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武汉心流儿童之家 | 释放孩子们天性的素色空间

2019/08/21 17:15:28
心流,心理学名词,是指当人们沉浸在当下着手的某件事或某个目标中时,全神贯注,全情投入并享受其中而体验到的一种精神状态。心理学家米哈里齐克森·米哈里曾描述道:“你感觉自己完完全全在为这件事情本身而努力,就连自身也都因此显得很遥远。时光飞逝,你觉得自己的每一个动作,想法都如行如流水一般发生,发展。你觉得自己全神贯注,所有的能力被发挥到极致。”这亦是客户韩先生对园所孩子们的美好寄托。心流儿童之家坐落于武汉市江夏区藏龙岛武汉研创中心,是一家拥有1500㎡室内空间,650 ㎡庭院空间,以蒙特梭利教学理念为核心的私立园所,与其他充满色彩感的园所不同的是,心流儿童之家是一家以素色为主脉络的儿童学习成长空间,其贯穿建筑的内外,表达空间的精神属性。
▼建筑外观,exterior overview
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Ment Flow, psychological term, refers to the state of mind experienced when one is absorbed, fully engaged, and enjoying something or a goal that one is currently engaged in. Psychologist mihalicheissen mihaly once described: “you feel completely committed to the event itself, which makes you feel distant. Time flies, and you feel your every move and thought flowing and evolving. You feel like you’re focused and all of your abilities are being used to the fullest.” This is also the customer Mr. Han for the children of the park good sustenance. Ment Flow children’s home is located in wuhan jiangxia district wuhan research center, hidden dragon island is a 1500 ㎡ interior space, 650 ㎡ courtyard space, montessori teaching concept as the core of private garden, unlike other garden full of colour, flow is a children’s home is given priority to with plain veins of children learning growth space, its through inside and outside the building, and express the spatial mental properties.
▼建筑外立面及前院,exterior facade and the front yard
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In this white cube box with large volume, light and shadow come through the glass along the wall, wind gently passes through the grass and trees, rain washes along the wall, and birds fly across the sky. In this big box, time seems to stop, stop and feel nature and life. Mowing and transplanting the lawn and trees in the front yard, leaving more space for children to engage in all kinds of intimate activities with nature. The folding door with black frame divides the interior space and courtyard space. Here, there is a definite space scale and time scale. When the weather is fine, the folded folding door blurs the space field. Back yard slide, children’s paradise, barrier-free design can release children’s nature.
▼室内与庭院,interior and the courtyard
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Six arranged and combined super high door arches, black steel plate and original red brick implantation, the poetic performance of tree shadow staged here, profound spiritual attributes of the space. In early childhood environment construction, we also give full consideration to the children’s physiological and psychological characteristics, and try to implement the diversity of space types, can be playful and spirituality, double corridors and stepwise open library are also in the fuzzy space scale, is a quiet place to read, children are the parents Hou Xue wait for place, is the children along the six arched form free shuttle, and trees in the pursuit of light and shadow play the spirit of place.
▼6块排列组合的超高门拱,six arranged and combined super high door arches
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▼双走廊和阶梯式的开放图书室,double corridors and stepwise open library
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内部空间的色彩和材料延续建筑外立面的纯粹感,在灰色的基调上辅以木色色块,中和空间的冷暖对比度。教室内部,学习生活的主环境,繁多种类的教具激发孩子们在智力上无限的可能性,良好的生活习惯培养孩子们更全面的能动性。沿墙矮扶手的设计,提高孩子们在上下楼梯中的安全性。 这个年龄的孩子似乎有着永远也撒不完的野,无止境追逐嬉戏的场景对他们充满着莫大的吸引和诱惑。三楼露台铺设防腐木,圈种了草木,待到草长莺飞的时节,时间会赋予这里更多的可能性。
The color and materials of the interior space continue the pure sense of the building facade, supplemented by wood color blocks on the basis of the gray tone, neutralizing the contrast between the temperature and the temperature of the space. Inside the classroom, the main environment of learning and living, various kinds of teaching AIDS stimulate children’s infinite possibilities in intelligence, and good living habits cultivate children’s more comprehensive initiative. The design of low handrail along the wall improves the safety of children in going up and down stairs. Children at this age seem to have endless wild, endless chase and play scenes for them are full of great attraction and temptation. The third floor of the terrace laid anticorrosive wood, circle planted trees, until the spring season, time will endow here with more possibilities.
▼沿墙矮扶手的设计提高安全性,the low handrail along the wall improves the safety of children
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▼儿童游乐区,children’s play area
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▼活动室看向走廊,view to the corridor
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▼繁多种类的教具激发孩子们在智力上无限的可能性,various kinds of teaching AIDS stimulate children’s infinite possibilities in intelligence
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▼二层教室,classroom on the second floor
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▼首层平面图,1st floor plan
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建设地点:湖北 武汉 设计单位:万物并作设计机构 设计团队:王佳星 建筑面积:1500㎡室内+650㎡庭院 设计时间:2018,10 完工时间:2019.07 摄影:陈铭 主要材料:水泥艺术漆,钢板,红砖,草坪
Location:Wuhan,Hubei Design: WWUD Designer:Jiaxing Wang Built Area: 1500m2 interior+650m2 countryyard Design Period: 2018,10 Completion: 2019.07 Photographer: Min Chen Major Materials: Cement Art Paint, Steel Plate, Red brick, Grass
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