东方舞,俗称“肚皮舞”。阿拉伯文为 Raqs Sharqi。是中东阿拉伯地区的女性舞蹈。起源于上古时期人们对大地、自然力及神祇的崇敬之情,突出地展现了生殖崇拜精神。由吉卜赛人在辗转迁徙的过程中带到南亚、中亚、中东等地,并结合各民族的特色,逐渐形成不同的舞蹈形式。在中东地区,因其来自东方,故名。舞蹈主要以人体腹部、腰部、臀部的各种动作为主,在服饰上裸露出肚皮,用以塑造优雅、性感、柔美的女性之美。19 世纪末传入欧美,后传至世界各地。
▲[设计构思] Design Concept
The plan of the plane function first meets the area of the comprehensive dance room, then comes the space of our front hall, Small Dance Room, office, etc. The main point is that in the design of the line, we combine the Front Hall, the Middle East Drum, the changing room, the photo area and the negotiation area into one big space, which will reduce the fragmented space.
▲[洽谈区]Negotiation area
The discussion area is actually set up to take photos and communicate with our sister. Each wall has its own theme, middle East Drum Wall design used a lot of small arch hole shape increased the display at the same time also enriched the wall design.
Design Concept
前台接待是悬空半椭圆设计,简洁利落,背景用展示柜的形式来做空间延伸和点缀设计,区别于传统 LOGo 墙。
Reception is suspended semi-elliptical design simple and tidy, the background with the form of display cabinets to do space extension and decorative design, different from the traditional LOGo wall.
▲[更衣区]Dressing area
The key point of the design is the connection between the changing area and the front desk, which is equipped with an invisible door into the office. The design and color of the fabric curtain in the changing area correspond to the design of the dress display area. There is a lot of detail in the design, such as the floor of the entrance, the arched portal with the Curtain Curtain Curtain Curtain that only exists in the large stage, and the wardrobe is also designed as a continuous arched portal.
▲[礼服区]Dress area
The dress shows the design of continuous arch hole, the soft bag with mirror reflection and small arc on the back to increase the soft sense of space, the top of the chandelier also gives the space luxurious atmosphere.
▲[舞蹈室]Dance Studio
The comprehensive dance studio uses a large mirror for practical use while expanding the overall space, still using the continuous arch shape of the wall with the top of the star roof, is definitely a good place for the late ladies to punch in and take photos.
▲[舞蹈室]Dance Studio
Small Dance Room a large arc background, corner of the Mirror Wall, interspersed in the space design is also a beautiful space to show.
公司地址:长沙东塘潇湘红影文创园 3-206
手机 /tel:15388051772
周笙笙设计 | 至简家居软装设计中心
周笙笙设计 | 400m²冷酷工业风-约克空调