鱼缸咖啡馆 | 南京体育馆内的透明玻璃容器

2023/03/27 12:44:17
Fishtank is not your typical cafe location. Tucked inside an arena in Nanjing, the site was previously a storage room. It sits between two overhanging bridges, faces a four-lane ring road, and looks across an under-podium parking zone. The facade was essentially the arena’s exterior, painted cold grey, with black recess lines and punctures for service vents.
▼场地原貌:铺面位于两座悬桥之间,The original sits between two overhanging bridges
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当Office AIO被业主委托在这个不起眼的场地上设计第二家鱼缸咖啡时,设计团队将场地的简陋扭转为机会,赋予鱼缸咖啡作为成长品牌鲜明的特质。团队由平淡无奇的外墙联想到鱼缸(fish tank)的透明玻璃容器,似有若无地盛装着店内遗世而独立的氛围。
When Office AIO was commissioned to design this undistinguished site, it took it as an opportunity to elevate the coffee shop from a neighbourhood cafe to a recognised brand. The design team exploits the cloistered and tame site, conceiving an undisturbed world. A world much like a fish tank, contained by a “non-existent” facade but relishing its own sphere of habitat.
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▼夜幕下像玻璃容器一样的外观,Glass container-like appearance at night
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A Fish Tank Undisturbed by The Outside World
The outer and inner worlds isolate one another by a glass facade. It lightly brightens up the spot and hints at the grid lines of the pre-existed panels. What once was a vent becomes the “exit door”, leading one from the outside world into the one inside.
▼咖啡厅另一侧的旋转门入口,Revolving door entrance on the other side of the café
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鱼缸咖啡馆 | 南京体育馆内的透明玻璃容器-16
Another larger rotating door opens up for a peak inside the cafe on occasion. Once opened, a bigger entry warmly opens up to passing patrons, inviting them to hangout inside or congregate around the wall-mounted bar. Inside the cafe, orange brick tiles visually mirror the street pavement outside, elevating this semi-outdoor buffer zone into an open community joint.
▼咖啡厅内部空间概览,Overview of the interior space
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A plant box of various greeneries freshens the shop, welcoming patrons with a touch of life. The interior contrasts against the chaotic concrete city on the outside with a colour-speckled soft white terrazzo floor that calms down and brightens up most of the footprint.
▼平面生成图,Plan generation
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▼入口处的植物槽,The plant box at the entrance
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The slanted ceiling is finished with textured plaster in warm grey like pumice waves floating in the ocean, with rounded edges folding “soft seams” for light fixtures to probe throug
▼暖灰的石膏斜顶天花板,The slanted ceiling made of plaster
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Leveraging a Skewed Floor Plan for Extra Playfulness
Like rocks dropped to the bottom of an aquatic world, the bar area features multiple blocks of differing heights and configurations. The area is skewed against the oblique floor plan, accentuating the irregularities of the site with a whimsical touch. The design centres these bar counters with movable stools so that coffee connoisseurs can observe the brewing act, learn about their palette with baristas and chat about greater coffee cultures.
▼围绕着吧台的c形的超长凳,C-shaped bench surround the bar
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The bars are surrounded by a C-shaped bench made of Corian, with an edge opens toward the entrance inviting patrons in. The seamless continuous bench lines the perimeter wall of the site in varying depths. This naturally provides patrons to freely create their own “nook” by moving around the cushions and small tables.
▼工作室,Workshop space
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▼具有设计感的展架,Exhibition stands with a sense of design
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鱼缸咖啡馆 | 南京体育馆内的透明玻璃容器-48
▼展架细节,Details of exhibition
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These bespoke tables, alternated by sizes and heights, are finished in acrylic with warm oak and the brand’s pale green and. Stools in tan leather and raw steel from FRAMA are selected for their “super-normal” expression.The simplistic forms of the furniture, along with the pastel colours help put together an out-of-the-world experience, a quest for coffee by the nonchalant but lighthearted within their own realms.
▼定制的小桌,Custom-made bespoke tables
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▼首层平面图,ground floor plan
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▼二层平面图,first floor plan
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客户: Fishtank Coffee 鱼缸咖啡
项目地址: Nanjing, China 中国南京
面积: 156m2 (Cafe: 114m2; Office: 42m2)
设计任务:Interior Design & Facade Design 空间设计 & 外立面设计
主创设计师: Tim KWAN 关穗棋
设计师: Xue ZHAO, Xiao YANG, Isabelle SUN, Wenjian ZHANG 赵雪、杨霄、孙运萱、张文坚
项目委任: 2021
项目完成: 2022
摄影: Wen Studio
灯光设计: Sarah QIAO 乔燕莎
工程公司: Nanjing BaiQuan Decoration Constructions 南京柏泉装饰工程有限公司
平面设计团队: Design DaMi 大弥
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