

Discovering the beauty of the“change” requires a more space-orientedatmosphere than the “form”.
-- Preface to "The Design of Symbiosis"
As one of the most important areas of thedesign office, the courtyard conveys the beauty of people and nature.
A person, as one of the products of nature,must be subordinated to nature, integrated into nature, and advocating nature.Any design that does not take into account nature will eventually be eliminatedby the development of society. We respect rules and nature and live with them.
About this courtyard, the designer says
“作为一处兼顾了办公使用需求的庭院空间,不同于以往的私家园林和公共空间,既要满足常处于高度压力和负荷的设计工作人员的休憩,放空之所,又要满足与客户、朋友洽谈,喝茶,展示的商务之用。因此我们将庭院分成了两个部分;即禅庭和聚院,禅庭的主要表现为茶室空间及外部枯山水景观,是供洽谈,放空,冥想之处,主要表现为 “静” 。而聚院则是表现欢聚,娱乐,放松的“动”感空间。一动一静,把庭院的功能性和美观性完美融合。”
As a courtyard space that takes into account the needs of office use, itis different from the previous private gardens and public spaces. It not onlyneeds to satisfy the resting and emptying places of design staff who are oftenunder high pressure and load, but also needs to meet the business needs ofcustomers and friends for negotiation, tea drinking and exhibition. So wedivided the courtyard into two parts. That is, the Zen Court and the Ju Yard.The Buddhist monastery is mainly characterized by the tea room space and theexternal dry landscape. It is a place for negotiation, emptying andmeditation. It is mainly expressed as "quiet". However, thegathering hall is a "moving" space for gathering, entertainment andrelaxation. A quiet movement perfectly integrates the functionality andaesthetics of the courtyard.
Zen Court
——《阴翳礼赞》 · 谷崎润一郎
Beauty is not in the object itself,
It is the haze, light and dark formed byobjects and objects.
Just as the night pearl will shine in thedark, it will lose the charm of jewelry when exposed to the sun.
Without the role of the haze, beauty willno longer be beautiful.
-- In Praise of Shadows · Tanizaki Junichiro
The use of light and shade makes the lightproduce refraction and shadow under the backdrop of various materials. Lookingat the outdoor scenery and space of the tea, people can't help but stop andforget the passage of time.
Gold foil is a material used in the livingroom of ancient nobles. It is not only bright in color, but also plays a rolein reflecting light. Looking at it from different angles, the flashing brings akind of Zen that looks like Buddha light.
On rainy days, listening to the rain, thewater droplets falling from the eaves hit the stone steps, and the tea room wasquietly integrated into the environment. The atmosphere it creates leads peopleinto another world, a spiritual world.
Ju Yard
The secret, quiet place.
In the courtyard, you can enjoy thedifferent seasons of the four seasons, experience the changes of life withtime, and the beauty brought by change; there are the birds of spring, thesound of summer, the insects of autumn, and winter. The silence, quietlyobserve the mobility of life brought by this courtyard.
项目名称: 禅·聚-品奕汇.庭院
Project Name:Zen gathering-Office Area courtyarddesign
设计公司: 品奕汇+JS金石景观
Design Company: JS Jinshi Landscape Design
Landscape Design Team:Jin Jianxin, Jin Ye, Wang Lei, Liu Yaorui
Interior Design Team: Ping Yi Coverge
项目地址: 南京市江宁区将军大道8号辣椒区59-1
Project Address:59-1, Pepper District, No.8, Jiangjun Avenue, Jiangning District, Nanjing
设计时间: 2018年5月-2018年6月
Design time: May2018-June 2018
施工时间: 2018年7月-2019年6月
Construction time: July 2018-June 2019
材料: 花岗岩,防腐木,砾石,竹,玻璃,水性漆,金箔
Materials:StargateCosmos, anticorrosive wood, gravel, bamboo, glass, water paint, gold foil.
Editor: Nick
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