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城下城遗址博物馆 | 时空交错的古城探索之旅

2023/04/10 09:47:01
城下城遗址博物馆 | 时空交错的古城探索之旅-3
“Stacking” is one of the prominent phenomena in Chinese historical cities. Xuzhou, formerly known as Pengcheng, was selected as the second batch of Chinese National Famous Historical and Cultural Cities in 1986. According to local chronicles, due to its unique geographical location, the Xuzhou city site has not been relocated and presents a superimposed state of the original site. In modern times, the wonder of “City Under the City” in Xuzhou was rediscovered during the process of urban construction. The urban pattern of the Ming and Qing dynasties can still be vaguely discerned, but this period of urban history has been lost in abstract written texts due to various reasons.
In recent years, taking the development of underground commercial and subway line 2 as an opportunity, a small exhibition area has been reserved for the site in the underground commercial planning of Pengcheng Square in Xuzhou, presenting the superimposed urban history on the original site and displaying important unearthed cultural relics in the surrounding area.
▼历史地图与现代地图对位:城市结构及文脉节点分布(gif),Aligning Historical Maps with Modern Maps: Urban Structure and Nodal Distribution of Cultural Context
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1. 背景:市中心的城市遗址
Introduction:City Ruins in the City Centre
在徐州城市历史文脉保护的整体规划中,城下城博物馆是继城墙博物馆项目后、一个关键而特殊的城市节点。在横向的空间维度上,项目所在的彭城广场位于老城的市中心,具有重要的区位价值。城区主干道与地铁1、 2号线同时交汇于此,人流密集。在纵向的时间维度上,虽然上世纪以来彭城广场周边遗址发掘丰富,但原址保护的城下城遗址得到整体展示仍是首次。
In the overall planning for the protection of the historical context of Xuzhou city, the City under City Museum is a special urban node after the City Wall Museum project. In the horizontal spatial dimension, Pengcheng Square, where the project is, is located in the city center of the old district and has important location value. The main roads of the city intersect with subway lines 1 and 2 here, resulting in a dense flow of people. In the vertical time dimension, although the excavation of the surrounding sites of Pengcheng Square has been rich since the last century, the overall display of the in-situ protected urban ruins of the superimposed phenomenon is still the first time.
At the beginning of 2020, the design of the museum began before the excavation work of the site. The central focus of the plan was the protection of the ruins. With the gradual exposure of the strata, the spatial layout has undergone eight major adjustments. In the process of modifications, the design team has always insisted on the starting point of how to deal with the relationship between architecture, ruins and city, in order to represent the superimposed urban history.
▼原址保护与设计范围,In-situ conservation of the site and design scope
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2. 时空交错的体验之旅:博物馆与古今城市
Spatiotemporal Journeys:the Urban Square & heritage Museum
The exhibit of the museum is the city itself. While undoubtedly the primary exhibits are the ancient city ruins, the metropolis is also an important exhibit in the “stacked city” exhibition. The layered urban context is formed by the past and present of Xuzhou City. Therefore, instead of adopting a conventional linear path that spirals up or down to respond to the historical process of the superimposed city, the museum creates a spatial illusion of shuttle between the past and present through a journey of time and space.
▼城市入口,the main entrance of the museum
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▼序厅,The Prelude Hall
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Firstly, through the spatial infiltration of the courtyard into inner space, the museum establishes a connection between the underground city ruins and the surrounding modern urban environment. The central ruin hall and archaeology hall are the core areas of the museum. The ruin hall mainly displays the excavation of the Ming Dynasty cultural layer ruins, which represents the most prosperous historical segment of ancient Xuzhou. As Li Dongyang(李东阳) wrote in “Revising the Record of Lu Liang Hong(吕梁洪),” “In the southeast, more than a million ships sailed on the Grand Canal every year, making their journeys without a single idle day.” In the ruin hall, the ruins of the North Gate Street, blacksmith shop, ancient well, and other sites show the life of the Ming Dynasty Xuzhou City. In contrast, a waterfall courtyard is inserted parallel to the ruin hall at the east end of the museum. The courtyard metaphorically relates the city’s history closely with the sound of waterfalls and rivers. At the same time, it introduces the modern Xuzhou city represented by tall buildings of Suning Plaza into the museum with natural light, juxtaposing the space of the Ming Dynasty city ruins in the exhibition hall and linking Xuzhou’s past and present.
▼遗址大厅,The heritage hall
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▼从遗址大厅看考古大厅与落瀑庭院,The archaeological hall and the waterfall courtyard from the perspective of the site hall
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▼落瀑庭院,The waterfall courtyard
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▼庭院中的都市景象,Urban scenes through the courtyard
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▼王宴德政碑,Wang Yan Dezheng Monument
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Secondly, by controlling the light in the path and enhancing the temporal and spatial transformation of ancient city ruins and modern urban environments through contrast of light and darkness, the museum stimulates visitors’ bodily perception and immerses them in the spectacle of “city upon city.” For example, the ruin fault wall exhibition hall, which has the lowest elevation along the path, is intentionally designed to be the darkest point, immersing visitors in the thickness of history and the layers of the urban ruins through the reduction of light and the drop in height. Also, the temporary exhibition hall, which faces the courtyard at the northernmost end of the museum, is the node with the largest lighting area in the space sequence, and the bright light implies the close relationship between the museum and the urban square.
▼平面图:空间布局与流线设计,Floor plan: space layout and flow design
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▼空间体验与光线控制(gif),Spatial experience and light control
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▼遗址断层墙展示厅(效果图/考古挖掘中),The site fault wall exhibition hall
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▼草坡庭院与临时展厅,The grassy slope courtyard and temporary exhibition hall
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3. 场地策略:博物馆与广场作为一个完整连续体
Site Strategies: Museum & Urban Square as a continuum
According to the archaeological plan, the entire Pengcheng Square(彭城广场) will become a site museum in the future, with only the first phase completed for now. The museum and the dynamic ruins coexist, and the unique feature of the museum is its close integration with the urban square, underground commercial areas, and subway transportation. Therefore, in the handling of the relationship between the museum, ruins, and the city, the project needs to treat the museum and the site as a complete continuum.
▼场地策略:博物馆与广场作为一个完整连续体(gif) ,Site Strategies: Museum & Urban Square as a continuum
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The site strategy of the museum can be summarized by the action of “lifting” in two directions: the arched structure on the south side forms a semi-open space by projecting outwards, wrapping around the main entrance to the city. The arched structure on the north side covers the ruins as the main space of the museum while forming an entrance facing the square at the end. Through this action, the museum not only opens up the square but also lifts up the layers of history of the “stacked city.”
▼ 城下城博物馆南北向剖面图,North-south section
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▼城下城博物馆总平面图,Master Plan
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Looking at the museum from the north side of the square, the arched structure slightly protrudes from the ground, but only a dark gap is left on the front of the museum, suggesting the existence of the underground space. The arched structure on the south side projects outwards by 7 meters, extending the museum space to the city and forming a semi-enclosed main entrance space.
▼片墙控制视线,将人重新引向地面,The partition wall which controls the line of sight and leads people back to the modern urban landscape of Xuzhou
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游人由东西两侧进入地下,片墙控制视线,将人重新引向地面,在打开湮没地下的城市记忆之前,回望现代徐州的都市景观。值得说明的是,在多方支持下,博物馆前原规划中的商业空间被置换为前院空间,院子以玻璃水池为顶,来自水池外现代都市的光线,透过水面散射在院子两侧的浮雕上,烘托出进入 “大红门”前的历史氛围。
Visitors enter the underground from both sides, and the partition wall controls the line of sight, leading people back to the modern urban landscape of Xuzhou before opening up the buried memories of the city. It is worth noting that with the support of multiple parties, the commercial space originally planned in front of the museum was replaced with a front courtyard space. The courtyard has a glass water pool as its top, and the light from the modern city outside the pool is scattered on the reliefs on both sides of the courtyard, creating a historical atmosphere before entering the “Great Red Gate”.
▼博物馆主入口“大红门”,The “Great Red Gate”
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The main part of the museum takes the excavated Ming Dynasty city ruins as the benchmark height for the visiting floor. To ensure the height of the visiting floor, the top cover needs to be raised by about 2 meters. To ensure that the museum is integrated with the square, the design of the top cover is a gentle slope. At the intersection of the arched structure on the north side and the Pengcheng Square on the north side, the ground sinks to form a grassy slope courtyard which services as a flexible transition between the museum and the square, enhancing the spatial continuity of the urban square. At the same time, the paving of the top cover is designed to be a gradually changing gray texture, suggesting the existence of the North Gate Street ruins in the underground exhibition hall to the citizens on the square. As the north entrance of the museum, a stone-paved road fragment is specially set in the courtyard to guide visitors to the path of ancient Xuzhou.
▼北侧广场入口:铺石路面遗址片段,The stone-paved road fragment in the grassy slope courtyard
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The “complete continuum” is not only reflected in the space but also in the corresponding technical treatment. Firstly, considering the need for underground archaeological work, the museum top cover chooses a large-span space structure and adopts a dense rib-box frame structure form with a span of 36m. It didn’t use the conventional prefabricated steel structure truss but has chosen cast-in-place concrete to express the historical sense of heaviness in structure. Secondly, since the ruins hall and other ruins excavation areas maintain a direct connection between the bottom of the ruins hall and the ground, there is no bottom surface. Therefore, the project mainly uses waterproof piles to be drilled into the impermeable layer to form a waterproof structure instead of a waterproof bottom surface to ensure stability.
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▼以结构表现力烘托历史的厚重感(考古大厅与遗址大厅),Express the historical sense of heaviness in structure
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▼混凝土结构的光影效果,Light and shadow effects of concrete structures
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In the southern part of the square (top cover), a set of stairs is intentionally added at the point where the arch is the highest. The glass water pool in front of the square, along with the sound of falling water in the sunken courtyard, suggests the close relationship between the ancient city and the ancient Yellow River, leaving clues to the origin of the “stacked city” site. Sitting here, people can vaguely see the ancient city site under their feet through the skylight on the central axis of the square, while the opposite urban landscape is a towering skyscraper under construction. As a result, the museum not only returns the activity space of the city square to the citizens but also inspires reflection on the past, present, and future of this ancient city.
▼顶盖南部台阶,A set of stairs In the southern part of the square
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▼博物馆将广场空间还给城市,更重要的是启发一种反思,The museum not only returns the activity space of the city square to the citizens but also inspires reflection on this ancient city
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城下城遗址博物馆 | 时空交错的古城探索之旅-86
城下城遗址博物馆 | 时空交错的古城探索之旅-87
4. 织补彭城:遗址、城市文脉与城市架构
Representation of Pengcheng:Ruins,Urban context & Urban structure
In a series of urban renewal practices in Xuzhou since 2010, from the wall museum in the historical area of Huilongwo beside the ancient city wall to the city-under-the-city museum that displays the complete city memory in the city center, we have tried to find scattered historical traces in the corners of the city and patch them up; link historical axes, restore the historical structure and interface of the ancient city; on a larger scale, use the organic renewal concept of urban acupuncture to systematically connect the cultural context of the ancient city. Here, “acupuncture” is not limited to the treatment of “nodes” but emphasizes the selection of key “acupoints” and the unblocking of the overall structural system.
▼系列项目:徐州城市架构和历史记忆的保护,A series of urban renewal practices in Xuzhou since 2010
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In conclusion, the protection and renewal of historical cities are not a “blueprint” type of planning. For many cities that have undergone a “new look” transformation, carefully combing through historical contexts, tirelessly adjusting design schemes, and patching up the city’s structure from point to surface may be the “shortcut” for the revival of such ancient Chinese cities as Xuzhou.
▼城下城博物馆鸟瞰,The Aerial view
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项目名称: 徐州城下城遗址博物馆
设计方: 中衡设计集团
项目设计 & 完成年份 2019-2022
主创建筑师: 冯正功 王旭
建筑: 冯正功,王志洪,王旭,鲁洁明,钱小玮,王嘉威
结构: 谈丽华,郭一峰,陆林浩
电气: 张渊,魏天蒙
暖通: 朱勇军,何光莹,高尚,赵云天,孙博涛
给排水: 陈绍军,薛学斌,唐毅涛
弱电: 王志翔,李业勤,王啸,钱奕男
幕墙: 沈筠,吕桂林,陆体操,刘树
景观: 张骏腾,俞德锋,陈戈岩,朱明燕,孟祥骏,王子瑞
内装: 张浩,马勤勤,曹献林
标识设计: 王登坤,魏国宏
项目地址: 江苏,徐州
建筑面积: 3735
摄影师:秦伟 版权:中衡设计
客户: 徐州地铁集团有限公司
品牌: 海尔多联式空调,海尔直膨式空调机组
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