Engineer: Guy Nordenson and Associates
MEP Engineer: LINK Engineering Consultant
Sustainability and Climate Engineering Consultant: Arup
Façade Consultant: RFR
Acoustic Consultant: JH Theater Architecture Design Consulting Company
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