知末案例   /   教育空间   /   大学

罗马 LUISS 大学新校园中心 | 景观优先的绿色建筑

2023/04/06 09:19:55
项目坐落于罗马Parioli区的中心,毗邻Villa Ada公园,是Alvisi Kirimoto与Gemma工作室为LUISS Guido Carli大学设计的全新校园中心。建筑周边环境优美,被郁郁葱葱的绿植围绕其中。为了完善大学空间,并强调出场地周围的绿色景观,建筑师将现有的棚屋拆除,从零开始,以景观优先的设计理念,为学院扩建出一座全新的教学大楼。
Close to Villa Ada, in the heart of the Parioli district in Rome, Alvisi Kirimoto with Studio Gemma has designed a new hub surrounded by greenery for the LUISS Guido Carli university campus. The intervention, which completes the university spaces and enhances the surrounding green areas, has involved the demolition of an existing shed, subject to landscape constraints, construction from scratch, and the expansion of an educational building.
▼项目概览,overall of the project
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The hub, which develops over two levels, for a total area of 1.500 sqm, is positioned in the most accessible and picturesque point of the complex landscape, near a small wood located to the south of the lot, the last extension of the park and the campus main square. Clad in natural wood slats and glass, the upper floor projects the building into the treetops, creating a privileged dialogue between architecture and context, and offering a dynamic cross-section of the activities that take place inside.
▼由树林看建筑,viewing the project from the woods
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▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view of the project
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▼屋顶细部,details of the roof
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▼项目远观,viewing the project at distance
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▼底层主入口,main entrance on the ground floor
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▼外观细部,details of the exterior
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The project stems from the idea of raising the volume to put it in direct connection with the treetops, freeing up the ground floor as much as possible. The latter houses the entrance, a classroom, and service areas, while the upper floor encompasses an amphitheater and two classrooms. Surrounded by greenery and with its permeable and transparent skin, the building seems to dissolve into the landscape, evoking the classic tree house, from which it takes not only its outline, but also the welcoming and almost “homely” dimension of the spaces, custom-designed for the students.
▼底层体量后撤增强了上部体量的轻盈感,the retreating of the bottom volume enhances the lightness of the upper volume
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▼底层灰空间,open and covered space on the ground floor
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▼上下体量的虚实对比,contrast between the upper and lower volumes
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▼室外楼梯,outdoor staircase
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The interiors have been carefully designed to guarantee great versatility and host various educational activities, and cultural, artistic, and social events, from conferences to classroom lessons, from gala evenings to film screenings. The amphitheater – designed for multiple uses – and the classrooms, designed to redefine the balance between face-to-face teaching and remote learning, are equipped with sophisticated audiovisual conferencing systems that are perfectly integrated into the architecture. A cross-flight staircase connects the two levels internally via a double-height space, while a third staircase connects the first floor with the outside. The ground floor, visibly set back, further underlines the lightness of the upper volume and creates a simultaneously open and covered space, equipped for courses and outdoor activities.
▼二层交通空间,circulation space on the upper floor
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▼交叉楼梯,the cross-flight staircase
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▼大型报告厅入口,entrance of the amphitheatre
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The colors, textures and materials of the project were chosen with the same sensitivity: the shades of the metal cladding and the scratched plaster mix with the warm nuance of the wood, in a balanced game of references and contrasts. Inspired by sustainable design principles and made of natural materials, the building has earned the prestigious LEED Platinum Certification. The suspended acoustic panels that define the false ceiling of the amphitheater, with a coral red color, capture attention from the outside, while their organic silhouette reinforces the dialog with the adjacent grove. The same striking red characterizes the furnishings and some elements of the classrooms — a refined detail that gives the entire complex great visual coherence, especially when the building comes to life in the early evening.
▼大型报告厅,the amphitheatre
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▼珊瑚红色的吸音板,the suspended acoustic panels that define the false ceiling of the amphitheater
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▼大面积的玻璃为室内引入充足采光与景观视野,large areas of glazing bring in plenty of light and views
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▼吸音板细部,details of the acoustic planes
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室外空间也经过了精心的设计,重新铺设了砾石地板与木制甲板小路,这条小路荫蔽在茂盛的霍尔姆橡树下,将中心广场与树林连接在一起。室外区域设施完备,旨在鼓励学生们在户外空间中学习、社交、放松与玩耍,巨大的灵活性为学生们的社交生活提供了无限的可能。从外观上看,由Alvisi Kirimoto事务所牵头设计的LUISS校园中心建筑,宛如一座巨大的望远镜,悬挑在绿色景观之上,俯瞰着下面的广场,成为大学校园生活的全新焦点。
The outdoor spaces have been redesigned with stabilized gravel flooring, while a deck path, protected by the shade of a row of holm oaks, connects the grove area with the square. All the outdoor areas have been equipped and designed to encourage study, informal meetings, relaxation, and play, offering infinite possibilities for aggregation and great flexibility in use. Resembling an enormous telescope that juts out over the greenery and watches over the square below, the project by Alvisi Kirimoto becomes the new focal point of life on the university campus.
▼夜景,night views
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▼夜景远观,night view at distance
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▼底层平面图,ground floor plan
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▼二层平面图 – 布局1,upper floor plan – layout 1
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▼二层平面图 – 布局2,upper floor plan – layout 2
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▼屋顶平面图,roof plan
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NAME: New LUISS school building
ADDRESS: Viale Romania, 32 Rome (Italy)
ARCHITECT: Alvisi Kirimoto and Studio Gemma
Massimo Alvisi, Junko Kirimoto (Alvisi Kirimoto)
Cristiano Gemma (Studio Gemma)
PROJECT TEAM: Alvisi Kirimoto: Vasiliki Maltezaki, Chiara Quadraccia, Daniel Costa Garriga
Studio Gemma: Alessandro Speranza, Federica Vola
CLIENT: Luiss Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli
GFA: 1.500 sqm (buildings)
Structures: INGE.CO srl
Installations: Planex srl
LEED Certification: Habitec Distretto Tecnologico Trentino Scarl
Acoustic: Engineer Andreas Hoischen
Cost management: Engineer Gianluca Gangemi
Lightning: iGuzzini
Seats: LAMM
External wood cladding: Kebony
Façade cladding: Ponzio Bond
Stained glass: Romana Ponzio Windstop
Packable walls: Oddicini
Interior flooring: Tarkett
Internal curtains: Serge Ferrari
Sound absorbing panels: Acoustico
Sound system: Bose
Elevator: Schindler
Bathrooms tiling: Marazzi
External flooring in stabilized gravel: Pietranet
External deck flooring: Déco Ultrashield
BUDGET: €5,116.845
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