1737 社会住宅丨西班牙丨HARQUITECTES

2024/03/01 10:34:20
A hybrid structure with screens and concrete slabs separates the dwellings, combined with structural concrete slim pillars that permit short, efficient spans and characterize the space in each room.
▼场地平面,Site plan ©HARQUITECTES
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▼主平面图,Main floor plan ©HARQUITECTES
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▼楼层局部, Floor detail ©HARQUITECTES
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▼剖面1,Section 1 ©HARQUITECTES
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▼剖面2,Section 2 ©HARQUITECTES
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▼气候分析,Climate diagram ©HARQUITECTES
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该项目的构成体量促进了Serra de les Ferreres地区和加泰罗尼亚Gavà的Llobregat农业公园之间形成生态休闲过渡区,设计采用贯穿步道方便人们出入,弥补了纵向流线。开放的综合体内部角落避免了潜在的不安全盲区,错落有致的建筑体量顺应了场地自然坡度。整个停车场位于建筑正下方的地下室,为绿树成荫的花园景观留出空间。仅有通往楼梯的小径设有铺地;其余土地用作排水区,促进水循环并巩固本地灌木、扁桃木、角豆树和橄榄树的生长。树林与植物为混凝土外墙增姿添彩。
▼建筑概览,Overview of the building ©Adrià Goula
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The volumetric organization of this project encourages the biological and recreational continuity between the Serra de les Ferreres zone and the Llobregat Agricultural Park in Gavà, Catalonia, complementing the longitudinal circulation with new transversal links that facilitate access to the block. Opening the interior corners of the complex prevents potentially insecure dead zones, while the staggered buildings adapt to the natural slope of the plot. The entire parking zone is placed in the projection of the building to foster a landscaped garden with leafy trees. Only the paths leading to the stairs receive minimal paving; the rest of the land is used as a drainage area to manage the water cycle and consolidate the growth of native shrubs and almond, carob and olive trees. Wood and vegetation complement the materiality of the concrete outer walls.
▼建筑外观,Appearance of the building ©Adrià Goula
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▼立面局部,Parts of the facade ©Adrià Goula
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As the plot provides good views and pleasant surroundings, an additive system generates the building and intensifies relations between the inhabited spaces and their environs. All rooms face outward, toward the landscape. At the same time, however, these rooms enclose a cloister-like central atrium where the services and circulations are concentrated, giving generous natural light and cross ventilation to all the spaces. The project shapes 3 continuous rings – terrace, program, and circulation – with the compact vertical communication cores placed inside the atrium to serve 4 dwellings per level. This layout yields 136 apartments. The central atrium, a sheltered and slightly tempered space, ventilates the stairwell, nuances the dwellings, and makes the residences more comfortable.
▼立面概览,Overview of the facade ©Adrià Goula
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▼底部空间,Ground level ©Adrià Goula
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▼中庭概览,Atrium ©Adrià Goula
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▼架空空间,Elevating space ©Adrià Goula
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Each apartment is shaped by a series of identical non-hierarchical modules, each 10.6 m2, which can be used as living room, kitchen, or bedroom, with outward-facing transition spaces surrounding each room. Along the outer wall, a continuous 1.5-meter-wide balcony runs toward the atrium while an almost symmetric corridor space acts like a glazed porch and converts bathrooms, storage space, or lounge room annexes. Designed as a denser plinth, the ground floor does not use the atrium directly. More conventional, compact typologies are employed to resolve the vestibules, following the same spatial matrix.
▼室内概览,Overview of the interior ©Adrià Goula
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▼景色宜人,Pleasant views ©Adrià Goula
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▼阳台特写,Close-up of the balcony ©Adrià Goula
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