

项目时间 / 2023.04
Time / 04.2023
项目坐标/ 杭州
Location / Hang Zhou
项目面积/ 455㎡
Area / 455㎡
主案设计师 /
赵 非
Designer /
Fei Zhao
设计团队 /
李洁 韩丽娜
Team /
RanChen JieLiLinaHan
Space design
The client of this project is a fashion designer with a high demand for spatial aesthetics. The project is located in Hangzhou and consists of five floors, two underground and three aboveground, with front and back gardens. The underground space only has one skylight, making the space very dark. In addition, the single floor area is not large and has to meet the living and office needs of three generations of the owner’s family.
To solve the lighting problem, the design incorporates a sunken courtyard in the back garden and opens up one wall of the basement to add a large window that brings natural light into the interior. This window also serves as a frame that captures the natural scenery and enhances the relationship between the space and nature. The design of the skylight, with its wavy glass, refracts sunlight to create interesting shadows that change over time. Meanwhile, the objects in the space are concealed in the shadows and gain a sense of natural beauty.
To address the conflict between privacy and openness in the mixed-use space, the design divides the space reasonably and creates separate pedestrian flows for office and residential areas. The underground space is designated for office use, the first floor is for social and living functions, and the second and third floors are for living spaces.
"Freedom and Artistry"
As the client is a fashion designer, the design of the space is flexible, soft, and free, similar to the characteristics of fabric materials. Therefore, the space incorporates a lot of curved designs, including an arched ceiling in the underground space and a spiral staircase that connects the negative two and negative one floors.
The open-plan design in the transition space breaks away from the traditional enclosed layout and combines the kitchen, dining, and living areas to create a completely open space while using different materials to define the different functional zones.
In summary, the design links light, architecture, and nature, enriches the living experience, and creates a dynamic, free, and artistic space.
项目位置 / Location
关于 about
323 STUDIO|创始人
赵非女士毕业于西安美术学院,后游学欧洲、日本等国。于 2020 年创办 323 STUDIO。设计师在尊重项目原有特性、在地性的同时,做出与之对话的回应。设计师用建筑思维带入室内设计中,把纯粹的空间美带给更多人。
323 STUDIO 旨在帮助拥有前瞻性视野,想要做出实验性改变、重塑生活环境的客户群体,并提供专业的技术指导。尊重项目的原有特性、在地性,做出与之对话的回应。寻找纯粹精简的设计语言,致力于打造每个项目的专属特性。坚持创新、技术并行的设计模式。
323 STUDIO|Founder
After graduation from Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts, Ms. Zhao Fei has traveled to Europe and Japan, and founded 323 STUDIO in 2020, where the designer responds in dialogue with the project while respecting its originality and locality. The designer brings architectural thinking into interior design, bringing the pure beauty of space to more people.
323 STUDIO aims to help a group of clients with a forward-looking vision who want to make experimental changes and reshape their living environment, and to provide professional technical guidance. We respect the originality of the project, its local character, and respond in dialogue with it. We search for a pure and streamlined design language and are committed to creating the unique characteristics of each project. We adhere to a design model of innovation and technology paralleled.