

▼SANAA访谈视频,Video – interview
The Art Gallery of New South Wales sits on the gentle slope of Sydney’s Domain parkland, a spectacular site adjacent to the Royal Botanic Garden overlooking Sydney Harbour. The Art Gallery has grown gradually over the past century, with a number of extensions built to accommodate an increasingly diverse art collection. The new standalone building is to the north of the original Art Gallery building, at the junction between several critical pathways. Pedestrians cross the site to go to and from the city, while cars run along an expressway below.
▼项目鸟瞰,Aerial view of the Art Gallery of New South Wales’ new SANAA-designed building
▼场地鸟瞰,Site aerial view
The terrain of the site is diverse. There is a 20-metre rise from the harbour to Art Gallery Road, where the Art Gallery’s front door is located. Adjacent is a land bridge that connects the Art Gallery to the Botanic Garden. At the lowest level of the site are two decommissioned oil tanks that were used during the Second World War. These tanks, roads, and the land-bridge shape the site and we can see Sydney’s history of modernisation.
▼项目和城市鸟瞰,Aerial view to the project and its surroundings
▼新馆与历史建筑,The Art Gallery of New South Wales’ new SANAA-designed building and the historic building
The new building is composed of a series of pavilions of various sizes and gallery volumes, which sit lightly across these elements. The low roofs step and shift gently along this topography to preserve existing significant trees, sight lines, and the contour of the site.
▼新馆屋顶视角,Rooftop view
▼施工过程,Construction timelapse
Connecting the existing and new gallery buildings is a civic plaza – the Welcome Plaza – a shaded outdoor area connected to the Entrance Pavilion of the new building that acts as a shared space for the community. It is a large open plaza into which many activities can spill simultaneously.
▼美术馆迎宾广场,近处是草间弥生的作品“宇宙间盛开的花” Exterior view of the Welcome Plaza of the Art Gallery of New South Wales’ new building, featuring Yayoi Kusama Flowers that Bloom in the Cosmos 2022
▼美术馆迎宾广场,照片左方是的Francis Upritchard的雕塑作品“Here Comes Everybody”,Exterior view of the Welcome Plaza of the Art Gallery of New South Wales’ new building, featuring Francis Upritchard Here Comes Everybody 2022
▼夜晚,沿道路望向建筑,Exterior view of the Art Gallery of New South Wales’ new SANAA-designed building, 2022
We envision a space where visitors and school groups can gather casually, meet new people and prepare for their visit to the Art Gallery. From inside the Entrance Pavilion, visitors can then see down into an atrium, glimpsing art, activities, and landscape beyond.
▼入口展馆,The entrance pavilion
▼俯瞰中庭,Overlook to the atrium
Exhibition spaces are spread across the various levels of the building. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander gallery is on the entrance level with a glazed wall facing the existing building and a window with a view of the harbour.
▼新馆室内空间,Interior view of the Art Gallery of New South Wales’ new SANAA-designed building
▼新馆室内空间,Interior view of the Art Gallery of New South Wales’ new SANAA-designed building
▼GROUNDLOOP展览,Installation view of Lisa Reihana GROUNDLOOP 2022
▼GROUNDLOOP展览,Installation view of Lisa Reihana GROUNDLOOP 2022
▼新馆室内展厅,Installation view of one of the interstitial spaces in the new building
▼Making Worlds展览,Installation view of the Making Worlds exhibition featuring Kimsooja Archive of mind 2017–ongoing
▼Making Worlds展览,Installation view of the Making Worlds exhibition
▼Yiribana展厅,Installation view of the Yiribana Gallery
▼展览现场:Dreamhome: Stories of Art and Shelter
▼Outlaw展览,Installation view of the Outlaw exhibition
At the lowest level, the southern oil tank has been preserved and adapted to house major art commissions and installations. Visitors are led slowly downward through the site, bringing them closer to the harbour.
▼展览现场,Samara Golden装置作品,Installation view of the Dreamhome: Stories of Art and Shelter exhibition, featuring Samara Golden Guts 2022
▼Tank空间,The Tank space in the Art Gallery of New South Wales’ new SANAA-designed building
▼旋转楼梯,Spiral staircase
▼Tank空间展出的艺术作品“The End Of Imagination”,艺术家:Adrián Villar Rojas
Adrián Villar Rojas, The End Of Imagination in the Tank space
Three central roofs are accessible, creating linking terraces that feel like an extension of the paths from the Domain and the Botanic Garden, offering additional views across the precinct. Circulation both inside and out follows organic paths that resonate with the existing terrain and surroundings. By integrating art, the topography of the site, and the surrounding landscape, we hope to create an art museum experience that is distinctive to Sydney.
▼户外平台,Outdoor terrace
▼草间弥生“宇宙中盛开的花”雕塑,Yayoi Kusama Flowers that Bloom in the Cosmos 2022
▼Here Comes Everybody雕塑作品,Installation view of Francis Upritchard Here Comes Everybody 2022
▼美术馆鸟瞰,Aerial view to the project
▼场地环境鸟瞰,Context aerial view
Exhibitions, displays and commissions
▼视频:Yiribana画廊,Vide0: Yiribana gallery
▼视频:Tank空间,Vide0: The Tank
▼To see or not to see艺术装置,Installation view of Karla Dickens To see or not to see 2022
▼Making Worlds展览,Installation view of the Making Worlds exhibition
▼Yiribana画廊空间,Installation view of the Yiribana Gallery
▼展览现场:Dreamhome: Stories of Art and Shelter
▼From Here, for Now展览,exhibition From Here, for Now
▼Grand Courts展厅,Installation view of the Grand Courts
▼Spirit House展览,Installation view of Lee Mingwei Spirit House 2022
▼展览现场,Jeffrey Gibson的装置作品,Installation view of the Dreamhome: Stories of Art and Shelter exhibition featuring works by Jeffrey Gibson
▼Jitish Kallat Public Notice 2展览,Jitish Kallat Public Notice 2
▼20世纪画廊,Installation view of the 20th-century galleries