李圪塔村有机更新 | 传统与现代的针灸式融合

2023/03/10 11:03:44
1. 写生基地的艺术圪塔
The Sketching Base, Art Geda
Li Geda Village is located in Dong Feng Village , Jincheng City, Shanxi Province, adjacent to Henan Province. The village is located at the foot of the Yunmeng Mountains with river on the north. Buildings there, which are well preserved and featured with Shanxi traditional characteristics, are spread along the east-west road in a shallow mountains area.
▼李圪塔村改造后鸟瞰,Aerial View Of Li Geda Village After Renovation
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The historical ancient stone carvings, strong local customs and unique scenery and landfoms have made Li Geda village a place for many artists and art students who bring popularity and vitality to the village, and a scale of 5,000 people come for art practice has been formed every year, for which the village has set up an art base.The village has developed a valuable tertiary industry, but there is still a need to improve the supporting facilities that can combine culture and art as well as tourism.
Also, the street environment needs to be upgraded, and cultural resources such as old historical courtyards and figures need to be revalued.
▼更新前艺术写生盛景,Artistic Sketch Scene Before The Renovation
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The newly built Taihang 1 tourist road runs along the south side of the village, increasing the accessibility and creating an important window for the village to showcase itself to the outside world. The village has thus been transformed with the dual objective of supporting local industrial resources and enhancing the tourism resources.
▼村庄西侧入口空间,Entrance Space On The West Side Of The Village
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2. 克制性设计干预
Restrained design interventions
李圪塔村一街(Main Street)两带的村内格局清晰,街边一层皮为公共建筑,第二层为四合院私宅,功能板块明确,仍旧合理。所以,对于规划适合最大程度保留格局,以最低的动作达成靶向改善,是产生出克制性规划的出发点。
The renovation of the countryside is a vulnerable zone with a very low tolerance for error. The historical village pattern and functional uses, their long-lasting psychological influence and the rationality of the local custom still remain.
The village pattern can be identified easily as two strips and one street (main Street), with public buildings as the first layer along the street and private courtyard houses on second layer, showing clear and rational functional panels. It is still reasonable. So for the planning it is appropriate to preserve the existing pattern and achieve targeted improvements with minimum effort, which is the starting point for generating a restrained plan.
▼公共设施沿主街分布,Public Facilities Are Distributed Along The Main Street
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3. 针灸式刺激,新与旧的交融
The idea of restrained design interventions is not a renovation of the whole, nor a refresh of the look of individual buildings. Regardless of the aesthetic sensibilities of the outside observer, it is always tend to intervene too much.
▼剧院魅影改造前后对比,Comparison Of The Phantom of the Theatre Before And After The Renovation
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While, in the case of preservation, the approach of an ‘acupuncture’ stimulation of selected points of the buildings is identified. Instead of demolishing or building a large number of new buildings, we should focus on the basis of conservation and inheritance. By doing so, the street style is not heavily refreshed or made old, the new and the old elements are blended and echoed to create both a familiar and unfamiliar feeling, and vernacular environment, materials and landscape are combined with modern technology and design techniques.
▼村庄西侧入口空间,Entrance Space On The West Side Of The Village
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4. 精准性有机微更新系统
Precise organic micro-renewal system
Acupuncture stimulation advocates the use of small-scale, precise interventions with a few important nodes, such as The Phantom of the Theatre and Art Gallery, so as to drive a larger area around them, and even to promote the overall system; it is a step-by-step strategy for upgrading under a synergistic perspective. The importance of the nodes is therefore firstly promoting the industrial and economic upgrading capacity, secondly enhancing the rationality of the architectural design for the establishment and upgrading of industry, and thirdly creating the spiritual resonance of the users and online audience.
▼重要节点针灸式刺激,Acupuncture Stimulation At Important Nodes
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▼村西侧入口节点空间更新,Renovation Of The Entrance Node On The West Side Of The Village
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The village, even through is currently weak in the first industry and lacks the historical tradition and resources supporting the second industry, now has established a relatively mature art base with a steady flow of users who mostly are school students and young teachers, while attracting a small number of artists who come here regularly to exchange ideas and hold exhibitions, to some extend, promoting the local tourism built on this spread.
Tourism and education are light industries linked to cultural and artistic activities, but the services still do not meet basic needs, and artistic and educational activities are relatively weak failing to extend the industrial chain that promote consumption in the village. This has led to the creation of an industrial axis along the arts and education activities.
▼总体设计草图,Overall Design Sketch
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更新设计沿村庄原有主街展开,于主轴线中选择 “起·承·焦·展·借·联”的节点,在保留街道空间尺度与风貌的前提下,合理衔接有节奏的落地化再造,对不同要素、主体的带动与统合,有目标、有计划、有步骤系统性操作,形成有效精准性干预,建立有机微更新系统。
The regeneration is developed along the original main street of the village, and the nodes of “start-undertake – focus – exhibition – borrow – link” are selected in the main axis. Based on the premise of preserving the spatial scale and street appearance, a rhythmic rebuilding is rationally connected, and different elements and subjects are driven and unified. Through a systematical operation leading by a rational target, plan and progress, an organic micro-renewal system could be established through precise interventions.
▼村庄整体功能序列,Overall Function Sequence Of The Village
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The nodes of the system start at the two ends of the village, establish the village gateway by combining with the existing buildings, entrance square and the farmland, together retaining nostalgic memories. The Phantom of the Theatre forms the public core area along Highway 1, showing the local residential style and representing the new appearance of the village. Dams are built to store the river, establishing a waterfront platform and using the water to create an event space, while linking the mountain villages in the north of the river with the natural mountains in the south. The main industry areas are arranged along both sides of the main axis, including the art sketching area , art workshop, art education core, public core area and art recreation zone, forming a functional and morphological sequence.
▼美术馆空间,Gallery Space
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5. 场所再生&文化振兴
Innovation in heritage. The tradition culture, time symbols, and the collective memory are continued through the art of architecture, achieving the regeneration and blending of the modernity and tradition.
Public space was once the main carrier of communication and emotional hubs in villages. The public space is revived through “place regeneration”, providing visible objects, showing the landscape, reshaping the cohesion of the village, its cultural qualities and the hometown nostalgia, realizing the emotional resonance between outsiders and locals, while achieving the purpose of “renaissance of literature and art”.
▼剧院魅影院落夜景,Night View Of The Phantom of the Theatre
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The area adjacent to the western entrance of the village was originally a key open space for the town’s public functions along the main street, with the former village council and stores on the north side and the old theatre and grain depot on the south. It is clear that this was the physical and spiritual centre of the village.
Through design, streets and lanes are updated so that the present generation can retrace the historic steps , while creating public spaces where the present villagers can co-exist and interact with foreign artists, such as preserving the old shop fronts and the sunbathing terraces in front of them, and transforming them into cafes, bars and art salons.
The old frontages on the north side of the main street have been slightly reorganised and the windows and doors were assessed and should not be replaced as far as possible; the terraces in front of the doors are kept in its old form without changes nor the pursuit of unwanted refinement.
▼更新后的艺术家商店,Artist Store After Renovation
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6. 空间承载,产业提升
6.1 废旧影剧院改造的艺术沙龙 | The art salon of theater transformation
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Most of the original cinema on the south side of the main street has collapsed, leaving only a small three-storey brick building for screenings and offices, which was repaired slightly neither through reconstructing the facade nor refreshing its architectural quality.
The facade of the building was preserved, and the collapsed auditorium has been transformed into an inner courtyard with several oval cascading art salon spaces raised above the ground, which are used for the daily art teaching and discussion. The original stage has also collapsed in half and has been reinforced and transformed into four stage lodges, looking at the auditorium art salon internally and facing the river and mountain to the south externally.
▼剧院魅影,The Phantom of the Theatre
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▼剧院魅影-椭圆形艺术沙龙,The Phantom of the Theatre -Oval Art Salon
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Therefore, the once disused village theatre still has its old appearance but with new functions. The exterior remains the same as it was then, the interior has been transformed into a glass salon with a cascade of coloured ovals. During the sunrise and sunset, a colorful oval “glass terrace” could be noticed accidentially in the courtyard wrapped by old bricks. In the evening, the Stage home-inn transforms the place into a small hotel, making it possible to extend the use of the common areas from purely daytime hours into the evening.
▼艺术沙龙室内舞台,Art Salon Indoor Stage
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Immediately to the east of the old cinema is a disused grain depot in a shape of a strip. The local art training institution need a large space for exhibitions, art training , group painting and testing, so the depot was transformed into an art multifunctional hall in conjunction with the art salon of the theatre.
▼粮站美术馆主入口,Main Entrance Of Grain Depot Art Museum
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Here, the original strip-shaped building was retained, and an addition was made to continue the linear morphology, creating a large exhibition hall with a double-slope roof. The facade and doorway of the former grain depot are retained as internal partition walls for exhibition, while the external wall material continues the red brick style. A small amount of large scale metal mesh is used at the entrance to reinforce the double-sloped form, suggesting the coexistence of familiar and unfamiliar, the old and the new. Hence, the “Grain Depot Art Museum” has been created.
▼改造后的粮站美术馆,Grain Depot Art Museum After Renovation
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▼美术馆室内,Inside The Art Museum
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The renovation of the old cinema and art gallery is renamed as Phantom of the Theatre, and becomes a visual centre along the Taihang No.1 National Scenic Byway. By doing so, the old features are preserved, new parts are inserted and enhanced, and fresh businesses could be implanted, so as to rebuild the public communication in the village, revive the local memory and to retain the “nostalgia”.
▼剧院魅影鸟瞰,Overlook Of The Phantom Of The Theatre
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▼艺术家交流多功能空间,Multi-Functional Space For Artists Communication
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7. 先锋乡村,创作修行
Pioneering countryside, Creative practice
In the years after the renovation, the local community has continued to extend the landscape transformation in line with the “acupuncture” strategy of upgrading small nodes along the street, which has been welcomed by art training institutions, students and visitors, increasing the usage rate of the building through hosting a large number of exhibitions and art gatherings. This has helped to promote the local cultural heritage and the integration of industry, population and economy.
▼举办艺术展览,Hold Art Exhibitions
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▼剧院魅影首层平面图,First Floor Plan
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▼剧院魅影西立面图,West Elevation
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▼粮站美术馆首层平面图,First Floor Plan
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▼粮站美术馆南立面图,South Elevation
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