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响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间

2022/10/10 13:21:31
The city where the project is located is at the northernmost end of the delta city cluster, resting on the southern side of the Guan River basin. Compared with countless small cities in the Yangtze River Delta region, this county, which is named “Xiangshui” because of the roar of the falling water for tens of miles through the Guan River, is no different. In the era of speeding up from boiling salt fishing development to port industrial development, the small town life atmosphere is full of slow and peaceful.
响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-4
As a complement to the serious lack of existing support in the city, the local government merged the construction targets of several culture-related departments and unified the construction and management into a comprehensive art center. In early 2016, ATAH, led by architect Guang Xu, win the design rights for this 40,000m2 cultural public building through an invited competition.
▼街景鸟瞰,Aerial view
响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-8
One of the fundamental design issues was: how to avoid duplicating another bureaucratic facility image, but how to provide the spatial texture of the small town with appropriate scale and authenticity, and create individual and diverse memories of places for specific users?
▼街景融入,Street view
响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-12
The architect introspects design decisions with the semi-autonomy theory in the design process. In response to the external elements, the building responds to the following four points: (1) the horizontally spreading eaves respond to the open view of the Martyrs’ Memorial Park to the north; (2) the theater, which looks across from the existing stadium, stores the instantaneous huge flow of people in the cultural and sports square; (3) the building form is significantly set back from the traffic intersection, incorporating a 180-degree river view and waterfront activities; (4) while offering the unified Character of the city, the building provides independent entrances for several departments on the first floor and the possibility of free connection in the central courtyard on the second floor.
▼西入口与广场,West entrance plaza
响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-16
▼西入口近景,Entrance close-up view
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▼西入口中景,West entrance partial view
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In terms of establishing domestic order, the most significant operation is the colorful highlighting of public space areas in the gray volume through clear volume rejection. The design internalizes the urban street-like experience in the center of the building volume through the placement of second floor outdoor public streets, circulation corridors, sunken landscaped courtyards, and patios in the core of the building.
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响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-25
响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-26
▼多层活动,The multi-layered space
响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-28
▼中庭南向,Atrium facing south
响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-30
▼东入口二层平台近景,Terrace on the second floor at the east entrance
响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-32
▼南侧食堂入口,South entrance leading to the canteen
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▼东侧与水岸,View from the river front
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The varied and welcoming interior walls, like a cut canyon, are integrated with lighting design to provide two textural atmospheres, day and night, unified in an inwardly poured momentum. Users are presented with a protected migratory path in the center of the volume, conveying an encouraged linking and roaming experience.
响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-40
▼廊下近景,The entry way
响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-42
▼幕墙与灯光,Curtain wall and lighting
响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-44
The local treatment of the northeast corner of the Cultural Arts Center, through the large span of the roof structure, the ceiling that extends from the outside to the inside, and the lighting treatment, attempts to reproduce the experience of a extremely far view in both internal and external directions. The crystalline ceiling units and the diamond-shaped interior façade units reinforce this sense of negotiation between inside and outside in a highly abstracted pattern of densely laid units.
▼西侧入口夜景,West entrance night view
响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-48
▼北形象面黄昏全景,North facade in the evening
响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-50
▼剧院剖面图,Theatre section
响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-53
The most noteworthy feature under this wholeness is the county’s only 800-person multi-purpose theater. As the hometown of Chinese small opera art, Xiangshui hopes that the local cultural products can have a better stage to go out; it also hopes that high-profile foreign performances can come into the cultural daily life of the people in the small town. With water as the medium, the form, stage lighting and acoustics are integrated into the rhythm of dynamic ripples by the architect. The dozens of cultural performances since the opening of the project have woven the subtleties into the memories of many viewers.
▼剧院外微地形关系,Landscape outside the theatre
响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-56
▼剧院前厅,Theater front hall
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▼剧院次入口,Theater secondary entrance
响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-60
▼剧院前厅,Front hall detailed view
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响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-63
▼剧院入口仰视细节,Theatre entrance detail
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▼剧院平面图,Theater plan
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▼剧院内景,Theatre interior view
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响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-70
响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-71
▼图书馆中庭,Library atrium
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▼档案馆中庭,Archive atrium
响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-75
The project has been under construction for four years, with many stops and starts and many twists and turns. We hope that this building shows the possibility of deconstructing some kind of official values of large government buildings. We hope that its inclusive site spirit and romantic and open architectural character, like a bay of the Guan River, will provide a habitat where memories and imagination coexist in the dream weaving journey of the youth.
▼湖畔夜景,Lakeside view by night
响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-79
▼街景鸟瞰夜晚,Aerial view by night
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响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-83
响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-84
▼立面控制分析,Facade control
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响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-87
▼功能分布示意,Program diagram
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▼交通动线示意,Circulation diagram
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响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-93
▼一层平面图,Plan 1st floor
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▼二层平面图,Plan 2nd floor
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▼四层平面图,Plan 4th floor
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响水文化艺术中心 | 融合城市街景的多元记忆空间-101
主创建筑师:徐光, 王丹丹
建筑及室内方案至深化阶段:何凡、杨朕钦、满铁木尔、程瀛、何珍、苏晨、Amanda Ai、陈金、赵法中、沈友航(实习)、缪刘阳(实习)
建筑面积:地上31,364平方米 / 地下78,00平方米
结构顾问: 上海泰大建筑科技有限公司
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