

In 2008, the Fontainebleau local authority launched a competition to redevelop the Faisanderie sports grounds, situated on the edge of the forest of Fontainebleau. This redevelopment includes landscaping and the rebuilding of the stands that existed between the two main sports grounds. The new grandstand, 75m long, would be inserted between two planted mounds. The awning that shelters the seating would be the only structure to rise from the site.
▼项目概览,overall view ©Arnaud Schelstraete
▼剖面图,sections ©Barthélémy Griño Architectes
The base of the grandstand is made up of five lines of terraced seating facing the main football pitch, and a rear terrace that looks out over the second sports ground. Beneath the seating and terrace, the ground floor level incorporates changing rooms, washrooms and storage. This base is made of reinforced concrete left untreated to the exterior, painted or lined inside. The presence of heated and wet rooms underneath the terraced seating required particular solutions to ensure water-tightness and thermal insulation, taking into consideration the weight of spectators overhead. At the centre of the terrace, a partially glazed pavilion accommodates the stairs and lift lobby.
▼5排阶梯式座位朝向主要的足球场, five lines of terraced seating face the main football pitch ©Arnaud Schelstraete
▼座位和平台下方的空间被用作更衣室、洗手间和储物空间,beneath the seating and terrace, the ground floor level incorporates changing rooms, washrooms and storage ©Arnaud Schelstraete
An awning covers the whole of the terrace and the terraced seating. The roof has two slopes converging toward a valley with a central gutter along its entire length. The roof is supported by a system of spreading ‘tree-like’ columns placed every 17m. These comprise three posts, which, above a height of 3m, branch into painted steel tubular bi-articulated links. Each post system is triangulated to give transversal strength, and each gives six points of support to the roof.
▼树状立柱构成了屋顶的支撑系统,the roof is supported by a system of spreading ‘tree-like’ columns ©Arnaud Schelstraete
▼三角形结构保证了足够的横向强度,each post system is triangulated to give transversal strength ©Arnaud Schelstraete
The roof’s structure is in Douglas fir. It is composed of pairs of glulam beams of variable section, linked by thirteen lines of purlins. Longitudinal bracing is provided by the central pavilion. The awning is covered by sheets of corrugated poly- carbonate.
▼平台后方视角,view from the rear side of the terrace ©Arnaud Schelstraete
▼纵向的支撑由中央的长方形体量提供,longitudinal bracing is provided by the central pavilion ©Arnaud Schelstraete
Beneath this cover is a screen made of a dense grid of thick planks of Douglas fir. The screen filters direct sunlight and creates a play of light and reflections on the wood, highlighting the roof line.
▼顶篷和看台细节,roof structure and terraced seating ©Arnaud Schelstraete
▼总平面图,Plan masse ©Barthélémy Griño Architectes
▼项目平面图,Plans ©Barthélémy Griño Architectes
▼屋顶结构细部,Roof detail ©Barthélémy Griño Architectes
Prize:1st Prize, Trophées Bois Ile-de-France, 2017 Year:2016 Client:Ville de Fontainebleau Team: BARTHELEMY GRINO: Representative architect D’ICI LA: Landscape architect T/E/S/S: Structural engineer ALTO: Services engineer EPDC: Roads consultant ALTO: Sustainibility engineer TECHNI’CITE: Coating consultant Mission: Complete services Program: Stadium (900 people capacity) Nature: New construction Cost: 11 M€ HT Area: 4 000 m² Specifications:HQE RT 2005 -30% Label PEQA Wood construction Photographer: Arnaud Schelstraete