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坪坦书屋 | 侗族木构建筑的现代诠释

2022/10/24 09:00:15
Imagine a staircase that never ends, an infinite loop of risers and treads squeezed into a traditional timber house. To add to the mystery the staircase has no destination, it is the destination itself. The walls of the house have been transformed into a matrix of bookshelves and windows overlooking a courtyard.  This is no ordinary children’s library, the Pingtan Book House is a place where kids read and play at the same time, a new paradigm of rural village library in China.
▼项目概览,overall view
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近年来,侗族村庄一直面临着一个严峻的问题:美丽的木构建筑遗产迅速地被外来材料 – 混凝土所替代。过去几个世纪,侗族人一直用当地的杉木建造村庄,如今,这种可持续材料在侗寨的地位正在降低。当代生活方式和中国农村对现代城镇化的追求正在挑战侗族的传统文化基因。坪坦中心小学就是一个典型的例子。这所学校设立于1951年,而现在坪坦中心小学的混凝土校舍建造于20年前。围绕着操场是教学楼、教师宿舍、学生宿舍、行政楼和食堂。坪坦中心小学现有300多名6-13岁的学生。
▼项目夜景鸟瞰,aerial view of the project and surrounding environment at night
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For years, Dong Minority villages have been confronted with the ever-present reality of their beautiful architectural heritage rapidly evaporating, eradicated by the arrival of a foreign material – concrete. Entire villages built over centuries from a single sustainable material, indigenous China Fir, are rapidly losing their identity. Dong’s cultural DNA is being challenged by contemporary living and the quest to modernise. The Pingtan primary school is a prime example of this condition, a school built 20 years ago on the edge of the village, entirely made of concrete. The complex, which accommodates more than 300 children aged between 6-13, is made up of a cluster of five buildings, including a Hall and Canteen, Classroom, Dormitories and Administration all surrounding a courtyard.
▼立面夜景,night view of the facade
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▼立面夜景细部,detail of the facade
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For these reasons Condition_Lab saw an opportunity to make a small insertion, to introduce a timber structure that retained the Dong architectural DNA that could reawaken a sense of wonder in their heritage.  A form of “living heritage” that would reconnect and inspire children, allowing them to appreciate their precious culture via direct engagement.  The project is the second library Condition_Lab design and builds in the region, the first Gaobu Book House is located 10 km upstream acting as the elder sister in this family of interventions.  The idea is simple, each project takes the traditional typology of the Dong “Galan” timber frame house and adapts it to a contemporary design, where elements such as stairs, walls, windows and floor are reinterpreted.
▼立面日景,day view of the facade
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▼木制结构与阳光板的结合,the combination of wooden structure and polycarbonate panels
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Condition_Lab worked closely with local carpenters and students of architecture from CUHK School of Architecture.  Local, slow and listeing are the key attributes behind the project, without them the library wouldn’t be possible.  Through a process of participation we gained the trust of the villagers and the school principal, enabling us to create a social narrative that also helped us find donors who would eventually sponsor the project.  The building was build with a single donation from Chan Cheung Mun Chung Charitable Fund of 600,000 HKD that covered the entire construction.
▼内部空间概览,overall view of interior
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▼由书屋看操场,viewing the playground from the book house
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▼楼梯下方符合儿童心理尺度的玩耍空间,the play space under the stairs conforms to the psychological scale of children
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The remarkable achievement, something that we seldom occurs in contemporary construction, is that the fact that the Book House was built entirely using a sole material, every element such as wall, stairs and floor were built in timber.  The only ‘foreign’ material being the polycarbonate panels used for the façade to allow sunlight to filter in and views out.  Construction followed traditional Dong carpentory details, where  ‘Dragon Joints’ composed of male and female interlocking parts are used as the main structural bond.
▼建筑结构到墙、楼梯、地板的每一个元素都完全由木材建造,the Book House was built entirely using a sole material, every element such as wall, stairs and floor were built in timber
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▼传统侗族木构技艺的体现,construction followed traditional Dong carpentory details
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▼书屋细部,details of the book house
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The value of this project lies in two fundamental lessons.  The first relates directly to the children of Pingtan who beyond enjoying playing in the library have realized their culture is alove and remains relevant in this fastly changing world.  The second relates to the discipline, at a moment when architecture especially in urban metropolis like Hong Kong seems to have lost its soul to ever demanding developers, makes one aware of the social importance of architecture.  Social impact does not require large amounts of financial investment, design is not limited for highend projects, architecture must have a purpose.
▼施工过程 – 外观,construction site – exterior view
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▼施工过程 – 内部空间,construction site – interior view
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▼场地平面图,site plan
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▼底层平面图,ground floor plan
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▼二层平面图,first floor plan
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项目成员:Peter W. Ferretto、 林敏欣、刘紫薇
项目成员:Peter W. Ferretto、 蔡凌、林敏欣、刘紫薇、王淯仟
项目建筑师:刘紫薇、 林敏欣
摄影师:Zhao Sai、Chen Xiaotie
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