知末案例   /   商业空间   /   摄影店   /   武汉品承空间设计

Sensu photo森溯摄影丨武汉品承空间设计有限公司

2022/08/23 14:27:49
项目名称| Sensu photo森 溯 摄 影
Projectname| Sen back to photography
项目面积| 约 500m²
Area| about500m²
项目风格| 纯白极简风
Projectstyle| Pure white minimalism
全案设计| 武汉品承空间设计有限公司
Gallerys| Wuhanpinchengspacedesignco.LTD
设计主材| 微水泥、不锈钢、艺术漆、水磨石
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Photography itself is life. No matter what your original intention is to pick up the camera, in the end, what can keep us shooting enthusiasm in the long years is this ordinary day. This project is a photography base and an afternoon tea shop that has become a popular online presence.
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Photography, the life of the fleeting beauty into immortal visual images.
Scene, a specific picture of what happens in space. The design needs to combine the relationship between trendy forces and space from different visual angles to create a variety of shooting scenes, so that the photography space becomes a palace of art.
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Ins 极简风的白色为时尚设计理念,挑空高畅的设计为层高,搭配造型感极强的拱形玻璃窗。设计师通过构建不同的形态来打造优雅、高级的摄影空间。
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靠墙定制一排一体式水吧椅作为顾客的等候休息区。A customized row of integrated tables and chairs against the wall serves as a waiting area for customers.
我们通过建筑本身的体量、自然肌理和光影来塑造空间,同时强调物理的比例和视觉的感受,追求极简的几何形体与高品质的材质搭配,摒弃非必要的过度装饰,使建筑、室内、陈设形成有机地整体。We shape the space through the volume, natural texture and light and shadow of the building itself, while emphasizing the physical proportion and visual feeling, pursuing the minimalist geometric shape and high-quality material matching, and abandoning unnecessary excessive decoration, so that the building, interior and furnishings form an organic whole.
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本店位于洞庭街 41 号,曾位属于汉口英租界,洞庭街两侧任保留着不少租界时代的欧式建筑,外观别具特色。店内整体是纯白 ins 风,形成了鲜明的对比。这是一家集咖啡、买手店与一体的摄影基地。The store is located in 41 Dongting Street, once belonged to the Hankou British concession, Dongting Street on both sides of any retain a lot of concession era European architecture, appearance distinctive. The store as a whole is pure white INS wind, forming a sharp contrast. This is a collection of coffee shop, shop and photography base.
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Time is fleeting, images are eternal. The combination of dead trees and white space tone creates a comfortable space atmosphere. Architecture itself is lonely, returning to the truth is what we have been doing in space design.
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Sensu 摄影咖啡,一个藏在摄影棚的咖啡店。
一杯 9R 的拿铁,可以拍一下午的照片,随手拍拍都是满满的高级感。
Sensu Photography Coffee, a coffee shop tucked away on a sound stage.
The cool Korean style design and the wonderful combination of the studio and coffee shop have attracted many Internet celebrities to take photos in the store.
A cup of 9R latte can take photos for an afternoon, which is full of advanced feeling.
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场景设计的都是简约大牌风,整体以白色灰调色调为主,欧美潮牌 INS 风高级感尽显其中。这就是一个搬进摄影棚的咖啡店。The scene design is simple big brand wind, the whole color is mainly white gray tone, European and American fashion brand INS wind senior sense is fully shown. It’s a cafe that moves into a studio.
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A pleasant space, one side exclusive heaven and earth, are seeking the most appropriate expression here.
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日出日落,茶水点心……咖啡区的落地窗,可将青岛路边欧式街景净收眼底。Sunrise and sunset, tea and snacks...Floor-to-ceiling Windows in the coffee area provide a panoramic view of European street scenery along the road in Qingdao.
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暗黑先锋买手店布置在中庭区,有很多小众的设计师品牌。每个品牌都分有不同的区域,风格一目了然。不管是镜子摆放的位置还是衣服的陈列格局,都是琳琅满目,尽显了店主的独特品味。The Diablo Pioneer buyer store is arranged in the atrium area. There are many niche designer brands, and each brand has a different area with a clear style. Whether it is the position of the mirror or the display pattern of clothes, are full of beautiful things to see, highlighting the unique taste of the owner.
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这里是 ins 极简风的拍照圣地,里面有棚,有光,店里的灯光真的是绝绝,极简的白色风格分分钟拍出高级感。Here is the holy land of minimalist INS photography, there is a shed, there is light, the lighting in the store is really absolutely, the minimalist white style sends out a high-level feeling in minutes.
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以无序构建有序,设计师运用水泥砖墙,不规则的间隔,使平淡的空间因在不同曲度间的流转,而变得立体、生动。With disordered build orderly, stylist is applied cement brick wall, irregular intervals, make flat space for the transfer between different curvature, and become stereo, vivid.
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店主不只是想做一个简单的摄影地或者是咖啡店,更想把它变成生活中更日常,更真实的时刻,用摄像收集起来的一个温暖的容器。I don’t just want to be a simple photography studio or cafe, but also want to turn it into a warm container for more daily and real moments in life.
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影棚场景布置整体呈现高级大气简洁,设计是拒绝任何规则与典范的,本质就是不断地超越与探索。简单就是最好的背景,随便一拍都是满满高级范,很出片。The overall layout of the film studio scene presents advanced atmosphere and simplicity. The design rejects any rules and models, and the essence is to constantly transcend and explore. Simple is the best background, any shot is full of advanced fan, very out of the film.
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一整个空间主要以光塑造整个空间关系,强调的是空间的光影变化,内部共有多个摄影空间,通过不同的场景作为链接,让空间保持独有的特征的同时,互相借景。这就是基地的独特之处,吸引了很多网红小姐姐过来打卡拍照。A whole space mainly shapes the whole spatial relationship with light, emphasizing the changes of light and shadow in the space. There are multiple photography Spaces in the space, and different scenes are used as links to keep the unique characteristics of the space while borrowing scenes from each other. This is the unique point of the base, attracting a lot of net red little sister to clock over to take photos.
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ABOUTUS 品承空间设计有限公司 武汉品承空间设计有限公司是一家专业从事住宅平层、洋房别墅、高级会所、房产样板间的室内设计、装饰施工以及整体配饰陈设为一体的设计公司。将“品质是我们的承诺”作为设计理念,以专业的设计水平,独特的个人品味,诚恳的工作态度服务于追求高品质生活空间的客户群体。团队提供室内硬装设计、软装家具饰品整体设计等服务。选择品承,将艺术融入到生活,体验不一样的私宅定制。 M:18908640106 武汉市洪山区三金雄楚天地 1-1413(地铁 2 号线杨家湾站 B 出口)往 期 作 品
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☞ 品承设计|
三江·航天 银湖湾
290 m²
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☞ 品承设计 | 城投瀚城·璞岸 | 现代简约 | 230 m²
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☞品承设计 | 万科·御玺滨江 | 现代简约 | 212 m²
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☞ 品承设计 | 瑞丰国际 | 现代简约 | 178m²
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☞ 品承设计 | | 金色港湾 | | 侘寂风 | | 300m²
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☞品承设计 | 绿地名邸公馆 | 现代简约 | 250m²
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☞品承设计 | 水蓝郡实景 | 580m² 独栋别墅 | 现代简约
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☞品承设计 | 红莲湖度假别墅 | 558m²+花园 280m²
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☞品承设计| |碧桂园别墅 | |欧式轻奢| |264m²+花园 148m²
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品承设计 | | 汤逊湖壹号别墅 | | 新中式 | | 416m²
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☞品承设计 | 水墨清华别墅 | 现代简约 | 514m²
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☞武汉品承设计 | | 世纪江尚 | | 极简轻奢 | | 160m²
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☞武汉品承设计 || 华发中城荟 || 美式轻奢 || 290m²
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以上图片内容皆为武汉品承空间设计原创。以上作品案例,图纸及相关设计版权皆为武汉品空 间设计所有,转载请注明出处。
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