《钢雨》设计 | Wutopia Lab 打造上海书城 WE 的数字雨幕

2023/05/24 14:58:06
“Billions of people just living out their lives…Oblivious.” ——The Matrix
2023年3月22日傍晚,在淅淅沥沥的小雨中,被俞挺命名为钢雨的,由Wutopia Lab设计的德必上海书城WE的外立面和大堂正式落成。
On the evening of March 22nd, 2023, amidst a light drizzle, the exterior facade and lobby of the DoBe WE @ Shanghai Book City designed by Wutopia Lab, which was named “Iron Rain” by Yu Ting, were officially completed.
▼花园的钢雨,Iron Rain in the Garden
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▼外立面与周边建筑对比,New and Old in Urbanism
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A Parallel Afternoon
I accepted this design appointment after the Spring Festival of year 2022. Looking back now, that period of time felt somewhat surreal. Despite the sunshine, I felt restless and distracted. The instructions I provided became vague and imprecise, to the point where even I was uncertain. Even my project manager, Lin Chen, whom I have known for 14 years, was at a loss. He showed me three proposals, and I reluctantly chose one, of which I even couldn’t convince myself. That day, after seeing off a friend who was leaving the country, I walked alone on Jinxian Road. The sun was shining brightly, but I felt like I was in a different universe, melancholy, dark, and damp, as if after a rainstorm. Suddenly, I thought, why not transform this damp feeling into my architectural language? And then, I remembered the movie, “The Matrix”.
▼项目区位 Site Plan
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▼2022年3月31日的上海街景,Shanghai Street View on 31st March 2022
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The Matrix
To me, the Matrix is a prophetic book filled with metaphors, symbolism, and even curses. In the 24 years since its birth, we have seen many prophecies become reality or come close to it, leaving us trembling and rejoicing. One of my most vivid visual memories from the movie is the digital stream behind Neo against the black background, which resembles a waterfall. For me, the ever-changing green digits are like a torrential downpour. In this day and age, no one can escape digitalization. We are all in the rain.
▼俞挺草图,Sketch by Yu Ting
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Iron Rain
我原来想在思南书局诗歌店下一场雨,但最后改成church in church。由动而静。这次我想重新下场大雨。我们用分别为160,320,480三种不同宽度总计500块长度根据我草图基础上程序生成的随机形态的白色铝板在立面上下起了大雨。板上以随机的点和划组成的摩尔斯码穿孔形成信息雨,等待有人解读。大雨要有厚度,所以铝板以内中外三层如瀑布般落地并在最外一层隐藏了雨篷,在保证视觉完整性上又不牺牲功能。穿过大雨进入大堂,雨未停。我把钢书架也设计成落雨形状,从而将立面的语汇延续到室内形成连续性。我偷懒,我把金属比如穿孔铝板和钢书架都统称为钢,所以这就是钢雨。
Originally, I intended to create a rain scene at the poetry store of Sinan Bookstore, but later changed it to Church in Church, which represents a shift from motion to stillness. This time, I want to bring back the heavy rain. We used 500 white aluminum plates of three different widths (160, 320, and 480) to create a randomized pattern based on my sketches, and simulated a downpour on the facade. The plates were perforated with randomly generated dots and dashes in Morse code, forming a message that awaits deciphering. To achieve the thickness of a real downpour, the aluminum plates were designed with three layers, cascading like a waterfall, and the outermost layer hides a canopy that maintains functionality while preserving visual integrity. Upon entering the lobby through the rain, the downpour continues. I also designed the steel bookshelves in the shape of raindrops, extending the visual vocabulary from the facade to the interior, creating a sense of continuity. To simplify matters, I used the term “steel” to refer to both perforated aluminum plates and steel bookshelves, hence the name “Iron Rain.”
▼建筑外立面,Building Facade
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▼福建中路一侧,View from Fujian Middle Road
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▼湖北路一侧,View from Hubei Road
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Singin’ in the Rain
The lobby is equipped with a large folding window, which, once opened, seamlessly integrates the interior and exterior spaces into a whole. The lobby is also immersed in the rain. The garden museum, the lobby’s lounge area is created by the combination of red terrazzo seats and green plants. Because of the rain, I requested that the original column ornamentation be removed and their construction marks preserved as a metaphor, indicating that the heavy rain can cleanse our souls and reveal their true nature.
▼花园博物馆,Garden Museum
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We use a modulus of 150 to control the visual effect of the white perforated steel bookshelves, which resemble a curtain of rain. The lobby is a transit space that connects the elevator hall and co-creation space. At these intersection points, we create a visual effect of a curtain being lifted, with a strong implication of “lifting the rain curtain,” which can arouse people’s curiosity to explore other spaces in DoBe.
The lobby of DoBe is a surreal Singin’ in the Rain, which fully expresses my complex emotions of dampness, uneasiness, and comfort on that day.
▼雨帘,Rain Curtain
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▼被掀开的雨帘,The Raining Curtain Opened
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▼电梯厅,Elevator Lobby
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▼共创空间看向大堂,from gallery to see the lobby
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▼VIP电梯厅,VIP Elevator Lobby
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Rain in the Park
我从大堂看出去。是站在公园里的一朵雨下。整个德必上海书城WE的公共空间被我设计成一个口袋公园。我们用地台的方式模拟微地形形成连续的地景。地台采用白色的白麻石,铺地采用灰色的景观地砖,地台再细化出座位、花坛、台阶、水池等。这就是一个网格化的可进入的枯山水的转译。公园用一块块3.2米高的黑钛镜面不锈钢隔开了德必与其他园区的车道,黑钛镜面的微反射,可以帮助过客看到另 一个“平行”中的自己。也就是说,一个实体的口袋公园里还藏着无数个各人各异的公园。
▼空间生成(GIF),Diagram of Form Generation
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I looked out from the lobby and saw the rain in the park. The public space of DoBe WE@ Shanghai Book City has been designed as a pocket garden. We simulated micro-terrain through the use of platforms to create a continuous landscape. The platforms are made of white marble and the flooring is made of gray landscape tiles, with seating, flower beds, steps, and water pools further refined. This creates a grid-like, accessible interpretation of the dry landscape garden. The park is separated from the driveway of the other park areas by 3.2-meter-high black titanium mirrored stainless steel panels, which reflect the passersby and create a parallel universe. In other words, a single physical pocket garden hides countless various individual parks within it.
▼地景花园,Landscape Garden
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▼落在地面的“钢雨”,”Iron Rain” on the ground
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▼花园夜景,Garden Night View
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▼近景,Close-up view
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There is a prominent red line in the center of the lobby that leads to an electronic media screen located at the midpoint of the borders and the wall of the elevator hall. This red obelisk, with a proportion of 1:4:9, was inspired by the black obelisk in the movie “2001: A Space Odyssey.” However, it is not silent but quietly rolling with a waterfall-like digital rain. It is the center of the park.
▼夜幕下的”红色方尖碑”,Red Obelisk at Night
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▼贯穿的红线,Penetrating red line
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▼近景,Close-up view
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Full Metal Jacket
2020年,我买了一件铜丝编织的夹克,Full metal jacket。我着迷于外套微妙的折射和反射。所以在德必上海书城WE的钢雨的灯光设计上,我希望能展示出这种变化,让钢雨具有一种偶然不确定的丰富。或者说,我为德必上海书城WE穿上一件全金属夹克。这时候,钢雨具有一种防御性,保护我们。
Yu Ting wearing the full metal Jacket
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In 2020, I purchased an full-metal jacket made of woven copper wire. I was fascinated by the subtle reflections and refractions of the jacket’s surface. Thus, in the lighting design of the Iron Rain feature at DoBe WE @ Shanghai Book City, I aimed to showcase these transformations and imbue the Iron Rain with a sense of fortuitous richness. It was as if I had dressed DoBe WE @ Shanghai Book City in a full-metal jacket, with the Iron Rain now possessing a defensive quality that shields and protects us.
▼外立面灯光,Lighting of the facade
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▼立面近景,Facade close-up view
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It’s not easy for everyone
On March 31st, 2022, there were few people on the streets of Shanghai as the following day because of the Covid-19 lockdown. The entire city seemed gloomy, reminiscent of a desolate winter day. However, I was rather calm, as I understood the source of my anxiety at the time. During the period of lockdown, I reinforced my design, as I needed a steadfast attitude to face an uncertain future. Mr. Jia, the boss of DoBe and his team were surprised when they saw my design, as they have their own design company and this design exceeded their expectations. I told them that in such special times, we must be brave.
On March 22nd, 2023, tears filled my eyes as I watched Zhu Jingyi complete his writing overcoming his illness with unnoticeable effort. This year was difficult for every person in Shanghai. At one point, even I lost confidence. However, when I stood under the completed Iron Rain that Mr. Jia and his team had worked so hard on, I couldn’t help but feel proud. This city does not bow down to adversity but instead looks towards the future with positivity. Every person has faced great difficulty, but they have shown bravery.
Iron Rain is My Milestone
Everyone was surprised by the name “Iron Rain”. I didn’t tell them that it was actually a small manifesto. As an architect, one ultimately needs to find one’s own materials and modes of expression. Architects seem to believe that concrete, wood, white paint, and glass have a certain authenticity that makes them morally superior. This has led to a trend of metal panels, which represent consumerism, increasingly seeking to simulate other materials or even to go to the extreme of using weather-resistant steel.
I used perforation to make the metal lose its material primacy. But if I only use one layer, it would simply be a veil on the building facade. When Professor Zhang Bin commented on the facade of my Wuji Academy 13 years ago, he used the phrase “layer upon layer of capitalist language”. This phrase moved me to continuously experiment with using perforated panels to create volumes on the facade, ultimately forming the facade, not just a jacket fabric but the jacket itself. The layered perforated panels create a semi-transparent metal facade with contingency and uncertainty, which then prompts me to further shape the interior. In the future, all-metal may be one of my creative directions. Iron Rain is a milestone in my creative process.
▼无极书院,Wu Ji Academy
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项目经理李灏从地铁走出来在一堆半旧不新的建筑群里看到钢雨,那是一副不可思议的图景,似乎在预言未来。这钢雨也惊动了另外一条街上的我的业主,他们由此对南京东路上我的新作品充满信心。因为大家不再被过去所束缚,大家和Wutopia Lab一起创造了未来。
Upon exiting the subway amidst a cluster of semi-old buildings, project manager Li Hao was astounded by the sight of Iron Rain. It was an incredible vision that seemed to foretell the future. This Iron Rain also caught the attention of another client on a nearby street, who became confident in my new work on East Nanjing Road. No longer bound by the past, we and Wutopia Lab together create the future.
▼钢雨与街道Iron Rain in the Street
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This accidental photo seems to be a prophecy, as the man in the bottom right corner is the client of another work I am about to unveil.
▼海口路远眺德必上海书城WE,View from Haikou Road
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▼夜间鸟瞰,Aerial view at night
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▼平面图,Floor Plan
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▼剖透视图 Broken-open Perspective View
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设计公司:Wutopia Lab
项目建筑师: 丰滋祥
建筑面积:室内340㎡ ,景观1020㎡
Project Name: DoBe WE @ Shanghai Book City
Design Firm: Wutopia Lab
Principal Architect: YU Ting
Project Manager: LI Hao
Project Architect: FENG Zixiang
Design Team: LV Jie, FENG Yanyan, JIANG Yelei, XU Zijie, LIN Chen
Design Consultant: TOPOS DESIGN
Lighting Consultant: San Se Shi Design Institute
Facade Consultant: Shanghai Building Decoration Engineering Group Co., Ltd.
Construction Drawing Design: Shanghai DoBe Space Design Co., Ltd. Construction Drawing Design Team: WU Bingdi, ZHANG Panli, JIANG Xuejiao, WANG Xikai
Photo Credits: CreatAR
Video Credits: CreatAR
Model: Xiaolu, Nikita (Red Dress)
Client: Shanghai Deyuan Shangshu Cultural Technology Co., Ltd.
Client Team: LU Xin, YAN Shu, ZHOU Xin, MI Changcheng, ZHAO Xingjia, DONG Limin, XIAO Chenxi
Construction Side: Hongrun Construction Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai Jiuyao Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.
Terrazzo Series Supplier: Shanghai Jinfuyuan Floor Engineering Co., Ltd.
Customized Aluminum Plate Supplier: Shanghai Shuze Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd.
Customized Bookshelf Supplier: Shanghai Shuze Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. Soft Decoration Consultant: Shinaibo (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd.
Main Materials: Perforated Aluminum Plate, Terrazzo, Perforated Steel Plate, Mirror Stainless Steel, White Marble, Outdoor Floor Tiles, Yue Xiu Wood
Project Location: Huangpu District, Shanghai, China
Building Area: 340㎡Interior, 1020㎡Landscape
Design Year & Completion Year: 2022.03 to 2022.07
Construction Year & Completion Year: 2022.08 to 2023.03
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