前言 – 我们需要什么样的建筑(场地与建筑)
Preface – What kind of architecture we need (site and architecture)
The project is situated in the Caijia Free Trade Zone in Chongqing, which is a satellite belt of the main city. Covering an area of nearly 2,000 mu, the zone is supported by a park and benefits from the city’s Free Trade Zone strategy. As such, it belongs to Chongqing’s high-end ecological and livable colony in the north. The residential area near the base was built simultaneously to accommodate the influx of people from the urban areas. The owners of the residential area need to establish community businesses to cater to the functional needs of nearby residents.
▼项目概览,overall of the project
解析 – 建筑与社会心理的影响与反馈
Analysis – The influence and feedback of architecture and social psychology
he emergence of minimalism in Europe after the pandemic reflected people’s psychological need for hygiene at that time. The five refined elements of architecture by the Villa Savoy in Cobb fulfilled people’s imagination of a future residence that is bright and hygienic. This architectural form is not only influenced by the collective cultural psychological complex of contemporary society but also constructs an important form of the new collective cultural psychological complex. The architectural form is not only influenced by the collective cultural psychological complex of contemporary society but also plays a crucial role in shaping a new form of the collective cultural psychological complex.
▼以云为灵感的商业园区造型,the design of commercial park is inspired by the could
▼丰富多元的商业场景,rich and diverse commercial space
An ideal public place should be able to cater to the evolving basic needs of daily life and, over time, foster the development of a collective culture among its users. This new collective cultural complex contributes to a redefinition of place and the architectural form, thereby influencing people’s imagination of future life.
▼底层商铺,stores on the ground floor
▼商铺外观,external view of the building
The current state of community business development reveals that the conventional and monotonous business forms are no longer capable of accommodating the new collective cultural complex of Generation Z. The diverse consumption preferences of Generation Z demand that community businesses become more innovative, unique, and multifaceted, and provide an immersive offline social experience that is distinct from that of the Internet.
▼伞状构筑下方的公共空间,public space below the umbrella structure
▼底层空间近景,closer view of the ground floor
Apart from catering to the community’s basic needs for entertainment, consumption, retirement, and business, the new community business form has a more significant role to play in fostering a new collective culture within the community through imaginative means. Community place construction, business design, and theme design serve as crucial tools to showcase the unique culture of the community by utilizing space as a carrier, and to nourish and sustain the spirit of the place.
▼二层空间,the upper floor space
概念 – 阿狸飞过留下的空间与场所
Concept – The space and place left by the Ali flying over
When we were tasked with designing such a project, we observed that the population was relatively new to this public place, and came together through the shared territory or some special connection. The movement trajectory of people within the space resembled a flowing cloud. The constant meeting and parting of individuals within the space gave rise to countless potential connections. Architecture as a medium of expression and communication, with the creative creation of thematic spaces, establishes a process of positive interaction by meeting scenarios of different scales of intimacy, sociality, and strangeness.
▼商业区中的儿童活动空间,children’s activity space in the business district
Our cloud-inspired form allows for both integrity and variation in the overall commercial exterior vision, maximizing the indicative nature of the display surfaces along the street and providing a buffer of sight and space between the vertical density of the city and the main road. The innovative spatial design not only meets commercial needs but also expands the potential of public space, invigorating urban public spaces in various ways and subtly influencing people’s lifestyles. By contributing to the growth of urban space, this project has a positive impact on the community.
▼阿狸飞过留下的空间与场所,The space and place left by the Ali flying over
在地性 – 形式转译与空间趣味性
Locality-translation of forms and spatial interest
Commercial habits are rooted in the collective experiences and cultural traditions of a community, and serve as a behavioral manifestation of its collective memory. Over the course of thousands of years, the historical legacy of the people of Chongqing and their present-day aspirations for the future converge and blend within the new urban commercial space, showcasing the evolution and transformation of business models. The design of the square, stairs, corridors, and shops in the new themed commercial space creates an immersive consumer experience that encourages people to explore and peruse the businesses. This design approach fosters a more diverse and imaginative business environment for the project.
▼夜景,night view
After analyzing the correlation between the spatial model and behavior patterns of Chongqing city, the designer identified the spatial characteristics of the fundamental behavior of local residents during daily shopping, including climbing, strolling, looking, and swimming. These characteristics were expertly integrated into the design of modern commercial nodes’ spatial scenes, establishing a collective memory between the site and its visitors.
▼前后错落的伞状又呼应山城立体交互的空间特征,the umbrella-shaped staggered front and back design reflects the spatial characteristics of the three-dimensional interaction of the mountain city
The umbrella-shaped structure at the entrance of the project strengthens people’s visual experience and establishes the collective memory of the site more quickly through the concise shape of the theme, while the abstract form of the structure gives people a vague imagination. Even rational adults can possess a romantic imagination, which serves to further reinforce collective memory. The umbrella-shaped staggered front and back design reflects the spatial characteristics of the three-dimensional interaction of the mountain city, thus evoking a familiar spatial experience for people.
▼项目入口处的伞状构筑,the umbrella-shaped structure at the entrance
The upward curve of the spatial design resembles a cloud, creating a sense of depth and leading the viewer’s gaze further into the space. In contrast to traditional linear or curved corridors, the designer incorporates round platforms as a unique design element. The high and low platforms resemble mushrooms growing naturally in the wild and clouds of varying heights, evoking a sense of childhood nostalgia and playfulness. The resulting design is harmonious and natural.
▼廊桥与圆台,bridge and round platforms
The cloud bridge, central sculpture featuring a Ali theme, and the curved corridor’s gentle boundaries all suggest that this space is intended for socializing and recreation. The area can accommodate collective activities and serves as a landmark of the Z era. The thematic tension permeates throughout the entire space, creating a clear separation for visitors to immerse themselves in the dreamy and playful world of the Ali theme, stimulating their imagination and sense of childlike wonder.
▼建筑外观细部,details of the building
可持续 – 城市空间与社区经营的共同成长
Sustainable – Co-growth of urban space and community management
历史哲学家泰勒(charles taylor)研究指出,现代市民社会本身就是通过社会想象(social imagination)形成的。又如费孝通先生在《乡土中国》中所说:现代社会本质上是陌生人社会。多元社会的正常运转必然需要一些共享价值观念作为价值基础和支撑,以实现价值认同与聚合。基于陌生人之间零散、随机的公共链接很难形成可持续的集体记忆,于是通过阿狸主题制定社区商业的共同的集体文化心理情结,形成新的社区文化。在地形的形式转译和空间塑造,延续根植于山城人们骨血里关于城市空间的身体记忆,以场所空间和文化内涵双管齐下,以黏合新旧场所精神的裂痕,促进城市空间与社区经营的共同成长。
Renowned philosopher Charles Taylor has argued that social imagination played a key role in the formation of modern civil society. In his book “China in the Countryside,” Fei Xiaotong observed that modern society is essentially a society of strangers. In order for a pluralistic society to function properly, it is necessary to establish shared values as a foundation for creating a sense of value identity and cohesion. As a result of the fragmented and sporadic public connections between strangers, it is challenging to establish a sustainable collective memory. To address this issue, a new community culture is being cultivated through the development of a shared collective cultural and psychological identity around the Ali theme in community businesses. Through topographical translation and spatial shaping, this project preserves the physical memory of the urban space that is deeply ingrained in the history and culture of the mountain city. It adopts a two-pronged approach that combines place space and cultural connotation to bridge the gap between the old and new place spirit. By doing so, it promotes the shared development of urban space and community businesses.
▼俯瞰园区,aerial view
▼景观设计,landscape design
▼总平面图,master plan
▼地下层平面图,basement floor plan
▼一层平面图,ground floor plan
▼二层平面图,upper floor plan
Project name:Chongqing Ali Sharing Center
Project type:
Design:AAI·LifeWay studio
Design year:2021
Completion Year:2023
Leader designer & Team:Leslie Luo、Elvis Bao、Mingshu Luo、Peter.Wu、Mo Zheng、Yuzhen Lin
Project location:Plagioclase metasomatic formation of jiangjiaping interchange, Beibei District, Chongqing
Gross built area:7365 ㎡
Photo credit: Hu Yi Jie
Clients:Chongqing Zhuoqi Real Estate Development Co. , Ltd.
Materials:Aluminum plate
Brands:Fengming aluminum