巴塞罗那 La Carbonería 集体住宅修复丨西班牙巴塞罗那

2023/06/01 09:16:23
La Carbonería 是位于巴塞罗那的一处简陋的集体住宅区,始建于 1860 年代,是 Cerda 的 Eixample 街区中最老旧的建筑,标志性的正方形城市网格使其非常容易辨认。Eixample 街区内坐落着高迪的大部分作品,它作为十九世纪的扩建工程,为城市与建筑的进步铺平了道路,并一直持续至今。近日,西班牙建筑师 Angel Borrego Cubero/OSS 完成了 La Carbonería 住宅区的修复工作,将 Eixample 戏剧化且动荡不安的历史直白地展现在人们面前,并使其成为该建筑未来生活的重心所在。
La Carbonería, a humble 1860’s collective housing estate in Barcelona, is the oldest building of the seminal Cerda’s Eixample neighborhood, easy to identify by its iconic square urban grid. The Eixample, home to most of Gaudi’s works, is the XIXth century enlargement that paved the city’s way to an urban and architectural success that lasts up until today. The recent rehabilitation of La Carbonería, completed by the Spanish architect Angel Borrego Cubero /OSS, brings to life a dramatic and thrilling history of conflict at the heart of the Eixample’s troubled beginnings, and makes it the center of gravity of the future life of the building.
▼项目外观,Exterior view
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History as a resource for sustainability
2014 年,在驱逐自 2008 年开始便擅自占用该建筑的居民之后,既有的楼梯间也被前所有者拆除。同时,市政府将该建筑列入保护建筑条目,并下达了修复外立面的指令。在构想中,建筑的立面应当朝向那条从未建成的城市大道,现实中,它面对着两座互为直角的界墙,并且距离它们不到 10 米远。
The original stairwell of the building had been demolished by its previous owner following the eviction in 2014 of the squatters that had occupied it since 2008. Also, the Town Hall had catalogued the building recently, and, with this protection, it also imposed the obligation to recover the facade that was supposed to look to the never-built ghost boulevard, which however faced now two party walls meeting at a 90º angle barely ten meters away at its further point.
▼修复前的建筑外观和庭院,The building facade and patio before rehabilitation
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▼修复示意:隐藏的立面,Diagram: Thehidden facade
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Placing the stairwell and elevator in this furthest corner allowed us to unite the desires and needs of the different actors in the process in a more valuable and sustainable solution for all: The facade that explained Barcelona’s enlargement project and its history has been made available for view from the stairwell and walkways and has become part of the local daily life; the small patio is now a tridimensional public space for the neighbours, a more interesting view from their larger windows than the original party walls; and one more apartment could fit in the space vacated by the old stairwell, which helped justify the more complex solution plus it has increased a much needed housing density in this desirable area of the city.
▼修复后的庭院,The patio after rehabilitation
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▼大尺寸的窗户带来比原先的界墙更加有趣的风景,A more interesting view from their larger windows than the original party walls
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项目修复细节 Details of the rehabilitation project
The building seems to have been turned inside out. Its most striking façade is hidden inside a triangular courtyard and, to make it accessible, its stairwell and elevator have been moved from the inside of the building to the furthest corner of this patio. The structural design of the communications core, the aerial walkways and the dividing wall seek to feed on this situation.
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The most striking façade is hidden inside a triangular courtyard
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The large structure adjoining the party wall rests on the walkway that gives access to the roof, which acts as a stabilizing horizontal beam. This allows the structure to grow taller and access the sun to bring energy and light down. Mirrors placed on it illuminate the lower floors’ apartments and the bottom of the narrow patio in the winter months. The structure is also prepared for the installation of a PV panel array and houses the planters.
▼庭院设计示意,Patio Concept
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The walkways with a bend are supported by crossing beams underneath.
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The walkways with a bend are supported by crossing beams underneath. The support of their corners is not obvious at first glance, which confers the paths that reach the door of each home a weightless, surreal appearance. The lack of vertical struts or cables also allows for a greater freedom of design in such a constrained space.
▼仰视庭院,Looking up from the patio
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▼内部立面,The inner facade
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虽然适用的遗产法规允许设计团队将整个建筑的外墙挖掉,但建筑的原始结构最后还是尽可能地得到了保留。需要更换的只有屋顶的部分,其余的楼板、墙壁和基座则根据新的需要和要求进行加固。加固工程是强制性的,但在完成之后,可用的剩余负荷将为屋顶带来支撑,并在中间的承重墙顶部设置一个 1 米深的公用水池。
Although the heritage regulations applicable allowed us to gut out the entire building except the facades, the original structure of the building was preserved as much as possible. In the end, only the roof needed replacement. The rest of the floors, walls and foundations were reinforced to the extent of the new needs and demands. These reinforcement works were mandatory, but once completed, the surplus of available loads was used to make the roof accessible and place a 1m deep collective pool o top of the middle bearing wall.
▼公寓内部,Apartment interior view
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Other advantages of this solution are effective cross ventilation and natural lighting throughout the day, thus contributing to energy savings with passive solutions. Together with the use of original, breathable materials and other relatively natural finishes, such as waxed or oiled pine wood, a generous and free of volatile substances space is achieved.
▼公寓内部空间的布局保护并凸显了原有的承重墙,The interior distribution of the apartments protects and emphasizes the original bearing wall
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▼公寓内的楼梯,Staircase in the apartment
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公寓内部空间的布局保护并凸显了原有的承重墙,后者将建筑分为两个平行的空间。储藏室和机械区沿着中间的墙壁分布,成为内部空间最重要的元素。这道墙壁上的开口同时也实现了 Cerdà 最初的构想,在住宅的起居空间、内部庭院和街道之间建立了视觉上的连接。
The interior distribution of the apartments protects and emphasizes the original bearing wall that divides the building in two parallel spaces. Storage and mechanical areas follow this middle wall, which becomes the most important element of the interior layout. Openings in this middle wall allow for the visual connection between the living areas of the home, the inner courtyard, and the street as conceived by Cerdà.
▼室内空间,Interior view
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▼室内门窗和细节,Openings and interior details
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▼首层平面图,Plan ground floor
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▼二层平面图,Plan floor+1
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▼三层平面图,Plan floor+2
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Architect: Ángel Borrego Cubero (Office for Strategic Spaces)
Local architect: Montserrat Farrés Catalá (mmj arquitectes)
Consultants: Xavier Aumedes / ARREVOLT (Quantity Surveyor); BAC ENGINEERING (Structure, HVAC, Electricity); Aleksandar Ivancic /AIGUASOL ENGINYERIA (Energy Efficiency); Cristina Thió / CHROMA (Chromatic historical study of the façade)
Developer: Lesing LWP Spain S.L.
Completion year: 2022
Address: C/ Comte d’Urgell 30, Barcelona
Built area: 1200 m2 or 13,000 sq.ft.
Construction cost: 1.820.000 €
Nº floors: 5
Program: Residential, commercial
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