

Bodh Gaya, where Lord Buddha is deemed to have received enlightenment, is one of the holiest and oldest pilgrimage sites for Buddhists. Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims and tourists from around the globe visit the city annually.
▼视频,Video © Niveditaa Gupta
Spread over 5-acres, not far from the Mahabodhi Temple (one of the four holy sites related to the life of Lord Buddha), the Hotel in Bodh Gaya responds to the religious tourism in the region – designed as an ode to the historical roots of Buddhism in India. The 78-key hotel consists of two key zones – the public block closer to the northern access road and the guest block on the site’s southern end. All vehicular movement is restricted to the site periphery.
▼项目概览,Preview © Niveditaa Gupta
▼场地鸟瞰,Site aerial view © Niveditaa Gupta
The public block has spaces arranged around a long, central courtyard, which forms the physical and emotional heart of the hotel. This zone comprises a reception, banqueting facilities, a health centre with a spa, a gym, a swimming pool, and a restaurant. A linear waterbody oriented east-west separates this public zone from the residential block comprising guest rooms and suites.
▼酒店公共区域,Public area © Niveditaa Gupta
Invoking Memory and Emotion
Each space in the hotel represents the tenets of Buddhism through two key architectural lyrics – memory and emotion. The first one – memory – is invoked through traditional features of Buddhist architecture. Vaults, corbelled arches and stepped jambs are re-envisioned in a contemporary idiom across all spaces in the hotel – reminiscent of the past but designed for the present. The other architectural lyric of emotion conveys the Buddhist ethos of simplicity, compassion and serenity through a series of gestures. In that spirit, a series of layers from outside to inside in the form of outdoor, semi-outdoor and indoor spaces allow for a gentle transition into the public spaces as one enters the public block.
▼中央庭院,The central courtyard © Niveditaa Gupta
▼庭院俯视,Aerial view © Niveditaa Gupta
▼贯穿酒店的拱顶、以托臂支撑的拱门以及阶梯式的门窗侧壁令人回想起过去,Vaults, corbelled arches and stepped jambs are re-envisioned in a contemporary idiom across all spaces in the hotel © Niveditaa Gupta
Portals are formed at the edges of these transitional spaces. Viewing spaces through these frames is like viewing the passage of life and its different phases. A banyan tree, the same tree species under which the Buddha is said to have received enlightenment, sits at the other end of the central courtyard, which is seen through these frames – signifying Buddhism’s ultimate goal of enlightenment.
▼透过庭院望向花园 © Niveditaa Gupta
View to the garden from the courtyard
▼水疗健身区域,Pool-spa-gym area © Niveditaa Gupta
The building embraces the human scale, which is conveyed through the proportions of the courtyards, verandahs, arches and windows. The soothing colour palette of muted whites and warm terracotta further lends to the lyric of emotion.
▼走廊,Corridor © Niveditaa Gupta
▼酒店客房,Guest room © Niveditaa Gupta
The landscaping of exterior spaces, including the linear, river-like water body with floating lotus plants (associated with the purity of body, speech and mind in Buddhism) gives rise to calmness and tranquillity. Edged by ghat-like steps (ceremonial stairway to a river), the water body allows visitors to rest and rejuvenate in the outdoors.
▼河流般的线性水体,The linear, river-like water body © Niveditaa Gupta
▼泳池,Pool © Niveditaa Gupta
Buddhist Philosophy and Symbology as a Tool for Wayfinding
佛教哲学与符号学的思想被转化至酒店的室内设计、艺术品以及标识当中,同时也为导航提供了便利。与佛教有关的五种智慧通过Vajradhatu Mandala(金刚界曼荼罗)的图案得到体现,它们分布在酒店的五个公共区域:接待区、咖啡馆、宴会厅、休息室以及水疗健身区,分别对应着无畏、法则、施舍、自容与天地合一的理念。
▼标识设计视频,Video: Symbolism
Ideas from Buddhist philosophy and symbology are translated into the hotel’s interiors, artwork and signage, which also eases navigation. The five wisdoms associated with Buddhism, represented in the Buddhist icon of Vajradhatu Mandala, are expressed in the five public spaces – reception, cafe, banquet, lounge and spa-gym-pool. These wisdoms are fearlessness, the wisdom of dharma, giving and sharing, unity with oneself and oneness with the earth.
▼接待台,Reception © Niveditaa Gupta
▼餐厅,Restaurant © Niveditaa Gupta
▼宴会厅,Banquet © Niveditaa Gupta
▼酒店大堂,Lobby © Niveditaa Gupta
The mandala associates each wisdom with a mudra (a symbolic hand gesture). Each mudra is further associated with specific colours, seasons, elements and symbols, which are translated into interior design schemes for the spaces. For instance, the spa-gym-pool, which represents the wisdom of ‘oneness with the earth’, is associated with the colour blue – which has been used in all the internal walls of the space. The wisdom’s connection to the winter season is represented through the motif of a bare tree on one wall, and its link to the symbol of the vajra (a ritual object extensively employed in Tibetan Buddhist ceremonies), is represented by a wall pattern derived from an abstraction of the symbol. Finally, the wisdom’s association with water is conveyed through the swimming pool, and an abstract motif denoting the element of water, which is used in the signage for the space.
▼户外水景,Water landscape © Niveditaa Gupta
▼寻路系统设计示意,Signage design diagrams © SJK Architects
▼黏土砖制作过程,The Making of the Clay Tiles © SJK Architects
▼拱顶修建过程,The Making of the Vault © SJK Architects
▼屋顶平面图,Roof plan © SJK Architects
▼客人动线平面,Visitor movement plan © SJK Architects
▼客房区域平面,Residential block plan © SJK Architects
▼公共区域平面,Public block plan © SJK Architects
▼公共区域剖面,Public block setion © SJK Architects
PROJECT : Hotel at Bodhgaya
LOCATION: Bodh Gaya, Bihar
CLIENT: M/s. Marasa Hospitality Pvt Ltd.
DESIGN TEAM : Shimul Javeri Kadri, Vaishali Mangalvedhekar, Roshni Kshirsagar.
AREA: 76,000 sq.ft. on 4.5 Acre land.
STRUCTURAL CONSULTANTS: M/s. Engineering Creations Consultancy (I) Pvt. Ltd.
MEP CONSULTANTS: M/s. AEON Integrated Building Design Consultants LLP
LIGHTING CONSULTANTS: M/s. KSA Architectural Lighting Designers
GRAPHIC DESIGNERS & SIGNAGE: M/s. Tarasha Design works
PMC: M/s Masters