

Just in time for the National Day holidays, Anta unveiled the first flagship store in Shanghai, along the newly refurbished section of East Nanjing Road, one of the most prominent retail pedestrian streets in Shanghai.
Featuring an Olympic theme, the new flagship store adheres to Anta ” Keep Moving” brand concept. The gym inspired and pulsation lighting element creates a very progressive and dynamic retail space. First impression of the shop front communicates a modern high-tech aesthetics while respecting the historical 19th century bund architecture.
Anta’s flagship store is the tenth-generation store design and is a collaborative effort between Anta design team & Gensler, the largest design firm in the world.
▼店铺室内概览,Flagship shore interior view © Gensler
From the main entrance, the customer is greeted with an entrance portal that invites you into the new Anta universe. As the Official Sports Apparel Partner of The Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Beijing 2022, the official composite logo was promptly displayed above the flagship store.
The store concept is designed to support the ‘new health – conscious consumer movement. By combining Gym style with progressive lighting scenes, to create an active sports store environment that can change pace to reflect the latest product displays & campaigns.With Anta’s brand statement “Keep Moving”, attention is brought to the design of the store that allows movement and creates a sense of dynamism and movement.
▼门店立面,store front © Gensler
In line with the Beijing Winter Olympic campaign, the shop window features a dynamic winter sports theme. The window featured a scene of a dynamic winter ski slope, which the illuminated lines referenced the Anta logo. The scene communicates a sense of movement in the three mannequins performing skiing, speed skating, long and short track skating,
On the shop window, there is an emphasis on layers and transparency so that the passing customers will have their sight lines move from window and into the store and within different sections.
▼橱窗中以发光的线条勾勒出充满动感的冬季滑雪道场景 © Gensler The window featured a scene of a dynamic winter ski slope with illuminated lines
为强调“永不止步”的品牌宣言,营造动感活力的购物空间,数字化和照明设计成为整个门店设计的关键所在。Philip Handford表示:“在店内走动时,能不断地感受到高科技风范,这一点在橱窗的动感设计和天花板上也有所体现。”
To re-iterate the “Keep Moving” brand statement, and to create a sense of movement and dynamism, digital and light design is a key consideration to the store design. Philip Handford said, “The progressive lighting design plays a major role in how the customer explores the store, animated lighting scenes change rhythm and focus, to inspire the customer to explore the different store zones.
On the ceiling is a “numeric digits” light fixture which is a new visual vocabulary for Anta. It is inspired by the digital stopwatch seen at sports tournaments and the Olympics games. The pulsating lights aims to communicate a sense of time and movement.
▼数字化和照明设计成为整个门店设计的关键所在 © Gensler digital and light design is a key consideration to the store design
The tenth-generation store design aims to inspire Anta’s core customers, as well as, capturing new audiences in China and overseas. As more and more young people become acquainted with a healthier and active lifestyle, the gym and sports environment become a central part of their life outside of work. To recapture this lifestyle, the “Gym-Tech” is the core concept design is the core brand design pillars. This creates a very immersive experience for customers with visual identity that you could find in the gym and sports clubs.
▼门店设计中融入了健身房和体育俱乐部中常见的视觉元素 © Gensler visual identity that you could find in the gym and sports clubs were integrated to the design
▼陈列架和展示台设计亦从健身房元素中汲取灵感,on the VM racks and display platforms are gym inspired designs © Gensler
“从消费者视角来看,门店设计分为前、中、后三个层次,使他们的目光始终流连于不同的商品之间。”Philip Handford说道。
▼楼梯和陈列空间,staircase & display © Gensler
On the VM racks and display platforms are gym inspired designs such as the pommel horse, weight bars, field tracks, court lines and plyometric boxes. With this visual impact, the Chinese consumers get a sense of familiarity as in the gym and sports stadium. This is extended to the VM displays with rubber gym floor materials and textures. What is also new is the very dynamic typeface seen around the store.
“From the customer’s viewpoint, the store design has layers in the fore, mid and background, so the the eye move from merchandise to merchandise”, said Philip Handford.
KT球鞋是安踏的经典系列,由篮坛巨匠克莱・汤普森(Klay Thompson)代言。Gensler与安踏携手打造惊艳的灯光装置,600多只球鞋均被点亮,展示了安踏历代的KT球鞋。球鞋点亮后组成的图案经过精心编排,不断变换以凸出特定的KT款型,展示活力动感的形态。通过这种简约的美学设计,安踏球鞋的时尚传承转化为真正的艺术作品,与当下更为年轻、时尚的市场产生共鸣。
The KT shoe is Anta’s most iconic product line, representing basketball phenomenon Klay Thompson. Gensler worked with Anta to create an awesome light installation consisting of over 600 illuminated cast resin shoes representing the different generations of KT shoes in Anta’s history. These shoes glow in carefully coordinated patterns, alternating with highlights of specific KT models and vibrant, energetic displays of movement. The simplified aesthetic transforms ANTA shoe heritage into a true piece of art that resonates with a younger, more fashionable market.
▼灯光装置,展示了安踏历代的KT球鞋,light installation, representing the different generations of KT shoes in Anta’s history © Gensler
The concept of the sneaker mezzanine is the core of the design of the flagship: stretching Anta’s signature product category across three floors, generating flow, an exciting invitation to explore the store, and integrating it with the stairs to create a singular experience of movement. The off-kilter angle of all the elements around the sneaker mezzanine and stairs create a huge depth of space, constantly revealing new aspects of the store to discover and explore.
The color palette and design vocabulary extending to the women’s collection on the second floor. As more and more women pursue an active lifestyle in the gyms, the gym environment provides a very immersive experience for the customer. On the third floor is a very lifestyle-oriented environment. Again, for the yoga collections, a yoga gym-inspired immersive experience is recreated.
▼展示运动鞋的夹楼层是旗舰店设计的核心亮点,the concept of the sneaker mezzanine is the core of the design of the flagship © Gensler
There is a degree of localization planned for Anta stores around the nation, and the Easter egg design elements are for the customers to discover.