

“我们感兴趣的是,那些在上海的街道市集与里弄市场是如何构成独特的自然景观;另外一方面,这些市集轻巧地融入在城市各个角落并提供特定居民日常所需。” ── HAS design and research
“We are interested in how the street market in Shanghai and the Lane Market do form a unique natural landscape; on the other hand, these markets are like an organic situationist space in the city, hiding in every corners and providing the daily needs of specific residents.” ─ HAS design and research
这是一个面积54 m2由明珠美术馆发起的艺术生活实验室,旨在于创造一个无边界的艺术衍生品商店,并在上海最盛大的设计周展出为期三天的实验棚子;同时明珠美术馆作为环保生活的实践者,委托HAS design and research在设计中尽量采用回收材料外,上海设计周之后需被运回美术馆继续使用。
This is an art life laboratory initiated by the Pearl Art Museum with an area of 54 m2. It aims to create a borderless art derivative store and exhibit a three-day experimental shed at the grandest design week in Shanghai. At the same time, the Pearl Art Museum as a practitioner of environmentally friendly living, HAS design and research is entrusted to use recycled materials as much as possible in the design. After Shanghai Design Week, the pavilion needs to be transported back to the museum for continuous usage.
▼明珠之丘主入口鸟瞰,bird’s eye view of the main entrance of the Pearl Art Hills © Jenchieh Hung
▼功能研究图,processing diagram © HAS design and research
Shanghai Design Week can accommodate tens of thousands of visitors every day. In order to emphasize the self-existence of the pavilion, the high walls divided the space to ensure the maximum commercial area. However, in the “Pearl Art Hills”, HAS created the undulating landscape with the enclosed posture, it provided a protection of noise and generated the tranquil atmosphere. The design eventually uses nearly 1,000 recycled old books to build a natural hill (provided by the owner Pearl Art Museum and Xinhua Bookstore). Regarding to the site context with one existing column in the middle of the area, the natural hill helps relaxing the constraint of the two sidewall panels and integrating the existing column into the space.
▼隐藏在山丘中的“厅” ,the hidden VIP space in the hill for privacy conversation © HAS design and research
▼层叠的里弄市集提供另一种空间性,the Lane Market offers another spatial atmosphere © HAS design and research
▼易拆解组装和搬运移动的单元,the assembly units are easy disassemble and handling moving © HAS design and research
In addition, the entire shape is divided into dozens of small units, which are more suitable for transportation and manual assembly in addition to the factory’s conventional production size; and each unit not only has slightly different skin textures, but also in different venue spaces. There are also a variety of combinations available to provide a variety of possibilities.
▼带轮轴可易于移动的便捷性设计,整个形体被切分成数十个小单元,convenient design with wheel axles for flexible movement, the entire shape is divided into dozens of small units © HAS design and research
▼整体平面图,general plan © HAS design and research
▼回收书籍安装平面图,book location plan © HAS design and research
On the other hand, the old books of four sizes are overlaid on the top of the unit, and are covered by three different white matt paints.
▼锯齿状与不同颜色的组合创造出多样化视觉,zigzag orientation and different colors combined created the diverse vision © Jenchieh Hung
▼每本旧书的断面都有着独特质感,each old book with a unique paper texture © Pearl Art Museum
▼卡榫木板与回收旧书的细部图,detail installation of wood panel and recycling old books © HAS design and research
The 8mm wood panels below the books are fixed in the form of cassettes, so these old books can still be removed or reused. This zero waste design is allowed for replacement responding to the future changes later.
▼每个旧书都被固定在可拆卸的卡榫木板上(左),具有高灵活性可拆卸的卡榫木板(右),each old book is fixed to a detachable wood panel (left), removable wood panel with high flexibility (right) © Sam Lee
▼卡榫木板与回收旧书的拆卸组装,demolition assembly of wood panel and recycled old books © Jenchieh Hung
▼上海设计周结束后搬运回明珠美术馆继续使用,after the Shanghai Design Week, the pavilion moves to the Pearl Art Museum © Sam Lee
▼细部设计图,detail Drawing © HAS design and research
项目名称:移动的丘陵──明珠之丘 设计方:HAS design and research 完成年份:2019 设计团队:洪人杰、Kulthida Songkittipakdee、范紫东 项目地址:(上海展览中心)现于上海明珠美术馆 建筑面积:54平方米 业主:明珠美术馆 制作方:ART ZHOU 摄影版权:HAS design and research、Pearl Art Museum、Jenchieh Hung、Sam Lee
Project name: Pearl Art Hills Design: HAS design and research Completion year: 2019 Team: Jenchieh Hung, Kulthida Songkittipakdee, Zidong Fan Project location: (Shanghai Exhibition Center) Now in Pearl Art Museum, Shanghai Gross built area: 54 sq.m. Client: Pearl Art Museum Construction: ART ZHOU Photo credits: HAS design and research, Pearl Art Museum, Jenchieh Hung, Sam Lee