
2020/09/17 10:31:41
穿城而过的长江、嘉陵江既造就了重庆“山水相依”的独特城市格局和地理景观,也给城市交通带来了诸多不便。在人力、技术和资金相对匮乏的岁月里,车渡成为往返于城市各区重要的车辆交通工具和物质输送通道。然而,近几十年来随着一座座跨江大桥的建立,车渡这一传统交通载体的职能日渐式微,重庆以往运营的 15 个车渡码头已逐渐停运。往返于三胜、水土两地之间的三土渡口成为重庆主城区唯一在航的公益性车渡渡口。
The Yangtze River and Jialing River that pass through the city have not only created Chongqing’s unique urban pattern and landscape of “mountain and river interdependence”, but also brought a lot of inconvenience to urban traffic. In the years when manpower, technology, and funds were relatively scarce, car ferry became an important vehicle and material transportation channel to the city. However, in recent decades, with the establishment of bridges across the river, the function of the car ferry, a traditional transportation carrier, has gradually declined. The 15 the car ferry previously operated in Chongqing have gradually ceased operations. The Santu Ferry, which runs between Sansheng and Shuitu, has become the only public car ferry used in the main urban area of Chongqing.
▼车渡服务站两岸,Both Sides of Chedu Service Station ©刘国畅
▼渡船与码头,Ferry and dock ©刘国畅
位于三土渡口西岸的北碚区施家梁镇三胜村是古时重庆通向合川的要道之一。上世纪 60 年代,随着川仪 17 厂的进驻繁华一时,也因 17 厂的衰落而逐渐沉寂。东岸是北碚区水土镇,清康熙年间设立水土铺,后称水土沱。水土镇曾是工商重镇,有诗“白天千人躬首,夜晚万盏明灯”来形容水土镇的繁华。民国陪都时期中央警卫署落户于此,建国以后水土镇是江北县人民政府驻地。县政府办公楼、人民大礼堂等历史建筑遗址均保留完好。
Sansheng Village, Shijialiang Town, Beibei District, located on the west bank of Santu Ferry Port, was one of the main passes from Chongqing to Hechuan in ancient times. In the 1960s, with the establishment of No. 17 Chuanyi Factory, Santu Ferry became vibrant, and became silent with the decline of Factory No. 17 gradually. The Shuituo Town is on the east bank in Beibei District. During the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, a water and soil shop was set up, which was called Shuitutuo later. Shuitu Town was once an important industrial and commercial town. During the period of the Republic of China, the Central Guard Office settled here. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Shuitu Town was the seat of the People’s Government of Jiangbei County. The office building of the National People’s Congress, the Great Hall of the People and other historical architectural sites are well preserved.
▼施家梁老街鸟瞰,aerial view of Shijialiang Old Street ©刘国畅
▼水土老街,Shuitu Old Street ©田琦
With the completion of the Jialing River Bridge not far away, the last car ferry crossing in the main city of Chongqing may also disappear in the history. However, the ferry terminal is an indispensable part of the historical of the old Chongqing. Although the function of the car ferry as a means of transportation will gradually weaken, the memory of this old city will be left behind, and it will be restored through reasonable functional positioning and industrial planning, to rejuvenating and activating the revival and development of villages and towns along the route, which could be an effective method called “connecting points with lines, and areas with lines”.
▼建筑临江而立,The building stands beside the river ©刘国畅
Once faced with the same dilemma as car ferry, there is another unique means of transportation in Chongqing-the cableway across the river. The river-crossing cableway built and used in the early 1980s was glorious for a while, but also with the rapid changes in the urban traffic pattern of Chongqing, the transport function of the river-crossing cableway gradually weakened. In order to improve this situation, the Chongqing Ropeway Company has transformed the cableway across the river from a single transportation service to a combination of transportation and tourism, making the Yangtze River Ropeway a popular tourist attraction in Chongqing.
▼渡船与车渡服务站,Ferry and car ferry service station ©刘国畅
The Car ferry may be inspired by the transformation of the Yangtze River Cableway. Relying on the experience tourism background of the combat readiness wharf, offer good view of river, and combining the natural and human resources on both sides of the strait, combining this traditional mode of transportation that is facing elimination with the cultural tourism industry can break The existing material space constraints, while retaining the memory of this old city, use its historical, social, cultural and other factors to create a new urban tourist attraction.
服务站后街整体风貌改造,The overall style and appearance of the back street of the service station©悦集建筑
After communicating with the Car Ferry Management Station, we sought to intervene in this transformation process in an architectural way, and decided to build a public space with supporting services for the Santu Wharf, providing a place for cultural display and leisure for citizens and tourists, and solving part of the crew In order to experience the car crossing, the original old Chongqing culture will continue to promote the revival and development of both sides of the strait.
▼夜色下的车渡服务站,Ferry service station under the night ©刘国畅
项目位于嘉陵江西岸的一处由条石垒砌的崖壁之上,地块紧邻经由三胜码头驶上车渡船的施家三胜公路。场地面积只有 150 平方米左右,为满足多种空间复合的多样性需求,我们将建筑依场地形状南北向为长边摆放,东面临江,西面靠山,最终用三个基本长方体块以上下错落叠加的组合方式而矗立于场地中。
▼生成过程动图,Generating process ©悦集建筑
The project is located on a cliff on the west bank of the Jialing River, and the land is close to the Shijia Sansheng Highway that takes the car and ferry via Sansheng Wharf. The site area is only about 150 square meters. In order to meet the diverse needs of multiple spaces, we placed the building on the long side in the north-south direction according to the shape of the site, facing the river on the east and backing on the west, and finally used more than three basic cuboid blocks. It stands on the site in a combination of staggered and superimposed patterns.
▼河岸边的心形巨石,heart- shape rock along river ©刘国畅
The three blocks of different sizes and staggered arrangement in the north-south direction dissolve the tightness of the site. The overhanging volume forms multiple gray spaces, enriching the spatial hierarchy and facade composition.
服务站与远景,Service station and Vision ©刘国畅
The west side of the ground floor block is the main entrance part of the building. The combination of virtual and real breaks the dullness of the space and introduces the flow of people with an open space experience. At the same time, it can reduce the sense of narrow space and enhance the functional and practicality of the building.
▼出挑平台与水土老街对望,Overhanging platform and facing Shuitu Old Street ©刘国畅
一层展厅的砖墙,Brick wall of the first floor exhibition hall ©刘国畅
二层休闲空间,Leisure space on the second floor ©图里摄影
▼船员宿舍走廊斑驳光影,Mottled light and shadow in the crew quarters corridor ©图里摄影
In terms of architectural form, through the analysis of the site texture, we hope that the building can have a morphological correlation with the surrounding old houses, and try to give new techniques to the traditional materials, colors, and forms of mountain buildings, and the staggered sloped roofs Redefine elements such as stilts, stilts, and steps to form a new form of vision and contextual attributes, which integrate the architecture and the environment, echo the coastline of the ferry, stimulate the traditional space vitality of the site, and finally welcome the citizens and the public with an open attitude. Tourists.
▼建筑与江边巨石,The building with rocks along river ©刘国畅 ©田琦
▼剖透视图,sections ©悦集建筑
The roof of the building continues the traditional sloping roof form of the local residential houses, but uses the materials and volumes of modern buildings to reflect the combination of traditional and modern elements. Except for the bathroom, the ground floor is all overhead to form a completely open space, providing a more open space experience for the cultural exhibition space. A protruding sloping roof frame perpendicular to the direction of the river surface is designed at the position directly opposite the entrance to form a frame of view. From the entrance, you can directly face the Jialing River and the distant mountains on the opposite bank. The volume on the second floor has been twisted to obtain a better viewing surface, and the riverside surface is all made of floor-to-ceiling glass windows, which preserves the viewing angle of the river surface to the greatest extent.
▼二层落地玻璃,Floor-to-ceiling glass ©刘国畅
▼二层极佳的观景视野欣赏日出,Enjoy the sunrise with excellent view on the second floor ©图里摄影
▼阳光下的二层座谈区,Discussion area on the second floor under the sun ©图里摄影
三层船员宿舍,Crew quarters ©刘国畅
At the same time, the dislocation of the second-story volume creates a full-height space on the north side of the first floor for use as a stairwell, and an overhanging viewing platform on the south side of the third floor. The stairwell also does not have an enclosure structure to become an open space. This design makes the stairwell also have an open viewing surface, which increases the contrast between the virtual and the reality of the building, making the shape more light, as if floating on the site.
一层交通转换空间,Traffic conversion space on the first floor ©图里摄影
▼融入活动功能的交通空间,Transportation space integrated with activity functions ©图里摄影
The third floor is a relatively pure sloping roof box, echoing the traditional houses in the background.
雾气缭绕中的车渡服务站,The ferry service station in the mist ©刘国畅
▼融于市井,Melt in the market ©田琦
The main structure of the building adopts an all-steel frame structure, the outer protective structure is mainly made of cement fiberboard, and part of the wall adopts a traditional brick wall made of blue bricks. The use of partial brick walls instead of large-area floor-to-ceiling glass windows not only ensures the integrity of the building volume, the hollowed out part also ensures the lighting inside the building, and can form a unique light and shadow effect.
▼清晨的光与影(施工中),Early morning light and shadow (under construction) ©田琦
The overall grayness of the building further dissolves the building relative to the tall scale of the surrounding buildings, and also matches the overall tone of Sansheng Village, making the building stand like a boulder on the riverside, standing low-key by the Jialing River, reflecting its uniqueness The spirit of the place.
▼隔江远眺,Across the river ©刘国畅
为解决条石垒成的将近 11 米的崖壁高差,我们用一座宛如山城步道的折行钢结构楼梯来连接建筑底层和位于江边的室外停车场。作为整个建筑的前景,打破了建筑本身体量的秩序,在拾阶而上的行进中以达到不同的空间体验。
▼钢结构楼梯连接 11 米高差,Steel structure stairs connected by 11 meters height difference ©刘国畅
▼折行向上的钢结构楼梯,Steel structure staircase©刘国畅
▼楼梯细节,Staircase details ©刘国畅
▼钢结构示意图,Schematic diagram of steel structure ©悦集建筑
In order to complete the Car Ferry Service Station and put it into use as soon as possible, the building adopts a fabricated all-steel structure as a whole. While ensuring the construction speed, the exposed black steel structure is coordinated with the gray cement fiber board, reflecting the elements of modern architecture, and the design of the steel structure also reduces the weight of the second-story cantilever structure.
▼晨雾中,In the morning mist ©刘国畅
建筑“一线临江”的地理位置带来了极佳的观景视野的同时我们也在思考可能遇到的极大挑战。为应对 50 年一遇的汛期水位线上涨可能淹没低层这一风险,建筑首层全部架空,在功能上设定为布置较为灵活的展厅,在洪峰过境时方便将室内尽早清空并撤离人员。水泥纤维板以及水磨石地面等材料的选择也是为了被淹没后不至于遭受颠覆性的破坏。
The geographical location of the building “frontier by the river” brings an excellent view of the scenery, and at the same time we are also thinking about the great challenges that may be encountered. In order to deal with the risk that the rising water level during the flood season once in 50 years may inundate the lower floors, the first floor of the building is completely raised and is functionally set as a more flexible exhibition hall. It is convenient to empty the room and evacuate people as soon as possible when the flood peak passes. The choice of materials such as cement fiberboard and terrazzo floor is also to avoid subversive damage after being submerged.
▼底层架空与巨大悬挑,Overhead and huge cantilever ©刘国畅
Using public space as a catalyst and gradually advancing the development of the surrounding areas in a guided rather than dominant manner is a new mode of architecture intervention in rural revitalization. By constructing and improving public spaces and public facilities, improving the living and living standards of rural residents, and guiding the gradual transformation of rural industries and the construction of residential buildings is a long-term strategy for revitalizing rural and remote urban areas.
▼服务站运营后待渡的市民,Citizens waiting to flee after service station operation ©刘国畅
透过砖缝眺望眺望对岸,Looking across the brick cracks and looking across the bank ©刘国畅
After the Sansheng Car Ferry Service Station was completed and put into use, the carrying capacity of the Santu Car Ferry began to pick up gradually, and there was an endless stream of citizens who came to visit the building as a destination on weekends. Relying on this, we have participated in the architectural design of the second phase of the Car Ferry Service Station, and the planning and renovation project of the construction industry along the street in the back street. The model of “connecting with points and connecting with lines” is used to continuously and gradually promote the changes of the village. After completion, it will become a complex public leisure service area with the car ferry culture as the mainstay, allowing the ecological chain of Santu Car Ferry’s own development to be organically continued.
总平面图,site plan ©悦集建筑
一层平面图,first floor plan ©悦集建筑
▼二、三层平面图,second and third floor plan ©悦集建筑
▼墙身大样示意,wall details ©悦集建筑
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