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2020/12/21 09:38:44
它就是“碧道之环”——茅洲河 4 公里生态修复示范段的重要节点。
Maozhou River, the mother river of Shenzhen, is named because of abundant water and grass, but it is lost in the wave of urban development due to the special history of Shenzhen. Until now, an eye-catching ring, like a white “ring”, has risen from a bend in the middle of the Maozhou River, bringing the historical context back to the public eye and gradually brightening the image of “mother”.
It is the “River Ring”, an important node of the 4km ecological restoration demonstration section of Maozhou River.
▼茅洲河湾上的白色“指环”,The White“Ring”on Maozhou River ©张学涛
The base is located in the north corner of Baoan District between a leisurely landscape, Maozhou River inadvertently bend here, alluvial a wonderful view of the open wetland. How to build naturally by excavating the “logic” of the site and interpreting the implicit vocabulary? Nature is full of infinite freedom, but the answer lies in it. As the architects continued to examine the site again and again, the natural confluence of the three surrounding shallows and Maozhou River emerged — the “natural” growth genes already embedded in the site’s hidden power.地总体区位,Overall location of base ©TJAD
基地与周边自然的关系,The relationship between the base and the surrounding natural ©TJAD
设计生成动图,Design generation logic gif.©TJAD
概念草图,Concept sketch©TJAD
沿着岸线蜿蜒展开 ©章鱼见筑 The subjects of the construction of landscape type along the coastline of winding
航拍总图,Aerial site plan©章鱼见筑
在隐入自然的同时,再植入符号化、几何化的“存在”(一“环”一“球”)为场地注入标识性及永恒感。“环”是轻落丘顶的环形观景平台;“球”是一个可至多容纳 200 人的球幕展厅。
It responds to nature with “implicit nought” and creates existence with “geometric being”. “With and without” is born, seeking the delicate balance created by nature. This is the architect’s deep consideration in the face of “nature”.
The building is developed along the bank in a non-architectural “vanishing” state of landscape, and becomes a triangular “green hill” with a long tail rising to the river according to the contour of the land. It shows the integration of architecture with nature and isolation from the hustle and bustle of the city.
At the same time, the symbolized and geometric “being” (a “ring” and a “ball”) is implanted to inject the identity and sense of eternity into the site. The “ring” is a circular viewing platform that gently falls to the top of the hill; “Ball” is a ball curtain exhibition hall that can accommodate up to 200 people.
▼发散于建筑中的圆形母题,The circular motif divergence in building ©章鱼见筑
▼从城市界面俯瞰“碧道之环”及整个茅洲河湾,Overlooking the“River Ring”and Maozhou River from the urban interface ©章鱼见筑
整个展示馆面积不到 1500㎡,包含了水文教育、市民日常休闲等功能。可谓方寸之间高度聚合。建筑师以较为克制的手法塑造建筑形体,意在将来访者更多聚焦于体验上。故设置了一条张弛有度富于变化的空间序列:入口——前院——旋梯——圆环——展厅——湿地——河流;反之亦然。
The whole exhibition hall covers an area of less than 1500 square meters, and contains functions such as hydrology education and daily leisure of citizens. It can be said that the height of convergence between the inch. The architect used a restrained approach to shape the architectural form, aiming to shift the visitor’s focus more to the experience. Therefore, a space tour sequence with varying degrees of relaxation is set up: entrance — front yard — winding ladder — ring — exhibition hall — wetland — river; And vice versa.
Arc entrance – the "find moon gallery": Semicircle entrance space, tilted arc wall vault out of narrow corridors gleamingly display to internal mystery to the world and the exploratory
▼前广场及潜藏的入口,Front square and hidden entrance ©章鱼见筑
圆形水院——“天空的容器”:穿过入口通廊,建筑师以混凝土质感的 UHPC 塑造了一个圆形前院。这是一处朴素的“物质空间”,黑色镜面水池,灰色墙面,“悬浮”的白色圆环和旋梯,此外再无多余的色彩和装饰。
Circular water Courtyard — ‘The container of the sky’: Through the entrance gallery, the architects created a circular front courtyard with grey concrete texture of UHPC. It is a simple “material space”, with a black mirror pool, grey walls, “floating” white rings and winding stairs, and no extra colour or decoration.
This is the “container of the sky,” with only the courtyard enclosing the dome of the sky and its reflection in the mirrored pool. It is very simple, the movement of white clouds and the spread of light on the wall show the quiet time. It is also extremely complex, in which the rings, ladders and courtyards project a complex and overlapping scene, showing the unpredictable and universal connection of the world.
▼隐藏于狭窄的入口后的圆形前院,Through the narrow entrance corridor in circular front yard ©章鱼见筑
圆形水院、圆环、旋梯交叠形成多重意境的独特场所感 ©章鱼见筑 Circular courtyard, ring, spiral stair tread water form the unique sense of place multiple artistic conception
景观圆环——“天空之环”:顺着螺旋楼梯登上直径 30 米、最大悬挑达 10 米的钢结构白色圆环。视线沿着 360°无遮挡的圆形视界毫无束缚地向外扩散辐射。在晨曦中,在夜幕下,不论是隔岸远眺还是登环俯视,“碧道之环”都恰当地完成了“看或被看”的角色。
Landscape Circle — “Sky Ring”: Follow the spiral staircase up to 30 meters in diameter, the largest cantilever up to 10 meters of steel structure white ring. The line of sight radiates outward unfettered along the 360°unobtrusive circular horizon. In the early morning and at night, whether overlooking the shore or overlooking the ring, “River Ring” has properly completed the role of “see or be seen”.
▼大尺度悬挑的“碧道之环”,Large scale of cantilever of the“River Ring” ©章鱼见筑
▼从环上观赏梯田水景和远眺茅洲河 ©章鱼见筑 From the ring view terrace water landscape and overlooking the Maozhou River
透明大厅——“山水的容器”:展示馆内部 6m 通高的玻璃肋幕墙向水岸打开。建筑师在这里以前后两道玻璃幕墙塑造了双向“透明性”。于前序空间的“隔世感”形成鲜明对比,茅洲河湾的自然景色顺势流淌并充盈整个内部空间。当来者独坐窗前,恍如置身于苍茫湿地之中。水草摇曳,树影婆娑,只需静待落日余晖洒满河岸湿地。
Transparent Hall — “The Container of landscape”Inside the exhibition hall, a 6m high glass ribbed curtain wall opens to the waterfront. The architects created a two-way “transparency” with two glass facades in front and back of the building. In sharp contrast to the “sense of isolation” of the foreword space, the natural scenery of Maozhou River flows along and fills the whole interior space. When the man sits alone by the window, it seems as if he is in the vast wetland. The water grass sway, the tree shadow whirling, just wait for the sunset spread over the river wetland.
▼向水岸打开的透明界面,A transparent interface that opens to the shore ©章鱼见筑
Terrace Waterscape — “Nine Quad Reeds”: With the help of the elevation difference of the embankment in front of the building, the terraced waterscape is created to naturally transition to the riverbank, and the winding path like a nine-curve clover-like corridor allows the viewer to feel the natural magnificence in the moving scenery. Meanwhile, a multi-stage purified ecological wetland system is built. Viewed from the riverside, the whole building “disappears” in the reeds of the wetland, showing the integration and symbiosis of the building and the site.
▼掩映在“梯田水景”中的展示馆,The pavilion is set in a terraced waterscape ©章鱼见筑
▼微光中的“碧道之环”水天一色,The“River Ring”with the same color of water and sky ©章鱼见筑
▼夜幕中静谧的绿丘,Silent green hill in the night ©章鱼见筑
▼夜色中的“碧道之环,Waterfront at night ©章鱼见筑
Through the design strategy of integration in the extension, “River Ring” extends the experience and influence it creates beyond the architectural ontology and integrates into the daily life of citizens. It has become a part of the daily life of the surrounding residents, whether they are gazing into the landscape, strolling in the garden of books or indulging in nature among the terraced fields and waterscapes.
坐拥全景的咖啡书吧,Coffee book bar with panoramic views ©章鱼见筑
▼球幕展厅内部,Inside the ball curtain hall ©罗溪
The” River Ring “as a stereoscopic park, is integrated into the daily life of the surrounding residents, and becomes a necessary place for residents to do morning exercise, run at night, and students to and from school to have a rest. It has also become a hot point for art and photography lovers. It is a hydrological education pavilion, as well as a container for landscape and memory. Through the new buildings, people can trace the past memory of Maozhou River and have a unique experience of water-loving place. Make a person and the resonance of nature can be continued and strengthened in time, space.
Science education will be subtly influenced by integrating it into daily experience, and cultural public construction will be integrated into People’s Daily life with a more humble attitude and more intimate relationship. It will be a new direction for the development of science, education and cultural architecture.
▼碧道之环和梯田水景相得益彰,成为周边市民亲近自然的乐园,A paradise for the people ©罗溪
▼环上凭栏远眺的憧憬少年,The young Looking and longing on the“River Ring” ©罗溪
“碧道之环”为城市边际街区带来新的活力,The“River Ring”bring new vitality to the city’s marginal blocks ©章鱼见筑
▼平面功能分布,Plan ©TJAD
▼剖面图,Section ©TJAD
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